Today I Am Grateful For

Today I am grateful for spending time with my loved ones and sharing with others.


Today I am grateful for people taking an interest in how I cultivate, for clarity, for being able to slow down and stay centered. I am grateful for the abundance of rain that we are receiving here today, enriching the soil and replenishing our reservoirs. What an essential and awesome thing water isā€¦


Today I am grateful for this magical da. Sun shine warm, drive up the coast to Trinidad and a nice hike up the hill. Later, flew my delta wing kite for a little, rusty at the controls but managed a little glide and a tip stand. Good 2 point landing, wrapped up and a nice drive home. The few tokes of myorganic su grown Humboldt Sour D, showed the magic in all of it.


Today I am grateful for seeing people dance in the street, for having wonderful conversations with lovely people, for peace, for clarity, for people caring about eachother.


Today I am grateful for the birds, right now, so many of them singing, like an entire orchestra, I am so blessed to live here, to be able to hear. Itā€™s so beautiful and it is well with my soul.

And God bless Aidra Fox.

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Today I am grateful, to be able to put personal pain aside, and make people smile and laugh during their tough days, simply by listening, and responding.


Today I am grateful for today.

I walked barefoot on the grass and sat down by the river under a tree, a gentleman wearing a fedora in a canoe flowed by, we showed each other the palm of our hand, and he said; now it is good.

Silently nodding I smiled, later on a funky water bird appeared and it looked like it had the time of its life too.

Dusk colored the arrival of a bat signing its name in the air.

And with those miracles I walked back to my dwelling, for my home is my life, my existence.


Today I am grateful for the white chicken that came sitting next to me while I was sitting under a tree at the local river. She even let me pet her and she snuggled up against me.

It is well with my soul.


Today I am grateful for the kindness and knowledge that is offered here on OG
I am also grateful that I am still friends with my childhood friends for over 40 years and we are a tight knit group.


Today I am grateful that I live in a Country were voters can vote for ridding out hate and discrimination and protect every Americans right to vote despite having a racist-homophobic-hate mongering high court. I am also grateful for a superior dump this morning. :poop:


I too am so grateful that I have friendships that go back to my teen years in some cases. Nobody knows you like long-term friends, the people who have known you virtually your whole life. For me, their primary good is they can call me out on my bullshit in a way nobody else can. Of course, the reverse is also true, that I am able to call them on their stuff too. My friends are smart and observant. They can remind me of shit in my life from my childhood that literally nobody else can since newer friends were not there.


I totally agree with you on that. My friends sound like they act the same as yours. Itā€™s cool to have gone through so much with them and know they will always have your back no matter what. And, they know you have theirs as well. But the chop busting can get out of control at times.


Iā€™m grateful for having a really nice AC in my car. I went years without one. I know what itā€™s like, and Iā€™m really grateful to have it now :sunglasses:


I totally agree. That said, in my opinion thatā€™s when we have to step up and remember our old friendsā€™ true value to us in our lives. Thatā€™s not necessarily an easy thing to do, but with so much investment in our friendships, I really try to not act rashly with my old friends. And to be clear, I have lost old friends due to ā€œchop busting,ā€ and unfortunately now feel my life is the worse for it.


@mota Fortunately our chop busting has never gotten that bad. But they will always remind you of the epically stupid stuff which is kinda funny. Iā€™m just glad there were no cell phones back then.


OMFG, no kidding! Itā€™s bad enough that we have them now! :laughing:


Today Iā€™m grateful that political discussion is not tolerated here. If it were, I might be saying something about voting for institutionalized racism - whichever way itā€™s directed and however good the intentions are. Also about being hateful towards those who donā€™t believe the same as you.


Now thatā€™s something to be grateful for, and thatā€™s no shit! Or perhaps itā€™s a whole lotta shit! :laughing:


It is unfortunate that moves both ways.


I am grateful for the connections i have made here at Overgrow. I came here looking for like minded individuals but found a group of people I now call friends.

@shag - When i first noticed the island i wanted on so bad, just for the clout, I got hard denied by shag. I was told i had to be around for a bit first, make an impression so to speak. While i was pretty disappointed at the time, I understood. It became my goal to get on that damn island. I didnā€™t know about the security team you had running the perimeter and even tried to sneak on the premises , but to no avail. I went on about my business.

@DougDawson - So i stumbled into the free seed and clones thread. Who is this DougDawson fella and how did he get to be the member of the monthā€¦ I wouldnā€™t mind trying to go for that title. I had no idea what i was up against. I donā€™t think there is a single person on OG that hasnā€™t received something or another from this man. I figured out really fast that title was created specifically for you. Its because of your generosity that i got into giving seeds away in the first place.

@Gonzo - you were my only connection on OG for quite some time. We started with AC Infinity gear at the same time and immediately I became invested in your grow. Little did i know, I would soon be invested in quite a bit more. You opened up and shared to the world the battle your sister was going through and it humbled me. Through all of this you continue to be a uplifting all around good person and i dont think i have ever seen a negative word from you.

@SHSC-1 @Kgrim @420noob @Hemp @Thats_bank @LonelyOC @stanknugzz77 @Heliosphear @Urban_Legends @JAWS - Thanks for all the behind the scenes help you have provided to Growing Up Ganja. You are all stand up guys and I couldnā€™t do what iā€™m doing without you.

I know i left some names off, this post would be too long if i went down the list. Just know i appreciate each and every last one of you.