To be clear:

Wow :ok_hand: nice man! It’s an absolute stunner! Be so cool if it was a genetic thing that would carry through, I’d love some purple sour Bubble! But to be honest I’d just love sour Bubble full stop :laughing: I can’t wait for the co op box later on, the wait is going to be so worth it! :raised_hands: keep putting up that fire legend :fire:


Cannabis legislation activism in countries other than the USA involves none of what you said is allowed to be talked about and in non legal places would involve wider politics and discussion of political parties .


images (1)

Also get that I don’t really care, the point is: No Political Discourse On OG…

Honestly I’d do the same for a Brexit discussion or someone talking about the war in Ukraine.

I don’t care here. This is a grow forum. Move along.

After over 12hrs of talking about this I’m starting to lose my patience a bit.

Figure it out or don’t be surprised when your shitposts disappear. It’s pretty simple


:100: :clap:


Just don’t cancel the completely unrelated fishing thread, even though its full of baiting and fighting too…


Fortunately for us and the fishing and hunting threads, non political lol


Is that really a reply to me ? . Not caring is not something I expected to see from a mod . Over the last 20 years I have had to import or grow weed to help keep my daughter alive , all illegally and not without consequence .Only lately has this pressure been taken off me by the new medical cannabis in the UK and still this progress can disappear overnight . If they were to come for us again I would hope to be able to discuss and plan here .


Perhaps a related cannabis friendly site with politics money and religion talk OLDERGROW 1.0 ??? We can send royalties for using your popularity and website etc. LOL

Don’t get me wrong… I care.

Just not here because it isn’t the place… There are many other places to take political discussion that aren’t here.

I feel for you, I really do but politics have not true place here. Many other places to motherfuck “the man” that makes everything so hard.

I’m not about to say canna politics are fine and then having people argue about certain things people said and yada yada…

Some people are in incredible situations and should never be asked to carry such a heavy burden as you have and I’m sorry for that.


I love debating politics, because I’m always right… :confused:

But, when I try and mix that with other social interests, like loving and growing cannabis, I tend to lose friends.

Let’s celebrate what we all have in common, weed! Maybe we’ll show the rest of the world that there can always be something we have in common, and love together, at the same time.

Once we learn to share our commonalities with each other, maybe we can soften our differences and realize how much we have to offer each other as friends and neighbors.

Lots of our differences are told to us by others who have a vested interest in bringing fear to the constituents, with promises of them finding a way of fixing all the scary stuff they have told you that’s going on around you.

We’ve been told for decades that pot is a Schedule 1 Narcotic and will ravage the entire population if left unchecked. People will tell you anything, if it furthers their agenda. Let’s stick to our universal agenda; to look out and care for our neighbors as we would want to be cared for. Use pot for good, too. It’s always brought us together. peace

(disclaimer: I have been smoking marijuana and thinking peaceful thoughts, lots of marijuana…)


Beautifuly said @GMan :v:


haha couldn’t agree more. id hate to see a forum as beautiful and as welcoming as this one, torn apart by the ugliness of politics.


It is very ugly :-/


Geeze, active you say ?

I’ll be lucky to dress myself today . Lol

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Well I’m voting Sativa this year damn it!!
Those damn slow working Indica’s JUST PISS ME OFF!


I’m into hybrids, can’t we all just get along?

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excitado|nullxnull Saitvas? no|nullxnull Indicas all the way zz|nullxnull, also more noob compliant … embaressed_smile|nullxnull


So glad I missed all the fuss :sweat_smile:



What a beautiful plant :+1:


Thank you :slight_smile: It was a pleasure to grow.

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