TK x TK x Iraqi Ranya F2 project

okay so I have 9 TK x TK x Iraqi ranya regular beans… if I did an open pollination would it be possible to basically work the line towards the Iraqi or would trying to do that be a waste of time basically?


You have 9x TK BX1 beans ala Iraqi Ranya :heart_eyes: and you wanna work it towards the Ranya?

It’ll probably be pretty buried unless the male was Ranya leaning :thinking: That said, back crossing creates segregations in the line. You likely won’t find straight TK either.

My best bet would be to find a pair or more that look/smell like the ranya and f2 them. Probably find it in those f2s.

Can do open pollination but imo that is just gonna jumble up all the genetics. So you will likely need more f2s to find it than if you bred with just the plants that most resembled/smelled like the Ranya. If you only end up with one female or one male that resembles it, then just gotta do what you can, but ideally… Also since only starting with 9 beans… not a bad idea ^^


Yeah I’d like to experience the Iraqi but there doesn’t seem to be a way to do that as far as I can see. Tryin to work with what I got.

But thanks for the info, so basically open pollination could make the search in the f2’s a lot more lengthy…

Not sure I have the skills to determine if any males are more Iraqi leaning.

But yeah, not to say I don’t want TK, just really want to play with Iraqi; everything I’ve seen/read about it sounds so good… and the beans were a random freebie from a few years ago so don’t want them to get old and not germinate.


Yeah definitely more lengthy depending on the selection. You might get lucky right off though.

And worst case, even if you do the open pollination as planned, you should at least have a bunch of beans to look through to find what you’re looking for :wink:


I think open pollination vs selection really depends on what the goal is. I tend to agree with @HolyAngel and for your stated purposes selection may be best BUT what if you don’t get the pheno’s you are looking for? Then you are kind of stuck. I think your path really depends on how many seeds you have to start with. I’d probably open pollinate the seeds you have while ALSO taking cuts of each plant. That way you have more seeds and if you find the desired pheno’s you can breed those on the next round to narrow things down without having to sift through the F2 OPs you made. I think this hedges your bets the best and is my plan for the @JAWS FP OG IC1 run I have planned.


From your 30% iraqi point, it mean that you will bred pure recessive anyway. You need a bunch of seeds first, the time to kick the ass of the TK.

Just like HA said, optimizing directly the pairings you’re doing to bend it more in your side. Then being stubborn enough to let come what you’re hunting.


Are you saying take clones of the males too?

Yes. All of them so while you do the open pollination run you can narrow down what exact plants you want to cross.


find the most ranya leaning and cross it to the most TK leaning.
the math then gives you 50% ranya/tk , 25% ranya , 25% TK
from there you can continue further coaxing of the ranya traits though you may not ever isolate it completely.
An open pollination will give you a large seed increase to preserve the line but it will take a long time to go thru all the seeds find the pairings you want. Which are the most TK leaning and the most ranya leaning males and females of both to form an A and B line to see dominance. example being ranya leaning female x tk leaning male for line A and line B is just the opposite.
Do the punnet square and you will see.


well, here are the plants… i discarded anything that looked “TK-ish” to me and got 3 nice looking females and 1 male. Oddly enough the male is the short squat one in the middle right.

I’m also wondering if the TK cut used in the back cross was actually the true TK. Been seeing a lot of skepticism on legitimacy of some TK cuts being passed around these days so… who knows? This back cross was done by Manifest Destiny Seeds if anyone knows anything.



Need more pics of that short king, I think you mighta found Gilgamesh…

A close up look at the veins on that chodic mitt of a fan leaf would be awesome if you remember next time :slight_smile: Good luck with this, tuned in and excited!


Here is a fan leaf of the male… 10 fingers lol this line seems to really like cal/mag. I usually don’t have to add any to my rainwater but this line gets deficient very fast. My hope is that this male passes on squat afghani type effects. I realize this is nowhere near good breeding practices, but it’s just for fun…


Gorgeous, yeah she can eat but also some of that discoloration at the margins looks like resin production. I dug out the notes, I had five females, two stretched 1.0 and were excellent, 5 bladed and I believe most TK leaning (I’ve only grown crosses), one 0.5 stretch vigorous branchy lady that started strong but unfortunately lacked her sisters frost and potency, and two squat girls that really didn’t stretch at all, they just reached for the sky with their sugary goodness. One had a bit of gas and some citrus present as did the 3 taller girls. The other had none, only woody scents of pine cedar and balsam backed with a soft and fresh earthiness. Her sandy dry heads sugared up right on the parchment if you pressed her flower, and I eventually started sometimes skipping the ice water entirely with her to get a fuller spectrum, it was that good. Here’s a pic of ole sandy, check that fan on the left, looks super similar to me…


I think I found the “TK leaner” :joy:

The male looks totally different


lol wow the 1 looks like a really nice plant, I know it’s not what you were looking for but damn! Good call with the bamboo haha. Now I’m kinda curious about the ones that got culled. But look at her eying that Sumerian king over there in the corner all cool like Fonzy I can practically smell soaked pistils. Fun fun along we go thanks for the update!


I’d agree with your assessment ^^
The girl has the internode spacing and kinda wavy branch traits the TK carries. Whereas that male has to be mostly Ranya :wink:


they had lots of internodal spacing, and zero side branching. i culled because they were very finicky and displayed some weird behavior like one twisted its large fans in weird positions like it didnt like light or something. one had a “variegated” looking leaf but the variegated part of the leaf starting crisping and browning. just not plants id really like to bother with in general haha

these plants here seemed fine in sub optimal conditions which are traits i enjoy… lol


7 days from flip and the boy is already throwing pollen. Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing but he’s been removed from the tent to another room and he will be getting window light until the females are ready to get pollinated…


“TK leaner” already throwing intersex in two locations that I can see at the moment… hmm.


Well that’s disappointing, all my IT girls were stable though I did get some seeds from a run of the keeper that I’m not really sure what happened, prob just didn’t clean well. Uhh so 2 ladies left? Gonna see it thru? That male is still so very nice, I hope so.

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