Today I Am Grateful For

Today I appreciate being home.


i don’t. he said that’s all you need, not that it’s not better having a woman. that is why i want a camper so bad, but in my case it’s a cat and not a dog. but i am happily married and have a new child who is fantastic, and other beautiful children and grandchildren and that is why i stopped here. that is what i am grateful for today, and every day, and the fact i am on this side of the dirt to appreciate them all!

It’s so fucking nice to be happy to be alive. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :sparkles:

It truly is happening, I am feeling exquisitely happy and it really improves my life endlessly.

It is well with my soul.



Breeding plants really feels like playing God.
Pollen chucking is a delightful art.
What a joy it is to create!
To play with life.

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I’m glad it’s going your way.

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The best answer I ever got from a doctor was him shrugging his shoulders and saying “I dunno.” Not the answer I was looking for but a very respectable one.


Today, I very much appreciate being alive to find out that cashew nuts and dried figs are an match made in heaven.


“Thankful! What do I have to be thankful for? I can’t pay my bills,” said one fellow to Mulla Nasrudin. “WELL, THEN,” said Nasrudin, “BE THANKFUL YOU AREN’T ONE OF YOUR CREDITORS.”


I’m glad you received the Shashamane seeds. It’s Mike from East Africa Genes

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today i’m thankful for too many things to choose just one. being on this side of the dirt is the big one i guess, everything else can be worked on.


Lately I’ve been grateful for these, this 2023 growing season…


Today I appreciate the news showing a hemp field and farmer, mentioning many more farmers are growing hemp now in Belgium and talking about the benefits, how they break down PFOS, how the seeds are being used for food and how the fiber is being used in construction.

I also appreciate how big and majestic the moon is looking today.

I appreciate making friends across the globe thanks to the marvel that is the internet.


I believe I would be happy.


I appreciate seeing a rainbow today!!!

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to be alive. i made a few comments today and the other day that i just started thinking about. i was pretty damned stupid most of my life and some of the things i have done were sketchy to say the absolute least.

i think the one that takes the cake was arguing with a guy in germany, in german, while pissing on the hood of his car at 3am while he was waving a pistol at me. but that’s a story for another day.

enjoy life folks! have a great day everyone!


I appreciate my soul tribe expanding and growing, I keep finding beautiful amazing people, making new friends, it feels so good to be understood and accepted.


This resonates a lot with me today and you articulate these feelings in a way I admire so I want to say I’m grateful for you too. It really does feel so good to feel understood and accepted. Much love


I’m grateful for my wife :v::shamrock:


Today I am grateful that I have somehow made it through a giant mess and it looks like I might come out alright. My enemies have failed to destroy me. Now I am going to turn the page and move to a new area for a fresh start. I am very grateful that as a part of the “fallout” of this experience I am getting a major house and grow upgrade out of it! I am grateful that I have been able to pull out of the severe depression that this experience has caused me, I am very fortunate for that. I have so much to be thankful for!

Thanks for reading.


Outta likes.

Thank you, @Bugsandnugs, for posting. :+1: