Tony Greens Tortured Beans

can’t wait to hear the smoke report on this one. I love a good romulan cross


Glad to hear Doob is still kicking it.

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Man it’s incredible how much Romulan came through in the structure and growth pattern but the buds are chunky like GBubble


Packing up for this party. I’m behind on everything. I’ll catch up soon!

Who’s comin to birch run to party man?! Fri sat and sun, be there or be L7 baby!!!


I will be there Saturday afternoon. Can’t wait. I have never been before and I’m pretty damn excited!


i’m missing the party again… my greenhouse lightdep and all my breeding work depends on me being here. Tried to get a plant sitter for 5 days and it just never came together.
I’m pretty bummed out about it.

maybe next year… fuk



Pretty friken cool.


Sadly I had to give the gorilla bubble bx2 the axe this morning. She popped a few nutsacs here and there :frowning: . No big thing… anything with the GG4 lineage has the nutsac genes hiding in there so ya never know when it will rear it’s head LOL My light dep procedure puts a lot of stress on the plants being moved twice a day from the greenhouse to the light dep shed and back out again in the morning. I usually find a few plants every season that just don’t appreciate being picked up and carried around so again, no big thing. I really wanted some GB in the jars but I still have the Stat Line and she is doing just fine


sorry to hear. i really wanna find a nice one too and his dome top pheno.

forget whose youtube this is but they do amazing job with tony;s gear

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crazy thing but par for the course with the GG4 crosses … the Useful seeds GG4 S1 and the darlins net S1… nutsacs just like the the gorilla bubble. I kinda chuckled to myself when I discovered they were poppin nuts… fuckin GG4 LOL
Won’t stop me from popping more beans :wink:
As for Tony’s stuff… I always try and make room in my garden for something from TG. I’ve bought more breeder packs of his stuff than probably any other breeder. Couple nanners here n there don’t scare me :wink:


when you find that keeper it will be worth it


I know brother that’s why it’s no big thing. I’ve been growing tony’s gear since 2016 ? My brother actually still has a gorillla bubble bx2 clone I passed to him 5 years ago now at least. Last year he planted one in his back yard and it grew into a pound plant. Down on the coast near Vancouver he can still get a season in the ground. Up here where I am at it is light dep only or i wouldn’t get a crop matured in my season.
So ya , me and tony’s gear go back a few years to close to the beginning where it all started over on icmag. It’s been fun watching him grow doing what he loves.


I grew out two packs of usefuls gg4 and never got a single ball, sac nada and several were a spitting image. In fact a friend in Toronto still holds two cuts to this day. Sad to hear the gb’s balled out. I’m trying to decide which selection to choose first here and it’s tough af


Hmmm. So a different TAF.


Lmao you got me bro! Haha @Smooth

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Big Don Day F60:


More like Very Big Don, nice job! Love the colors on that too.


don’t let this one plant stop you from popping gorilla bubbles… bear in mind the major stress my plants are going thru in my greenhouse light dep. Every season I’ll get this reaction from some plants. It’s okay and I just roll with it. In fact I kind of expect it.
I ran Useful’s GG4 S1 a couple seasons ago and it was a big beautiful 10oz plant. Grew GG4 clone that season two and the plants were hard to tell apart , even in the jars.
I am always a little hesitant posting about nanners popping up but early in my growing of GG4 related strains , despite the breeders best work, those expressions are tied to the very origins of GG4 in the first place and the BX2 was pretty early in the game to have those hidden recessives bred out or away from. So anyone growing anything GG4 related should almost expect to see this from time to time, especially in high stress garden environments. Same with the Sour Diesel lines where it’s known that the intersex trait can rear it;s ugly head from time to time and even the best breeders have difficulty isolating and breeding away from it.
I’ll be popping more beans from that GB Bx2 because in the past I have found awesome plants that were the reason for my TG bean collection now being so big LOL
Stat Line is doing fine and I’ll continue updates on her as the season progresses.


I have never ran a GG that didn’t throw at least a couple of pollen sacks. Early on in my indoor growing adventures, I defoliated heavily. I always attributed the sacs to that. The one plant I never found sacs on, I found a couple of seed hulls in the grinder after grinding the bud. Not many, but a couple. It’s definitely her genetics. She’s worth it though.