To flush or not to flush, that is the question (Poll)

LOL… Here’s why…

I’m with you so far!

Wellll that’s subjective and can’t be quantified…

Preservation? So you need to quantify a starting point and then measure how much was lost… impossible today, and near-impossible for many moons without machine learning to help. I’m just not kidding!

Subjective, but easier to see a groundswell of opinion. What do you mean smooth? What if smooth = less effect? What if coughing increases the high? Does it not? Where’s the study?

And here’s the best part. YOU can run clones side by side and test this. But you won’t and I won’t and it’s almost like noone will without a research grant or exogenous motivator.



Have you done this before though?

I wouldn’t call it flushing. Not really up on the full term flushing :100:. Some believe that you should flood your plants with chemicals for cleaning your plants out. Sometimes I feed to the end. It does take longer to cure. I add a flushing agent to free up salts. The last few feedings I try and just give water. If I have the hot enough I try and get the green out.


I see, opinions make It where we disagree on opinions… not facts

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From my understanding most flushing agents are just some magnesium solution at a certain percent… at a certain ph (lower)

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I have flushed and not flushed and I no longer bother to flush.


Right on… I won’t be curing like most… I’ll be doing it in a cannatrol… so maybe the extra cure isn’t an issue for someone like me… this machine is killer friends!! I see why now it remains an argument… too many opinionated variables… but… it seems like there is a need for flushing when it comes to speed of curing… that is a preference thing… so in the end… I’d say flushing is better if you want to cure faster… or maybe pointless if you have the time or a cure machine like I do… maybe people allowing their plants to fade by feeding low enough still is the same as flushing? Maybe this is where things get confused as a not necessary thing… yet it may be? Thoughts??

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I do it every few weeks. Sledgehammer from fox farm. Has kelp in it also. I’m like everyone else. I doesn’t matter to me. The last few weeks if I can just give base nutrition. Light as possible. But it never works that way.


Well I don’t know about that.

I almost never touch a harvest until it’s been in jars for 3 months.

The only reason I can think of to flush off the top of my head is to save 38 cents on fertilizer.

Plants in nature don’t get flushed.


But here’s the thing… plants in nature don’t get a full nute regimen either… I’m not trying to disagree… just saying… wouldn’t that make a difference?


I agree with the cure time. Longer is better.


I understand what your saying. But in nature they wouldn’t be receiving these extra nutritions.

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I plan in curing ridiculously long… just because I believe it truly matters… the longer the better imo

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I actually do it pretty fast. It does create a problem.

Plants in good soil in nature get a good feeding regimen.

Seriously though, there are lots of things I used to do that I don’t do anymore. Flushing is one of them.


I find 6-18 months to be the sweet spot.


I agree with what you’re saying, same here. I have some other products that talk about cleaning valves and hoses. I really wouldn’t want to flush my stuff out with that.


Oh bro… I’m not questioning your intelligence at all… believe me on that!!! I’m just trying to understand this at a higher level. The only way is to ask the community and see what the thoughts are on it… may stay divided I’m guessing lol… but I’m leaning toward a lower feed causing fade and no flush is more worry free and easier less time consuming etc…

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Good topic. Peace


Man I’d love to try a bowl of your smoke cured that long buddy!!