Tinytuttles growing chronicles!

I’m not sure, I’m assuming it’s pretty clay like. Very compact. Okay then I’ll start watering it and maybe take a rake to it now and then. It was originally a vegetable patch for like 60 years before I lived here, It was my Gramps garden spot. He did everything organic and always had a compost. Been just dirt in there for 11 years now. My Dad and I are gonna do some tilling digging and adding some build a soil come fall. Just figured I could get a head start with the filled in holes now.


Ru referring to BAS cover crops if so that’s excellent get it planted with that 12 blend mix get the roots established late this fall and turn it over in the spring once that’s done after that I’d do only light to no tilling at all ,rototillers are in fact a big No-no when building soil they ruin structure damage worm tunnels which in turn don’t allow proper water adsorption. Rototillers actually in fact at the bottom create compaction which is not what we want.

i grow outdoors no test or measure by hand full or sprinkle.


I just had the same discussion with my Dad last night about the rototill. He said no, we have to dig. lol
This year I have been growing outside in pots, but we are going to dig out the outside planters and replace with new soil for growing direct into the ground next year. It’s a huge patch of dirt and such out there. So, I am gonna work on it bit by bit. Eventually, I will have a big garden out there for all sorts of things again. I’m trying to learn as much as I can about organics not really because I am a hippie, but more because I love the idea of using the earth to grow things from the earth. I admit, I read a lot of grow logs on here and enjoy them, but a lot of the indoor grows with lights and chemicals etc, just don’t thrill me like watching any of you organic gardeners grow things. Something about really digging my hands into the dirt thrills me. I want to be like my Gramps and look at a plant and know what item from the earth it needs just by looking. So slowly but surely I will learn. :relaxed: :evergreen_tree:


I hear ya @meesh in my case I just think it’s more satisfying to make changes to lifeless “dirt” and change it to life giving soil! Initially digging is ok to get the organic matter in there to start the process much quicker but say 2 years from now or less even digging deep is not needed. It’s the whole no-till concept having a good well balanced fungi based soil is the ultimate! A lot of people don’t know how import fungi play in the whole soil building process ! Read the book Teaming with Microbes by Jeff Lowenfels that book alone changed my ways of gardening a complete 180 Also watch U tube videos regarding Dr. Elaine Ingham there are quite a few very eye opening!


Here’s a little more for ya to chew on @Meesh!



The clones I took back in July are chugging along repotted 6 today to get there roots a little more room to expand had to hit them a couple of times with safer soap to rid 1 plant of aphids! Yup one time out in the sun and they got them only really saw it on one plant but sprayed them all as a prophylaxis. Glad I took these awhile back cause my last plant to show sex last night was a male!:frowning:



Trying a different technique outside scrog ! Placed this dog pin panel on and started the weaving process !

Need to keep this unruly bitch under control!Lol





Will be slinging some Jiz (male pollen)at these ladies in a couple of weeks and may be hit my outdoor one on a branch or so!


So today is the first day I’v used comfrey on a larger scale , going to chop some of these beauties up for a great nutrient boost to use on the girls!

Don’t the color of these leaves just scream " IM FULL OF NUTRIENTS"!


Two plants ready for the chop!


While we’re at it let’s go ahead and make a secondary bucket for tea purposes! This will be watered in on the cannabis, veggies, annual petunias, and the lawn!


Mmmmm mmmm good well just got done aerating my comfrey tea for approximately 2 days and strained and got about 3 gallon . Used some in my dilution sprayer for the lawn, Perennials, annuals and cannabis! I put that SHIT on everything! LOL


I’m going to do a @MomOnTheRun technique of a second running of comfrey tea this time going to get the rocket stove out and boil up the rest of the dredges !


Nice going my man, way to recycle OVERGROW status :+1:


Is Comfrey a veggie, a weed?? What is it? So far it seems like something beneficial I should grow in my garden. How do I find one?

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@Meesh Comfrey is a biodynamic accumulator (ornamental plant) foliage brings up minerals, nutrients from a deep root system and stored in its leaves … once established there no removing it from my understanding they put down roots that compete with most trees as far as depth concerned perfect c/n ratio for composting as well!