Tinytuttle’s grow chronicles 2021!

As promised! Some fine grade A compost and some EWC for the first tea of the year![grid]



Man, we got a real gully whomper of a rain event starting around 5pm yesterday and went for 12 hours. Oh yeah, with plenty of small hail, too.

I got all plants inside as the rain started. I just figured there would be hail. But damn, it got serious once it got here. Thunderstorms from hell with lots of lightning and torrential rain.

Our lake rose a full 7 feet when I went by this morning. A block or so from me the mud came down and left 3-4 “ of mud and rock. My volunteers look like raggedy Ann.

Someone said we got 3.5 inches but I think more. Very rare around here lately but we got it last night. Glad I decided to get all of the plants inside. But, back out they went this morning. 74ish today, but the wind is raging again today. Otherwise beautiful and it smells so fresh outside. peace


My so called plants from earlier are still under the lights not even outside yet way to cold for the warm annual crops up here anyways may be thinking of mini green house or cage wrapped plants .


Do I go top off compost tea with a gallon of ditch water?
Uploading: AF4F50BE-1287-4D99-A085-CB0A48F43BC1.jpeg…

Ditch water addition
  • Yes
  • No

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Well good it’s settled then under the direction of @Joker
Hope there’s No pathogenic microbes in the ditch water I fished 1 gallon of water from.


Lol! If the water turns out bad let us know. @Tinytuttle your not old man. I bet your still one bad dude! Other then that you have a library of knowledge in your brain on growing great herb!


The compost tea erupted las night guess ol have a clean up job after work!

I was going to take it through the house good thing I opted with a different alternative


OMG wife and I were talking about getting into VINO making cause it’s much easier then beer… got ta thinking ah ya we brewed a mead back when when moved in about year two Later …k I checked this several years ago and thought it taste great… fast forward probably 10-11 years ahead I pulled this out and decided to give a try of this MEAD MADE IN 2010??? 5 gallons tasted great nice honey nose finished a tad in the sweet side but awesome Honey flavors thinking I used d47 cause that was my go to or at least I think it was 10 years ago

Can I get a hell ya !freaking awesome ! Clear as fuck no clarifier or anything

And no air in the airlock for 8+ years? Must had a pretty good CO2 cap on it!


Used the the recently purchased Brix meter to check the brix ( sugar ) in it and it finished 14 Brix so a bit higher then anticipated so maybe be not the yeast I thought I used


Mnnnnkay so I have roughly 5 gallons of mead here and doing a simple calc I need about 25 (750ml) typical wine bottle size dang I need to go checked bottle inventory STAT or go hit up my wino friends for some empties!


Man, that mead looks awesome. Never saw it so clear before. You could probably sell it online to a mead connoisseur. Nobody has the willpower to age a homebrew for 10 years, lol. I looks like a nice Sav. Blanc. Great job. peace


Looks like some great stuff! Prolly last me a week


You will need 30 bottles, depending on how much testing you do before bottling up. Thats amazing it stayed good, the honey is a great preservative and anti bacterial. They have found 2500 year old honey in Egyptian tombs that was perfectly fine, and why they used it for embalming mummies.

Looks really nice :+1:


Hops are going crazy just had to snap one off to show the size of these suckas!

If the time table is similar to last year the hops will start here in the next weeks


Is that a cannabis leaf? Wow! Hops!? Same to make beer with? Same serrated leaves, cousins?


U betcha ya buddy the hop cone smell a lot like great weed when the lupin is ripe!


The vine is well over 12’ now the plant looks to almost hook into the neighbors tree branch!


One plant it’s getting huge!


Why do they call them weed!? That answers it! :thinking: Spreads like wild :fire: :sunglasses:
It kinda reminds me why we’ve always have to keep massive amounts of LITFA around!


My hops are thirsty for some Brew? :flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed:

Free advertising for the brewery! This is what they served for mug club members back in NE!


Which variety of hops is that? Not Cascade because for me they always threw hop cones as they grew taller and then again in the fall. It’s the only variety I know of that does that. I’ll get some for next year. I’m gettin my property in shape finally. I’m biting at the bit to get things to where I can start new stuff. It’s all I can do to keep my weed going while I work on this place. But, I sure sleep good at night! :relieved: