Today I Am Grateful For

Alexa could be your best friend. She does all this stuff for me.

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Unfortunately, I have a partner who is 17yrs my Sr., unwilling to learn and a huge ā€œTechno Phobeā€! :pensive:
Until I have a place of my own, two lamps is way easier, for peace of my mind :crazy_face: mostly.

Thank you for the suggestion though. :relieved:

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In truth Mrs Foreigner is the one who knows how to work it. I just know how to use it :rofl:

It is very convenient though.

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Alexa is a major creeperšŸ˜’

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Today I am grateful for new insight and discovering all kinds of interesting things.
Grateful to be in a well insulated house while having stormy weather.
Grateful for the abundance of good music in this world.
Grateful for butts too.


I know. When Iā€™m plotting the revolution I unplug her.


Canadian revolution? Giving up ice hockey and maple syrup? How dare you!


I was thinking ā€œplotting the revolutionā€ was a new code for sexy timesšŸ¤£


Iā€™m just kidding of course. Although there had been some pretty serious civil unrest up here.

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Today Iā€™m super grateful I didnā€™t choke on one of the horse sized pills I take and need to have my partner/roommate do the Heimlich maneuver, last night when I took my medicationā€™s! :cold_sweat:

All it took was a few bites of a soft muffin and that managed to ā€œforceā€ it down! :disappointed_relieved:

Iā€™m also grateful, I have a place I can pass out when my adrenaline is running so high! :sweat:

Iā€™m still feeling ā€œout of sortsā€, Iā€™m very nervous about taking my meds this morning and my throat hurts something fierce! :pensive:


Honey helps me. I do hope you feel better. Iā€™ve been having problems myself. Just keep growing on!!!

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My trick is to make sure my tongue is wet while swallowing pills. Not sure why but it really helps.


These ones are super light, so it would almost be easier if I was standing on my head! :rofl:

I canā€™t stand having to take them! No pun intended! :stuck_out_tongue:

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I once had an antibiotic get stuck in my throat and it dissolved there and left me with a very uncomfortable scratchy patch on my interior.


Every day I am grateful for my little shack on a hill. Today I am grateful for B.B Muffin pollen


Oh I canā€™t even IMAGINE! :anguished:

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Yeah, it was gross and uncomfortable.

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Giving these moms a haircut even though I donā€™t need anymore clonesā€¦


Wow! :star_struck:
Very Nice! Good job! :+1:t2:

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Wild addiction isnā€™t it? Growing plants. :seedling:šŸŖ“

I donā€™t know what Iā€™d do without them!