Today I Am Grateful For

Today I am grateful for fresh mango and soursop. Today I am thankful for living on a property with food even if it’s just a rental.


What a fantastic fuckin thread! It just happens that yesterday and today I have taken my annual leap into the dark pit that is depression. It’s a funk I don’t get often and it’s a hard dive to pull out of. So thank you thank you thank you for this great fuckin thread! :pray::zipper_mouth_face::cowboy_hat_face:


I’m grateful that I have food to eat, weed to smoke, clothes to wear and friends that I apparently need more than I realize. And the hope of a new tomorrow.




Hey I deal with depression too, I was diagnosed with persistent depression syndrome when I was 14. I hope your days get better. Please reach out whenever.


Thank you brother. I’m going to be 70 years old this year. The realization that the road in front of me is so much shorter than the road behind is fuckin’ with me a little bit too. Thanks again @Sodapop.



Today I am Thankful for my family, cats, this forum, and my brother from another after having a C&P for mental health with the VA. Oh, and hot showers, the cleansing power of tears, and ice cream. Not necessarily in that order.



bruh hot showers… you hit the nail on the head for me. family and friends for sure too but damn garage remodel is going hard for the grow right now so I’ve had the water heater disconnected for the last week. I appreciate the hell out of my water heater now! lol good lives we are living and loving friends!


Lol, yeah, I tried that cold shower stuff for awhile, voluntarily at that, and NOPED it right after a couple times. :rofl:

One of my favorite parts of Civilization :upside_down_face:


I’m not gonna say I’ve showed up late to work everyday because of the nope factor but I won’t say I showed up on time either lol well that and OG in the morning just seems to make me late haha I guess at this point I should say I’m thankful for my job and putting up with me. haha


Brother I left my job of 5 years about two months ago because they promised me $1 raise per employee I brought in and I brought in 3 and no raise. I loved being there and all my coworkers but now I love not having to deal with it and being able to sleep in :joy: money isn’t coming as easy but I make due. I just wish the lack of money didn’t affect my ability to get weed. Happy you like going into work and they’re okay with you being late though.


I feel that… I’ve been promised a few raises as well but all it boils down to for me is that I have enough money to take care of my girls and my growing. My lady is wonderful and gets down in the garden with me so life is good. even though I’m not making what I’m worth. I’d be hard pressed to make what I do now elsewhere in my town. so me being able to show up late and what not is good by me. I hope you can find something that provides the same level of life man! just good living. money honestly isn’t everything. took me a lot of learning to understand that! much love and good vibes your way!


You could be the first human to reach 170, get your intentions in order, write them out, make them as ourageously optimistic as you possibly can!
Forget about being human, image what could be and start here and now.


I am grateful for meeting new people lately that are very nice and wonderful and on the same page.
It’s happening more and more now.

I am grateful to be feeling in harmony with life, and things flowing so easily as they do for me and to me, effortlessly. It is astounding what’s happening but also the natural way of things.

Life is a miracle, the longer I live, the more things happen that are amazing.


I’m am grateful that my 4 grown children a healthy and moving forward in life, at 55 I’m happy for everyday that I’m still above ground and looking around. Most of all I’m grateful to have the love of my life, my best friend and the person I trust most by my side… my wife.


you’re winning my friend! plus all the OG love! life is good dude!


For bananas that ripen just slightly differently than each other.


Nice thanks. That’s my intention. Take care man.



I am grateful for the sunshine, fresh air, good people in my life, waking up every morning next to the love of my life.
I am grateful for the knowledge I have acquired and continued learning. I am grateful to find and share joy in a world that is not always so joyous.


I’m grateful for finding the OG community. I don’t do Facebook or any other social media. I lurked on other forums for a while but never joined. As soon as I found OG and saw the camaraderie, kindness, positivity, sharing, encouragement, the list of positives goes on…I felt right at home. I’m grateful. Have a great day/weekend/holiday y’all. So much Love! :heart::raised_hands::man_dancing:


The irony…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: