To flush or not to flush, that is the question (Poll)

Lol. Yup.

Dealers choice no sense trying to find a consensus. But I’m right and everyone else is wrong :joy:


He likes the taste. We have talked about this before. Others will tell you the same. Age is better. I like mine dry. But I also like the green bud. Very fresh. Green hit’s.


At 6 months the change is amazing. I just pulled a jar that smells like roses in an old church. Didn’t smell like that going into the jar.


Oh man that’s nice!!! I have to say my jealously is growing!!!

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If you can keep them around long enough they keep changing. It’s really quite amazing.

I made some hash with 3 year old buds too that was fantastic even though the buds were a little past their prime.

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Oh wow I did NOT know things keep changing over time… I thought once a flavor or terp has been established during a curing it will remain unchanged unless dried out etc…old… that’s super cool!! I may have to slowly smoke during the cure to see which flavor I want to stop on then hahaha!! Thanks for that @Foreigner

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Hey cheers man.

I’m fortunate in that I have many jars and a long term supply so I can wait and am in no hurry.

But seriously, if it’s well grown and cured let it age. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.


I sure will!!! Thanks man… I’m stoked to try this!! Cheers!!!

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I do cut back on feeding but not a total flush so to say.
I’ve tried the flora clean and still have almost all of the 3 gallon jug left . Don’t believe it’s necessary or actually makes a difference.

I prefer to have the plants in fall colours if possible but not a necessity.

Regarding proper dry down and long cure 1000% agree on that one.


Right on man… thanks @ShiskaberrySavior … this is what I’m seeing from most… i’m inclined to agree at this point

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Look at what gets posted by the landrace crews. The real guys in Afghanistan, etc. Soil? What soil? Rocks and dirt.
Just an observation.

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I bet you they don’t flush either.


From my angle they’re lucky water absorbs at all! Been following a guy on Insta using micronized nutrients with great results in poor soil, making all kinds of stuff pop.

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I helped a friend of mine grow this year, and he fed (sometimes twice a week) all the way until the last week before harvest, and the smoke isn’t harsh at all. Its seems like flushing isn’t really necessary, but is part of the ritual for many growers. I don’t mean to denigrate those who do; if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Don’t change anything if your grow is doing well.


Same here. Plant has what it needs pretty much. For me it is just to cut back on how much nutes are costing me and what I am getting out of it.



Same here; I flush and allow a dry back at week 4. Every Greenhouse seeds grow video suggests this and it is a well know fact that OG kushes like their roots flushed often.


I’m not sure about this. I’ve grown them and never flushed them.

This is true. But plants in nature also don’t get fed teas every watering, supplements every other week, their soil amended between grows… :man_shrugging: I have smoked soil grown weed that absolutely sucked :sweat_smile: one of my buddies went soil and it took him a while before he had a good crop because he overfed them to the point of ruin.

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I agree that overfeeding is drilled into us as some weird mantra.

But I don’t use any fancy teas or supplements as you mention.

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I am speaking in general terms, this conversation is not just about you and your grow, bud…this is a thread exposing individual observations which others will read and use to make their own educated choices. :v:

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