Here’s a little more for ya to chew on @Meesh!
The clones I took back in July are chugging along repotted 6 today to get there roots a little more room to expand had to hit them a couple of times with safer soap to rid 1 plant of aphids! Yup one time out in the sun and they got them only really saw it on one plant but sprayed them all as a prophylaxis. Glad I took these awhile back cause my last plant to show sex last night was a male!
Trying a different technique outside scrog ! Placed this dog pin panel on and started the weaving process !
Need to keep this unruly bitch under control!Lol
yWill be slinging some Jiz (male pollen)at these ladies in a couple of weeks and may be hit my outdoor one on a branch or so!
So today is the first day I’v used comfrey on a larger scale , going to chop some of these beauties up for a great nutrient boost to use on the girls!
Don’t the color of these leaves just scream " IM FULL OF NUTRIENTS"!
While we’re at it let’s go ahead and make a secondary bucket for tea purposes! This will be watered in on the cannabis, veggies, annual petunias, and the lawn!
Mmmmm mmmm good well just got done aerating my comfrey tea for approximately 2 days and strained and got about 3 gallon . Used some in my dilution sprayer for the lawn, Perennials, annuals and cannabis! I put that SHIT on everything! LOL
I’m going to do a @MomOnTheRun technique of a second running of comfrey tea this time going to get the rocket stove out and boil up the rest of the dredges !
Nice going my man, way to recycle OVERGROW status
Is Comfrey a veggie, a weed?? What is it? So far it seems like something beneficial I should grow in my garden. How do I find one?
@Meesh Comfrey is a biodynamic accumulator (ornamental plant) foliage brings up minerals, nutrients from a deep root system and stored in its leaves … once established there no removing it from my understanding they put down roots that compete with most trees as far as depth concerned perfect c/n ratio for composting as well!
Some specialty garden centers carry starts after the first year pieces cut be cut from root stock and easyly propagated
Bocking 14 is the sterile one where it won’t reseed and take over an area
2-3 clippings can be taking from the plant each year
Was going to ask about starts or seeds… have looked and not seen any so far…
Comfrey has many healing uses but ALL EXTERNAL - guess a few years ago they
started discouraging internal use and consumption of comfrey such as teas.
The active ingredient Allantoin is used for accelerated new GOOD cell growth
and has been documented against tumors and skin cancers. But the composters
are the ones that like it most as it boost their compost pile into overdrive.
I have seen small plants in nursery’s here and there how I obtained my was from a friend that I got some root stock, seeds may be found in special seed areas of nursery’s but can’t recall seeing any doesn’t mean they don’t exist I’m just unaware
I found this site… Buy Live Comfrey Root Cuttings to Grow. Organic.