Today I Am Grateful For

I second that @CARE_giver. Every day is a bonus from here

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Life in general.


Iā€™ve had my moments these past couple of days I believe itā€™s because of the surgery I had that stuff messes with your head so bad. But I feel grateful today.


Grateful to have 24 clones/cuttings, 4 mother plants & a small fig tree under my under cabinet LED light and thrivingā€¦you donā€™t need to dedicate a large area for vegging folksā€¦this on my kitchen counter.


Today I am grateful for dried figs and why havenā€™t I grown a fig tree yet!!?

So delicious with little cheese cubes.
Alternating between a fig and a piece of cheese, as a snack.
Highly recommended.


I have frozen figs from last years bumper cropā€¦I freeze mine so it can last me till the next year, which is this yearā€¦


Today I am grateful for the stars, the full moon, how awesome it illuminated the neighbourā€™s roof.
From the core of the Earth, to the Galactic Core, I love you all.
I donā€™t care who you are and what youā€™ve done. Weā€™re all kids in bigger bodies.
We can turn this planet into a paradise, and it starts in our own hearts and gardens.


I eat them and dates. They give you gas. The dryer figs are amazing. I get the ones with sugar in them. I like the yellow ones also.

Lol. Get it going man. Nice

Very easy and simpleā€¦I had this in my cheapo cloner, took the cutting from my outside fig tree last fall before the freezeā€¦hereā€™s a before and afterā€¦just took the 2 pix just now bromigoā€¦


My family had fig trees when I was a kid.

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They donā€™t give me gas at all!

Today I am grateful for being able to buy psilocybin truffle microdosing packs from The Netherlands.


Another chance


Iā€™m grateful to Elon Musk and Starlink for supplying me with unlimited internet.

And my beautiful friends and family and my plants :rofl:


Today I went for a walk, the first time in over 3 months.
The sun beaming upon my head, hotter than expected, blue sky, stopped to smell a buxus flower, what a delight! I am grateful to be able to walk this planet and actually enjoy it.


Today Iā€™m very thankful for the friends Iā€™ve made here and will strive to continue to make as we all rotate together on the planet.

Iā€™m also very grateful for the networking and connections Iā€™ve made this past year irl to help me deal with severe grief. Iā€™m absolutely sure Iā€™d be voluntarily signing myself into a psychiatric ward, were it not for them! :slightly_smiling_face:

Many blessings everyone. :pray:t2:


Iā€™m grateful for being able to grow my own herb.


Iā€™m grateful for this community and the wealth of knowledge and love that is shared here.


Today Iā€™m grateful that I managed to finally move a little shamrock covered lamp, that I inherited from grandmotherā€¦right beside my bed.

The matching one is stationed all the way across the room and theyā€™re such a lovely little set, they should be in the same room.

My OCD kicking I guess. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Also, as an added bonus I donā€™t have to get out of bed to turn out the lights now :relaxed: and for a woman with a reeeaaaallllyyyyy sore low back, thatā€™s a :prayer_beads: blessing all on its own.

There you go @Rogue :hugs:


I am kindly requesting photographic evidence.

Visions of living shamrock, growing all over a lampshade emergeā€¦

Gotta love a good lamp! Makes all the difference in a room. @KanehB :smile:

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