Today I Am Grateful For

There’s no end to it, and it’s always available, if only we tune in, command it into being with gratitude.

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That’s the real magic of the universe.

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Waking up period and starting another day of living…


Mrs Foreigner’s patience.

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Today, on my father’s birthday, I am grateful for providing for us all his life, for always accepting me back in his house after my adventures and shenanigans in other countries.
For gifting me his old car years ago. For being peaceful the vast majority of the time.
For gifting his DNA to my mother so that my soul could experience life as a human being.
I am grateful for his love of gardening and carpenting and building, inspiring a DIY attitude in me. I am grateful that there were almost never any horrible fights in our household, that he doesn’t drink much alcohol and cares about his health more and more.


I’m so grateful to be alive… that kinda hits different bro. Just to be grateful to still be LIVING.



I am enjoying my nettle + mint tea, freedom, comfort, internet, my plants, kindness, people wanting to advertise my art, it’s such a wonderful time to be alive!
I feel loved, I feel valuable, I feel grateful for all that I am and all the beautiful souls that connect with me in such sweet ways.

I am grateful for everyone contributing to this thread, come on people, there’s gotta be more to be grateful for!!! Don’t hold back, write pages worth of gratitude if you like!


I decided to give up my drivers license when it expired last month. After my stroke 5 years ago, I didn’t drive for a few years, and when I began again, I was so out of practice I felt unsafe. Consequently, I chose to not drive any longer. I don’t know what I would do if I were to injure someone, particularly a child.

The upshot of that is I’m coming to terms with having to get places in ways other than driving myself. I do pilates once a week, and the studio is about a mile and a half away, uphill. Last week and this I took a taxi (fuck uber and lyft) to pilates and then walked back home.

I’m grateful that I’m able to make that walk. It’s an easy walk, but I’m sure there are lots of folks my age and younger who couldn’t manage it.


im gratefule for life
i still have my minde & i can breath as long as god grants this to me


i fell your struggle im only 1year post stroke and im still recovering


I feel that my recovery has been slow, but I also feel like I’m at about 85%-90% of my pre-stroke self. It will happen for you, it’s just lots and lots of baby steps. Good luck to you!


thanks @mota it feels slow but im set on prooving i can come back and recover more then what doctors says
however long it will take every baby step is a win for me


i am grateful that it is one year since my icu stay and the walk through the valley of the shadow of death that i successfully navigated, although with a pretty cool companion. it was a bonus year, and a pretty good one. they’ve all been good days and i have been thankful for every single one and will continue to be.


You are welcome, @amumayuk. I know how slow it seems, but you have the tight attitude - prove that you can recover more fully than the docs say you will be able to. Prove them wrong!

And, of course, you are correct that every day every baby step is a win for you!


so far they thaught i would never walk again i did a 10km walk around my village


boy did i feel it for the next three days


I am grateful you two are finding your strength, take it easy nonetheless.
Smell the flowers, smoke the flowers, eat the flowers, whatever. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Take it easy, but take it! as McKenna said.


I am grateful for the new harvest.

Rogutopia . 2023 . Calmer Than You Are - #68 by Rogue

And I am grateful for being able to be here for friends, that I can be the lazy bum in the eye of the storm who calms their worries. Fret not my friends, everyone’s gonna die one day.

Take it easy, don’t rush to your graves, love a little on the way…

Or a lot, I ain’t stopping you!

Let’s turn this entire planet into a giant love fest.


Today I am feeling very grateful for being alive, for being able to go for a walk, for the river, for the air spirits being so active, touching my face with their cold touch.

I saw the clouds high up and clouds below moving in another direction, and I realized how wonderful it is that such enormous quantities of water are moved through the air to where it is needed most…

There is such great intelligence and design at work, at all times, everywhere in the universe.
What a miracle to be able to witness all of this, as a human being on planet Earth.


Today, I am grateful, that this fine day today is 4/20.