Tony Greens Tortured Beans

Stat line is SFV BX5 x Gorilla Bubble BX5


Thank you appreciate the info.


@Tonygreen sorry to hear about your troubles, and best of luck getting things heading in a good direction.

Stone sour is a pack I ran and then had an incident with a spilled tray, I believe some of my favorite plants that run came from it, but it was all sours so hard to say. I’d like to get another pack of it some day. What happened with that one? Did someone reproduce it and rename it?


I completely understand you looking out for Tony.

And I initially made these seeds for my own personal use after growing out some of his. His strain came out very nice, and I decided I would make some strains for myself in the future. I live in the middle of the mitten in Michigan, but also have a place up north at the tip of the mitten. We hope to move up there in the future. And I would still be able to grow enough fresh weed outside for myself with the auto flowers.

I probably would’ve not released any to the public, except for the fact that Tony ran into some problems and had to cut his plant count.

So, after talking to him, I decided to start giving them out as a freebie with every pack of Tony’s beans you pay for.

I do think this is a very good business move for both him, and I. A lot of people have never grown a auto, and would not even consider purchasing one. I’ve given them a few freebies to throw out and have them see how early they ripen. And the fact that they are of great quality. I hope they will come back and buy some of Tony‘s autos in the future. And Tony‘s plan was to have a variety of autos. This will still happen. Just gonna take us a little bit longer.

And the reason for using a different name was I did not want anybody confusing these strains with Bad Dawg Genetics.(freebies).

Because down the road Adam and Eve Autos maybe for sale. But only after I have made my own strains. This is a back up plan. The way the cannabis market is changing , everybody needs a back up plan.

Anyway, no hard feelings here and I hope everybody that’s reading this understands. Thanks, DBJ


These are a freebie I made using pollen from Tony Green. We still have some in the fridge that we will Probably release with his next drop as a freebie . We still have quite a few of the sour bubble crosses. most of them have been now been tested with great results. Thanks DBJ


Hey @Great_lakes_Genetics and @Tonygreen … how big of a pot do you guys think I should put the Adam & Eve and tony green autos in outside ?
I have really only grown autos once before back in 2016 and while I was very impressed with the smoke itself (azure rocket) , I don’t think I provided the right care/pot size to see impressive results for size. I have lots of #7 pots which are probably 5 gallons of actual soil and will be using the basic Tom Hill recipe that I use every year for photperiod plants. Any thoughts or tips anyone can share would be awesome.


When I ran them outdoors, I put them in a 20 or 30 gallon pot. I pre-mix my own soil using Green Gro. And I make my own spikes. The pots weren’t full. But I always leave several inches for wood chips. And I like the wider bottom part for stability.

They did really well. Did not have to stake any of them up. Branch structure was fantastic and sturdy. I did not weigh anything but I’m guessing I got a quarter pound plus per plant. But I literally gave them nothing but water. A little love and they probably would’ve done quite a bit better.

I just got through running some indoors in a 2 gallon pot. But I made a big mistake. I built a new Grow room on the ground level because I’m having problems getting up and down the stairs where my other Grow rooms are. I did not realize I had put the new light timer on 12-12 instead of 18-6. The clock was military time I did not realize the timer was off for at least 2 1/2 weeks. I had put some clones in there to veg, and they went into flour. So I really don’t know how they would do in a smaller pot at this time.

I would say that the sooner you get them under good light indoors or out the better the harvest will be.
Hope that helps. DBJ


I’m going to germinate them on my birthday near the end of the month :wink:
That will give them 2weeks inside before they go outside. I don’t have enough 18gallon totes for all the plants so the #7 pots will have to do. I can pull 4 to 6 oz off a photoperiod in my light dep so with the numbers I will run even if I get 2 or more oz a plant… that will fill my jars.
I’ll see what I can do… I have over 400 gallons of soil to reamend so I have options. Thanx for the reply :wink:


“you will own nothing and be happy”

fuck those credit card companies and the pukes helping them. destroy people with a pandemic and then bail out all the rich of the help they took while forcing lower and middle class to pay with fines.

government wont get a penny from me for the rest of my life where i can help it


@Tonygreen 's GG4 RIL are freaking stacked, sparkly as heck, and stank so sweet and good and all out of 1L pots!


:gem: 's here yo!

If you haven’t grown these out yet you’ll most certainly wanna grab them when he drops them again!!!

:grin: :+1:


Finally got around to my pack of Sowah Grapefruit (+ 4F / 3M of a similar but different Loudog strain)

Just finished lollipopping & taking last min clones. ALREADY smelling some intense orange citrus scents and one spot-tf-on Grapefruit smelling plant!


6 Sour Bubbles just rounding out week 5 of veg. Not showing sex yet but hopefully soon. I want to flip these next week sometime. These are practically growing themselves with no finicky or special needs plants


Speaking of Tony Green’s Auto’s - Anyone have photo’s of Triangle Glue Auto?

And with the GG4 Fast Auto, and TG Auto - Do they respond well to topping or best to grow them out?



Nice haul from only ordering the cat eye and weighted blanket!!
Cheers @Tonygreen and @Great_lakes_Genetics, seriously impressed.

Hey if anyone has any links to a cat eye grow or pics, here or elsewhere that would be awesome, finding it difficult to find much info on her. If anyone here has grown her, I’d love to hear your review.



Thanks for the shout out. And I’m sure there’s some good test grows of Cats Eye out there.
I have seen lots of pictures of her I just don’t know where they’re at. Thanks DBJ


Trim jail is just around the corner with these GG4 RIL’s!


:heart: :heart: :heart:


Nice haul! :+1: I’d be interested to see grow logs for any and all of these (I have all of the same freebies :speak_no_evil: ), most of all the Cat’s Eye. I also couldn’t find much on it. The description sounds amazing.


I got 3 fems outta five of black sherb. Love this flower on a long cure.


I’m growing one of these ladies out in the foothills now! @Great_lakes_Genetics always with the hookup :metal:

Tony, got a pack of those Lime AJ I can’t wait to pop. 🫡


I’ve never seen seeds pop a tail in under 24 hours before - tony is doing something right. Two seedlings already have a thick stems 3 days after the seed cracked. A+

what lighting are you selecting under for seedlings tony?