Tony Greens Tortured Beans

Hey sorry to stir up the pot but I feel this needs to be posted for transparency for others. @Tonygreen

I have 2 Bubblehead fems which one is showing massive balls. The other is 3 weeks behind and I fear it will be the same issue, I feel as if my money and efforts have been wasted.

There is a Future#1 and a bruce banner showing zero herm traits. and the other is 3 weeks behind so who knows what may happen to that. I will be monitoring closely

I cannot post many pictures being a new user but I have plenty to share

Running in a 5x5 tent 600 watt of HLG. Temps between 70-82 with night time dropping. and my humidity is 40-60% but Averaging 50%. I monitor my VPD and try to keep it all within range. I feed fox farm trio, fish shit, calmag, and liquid karma FFOF soil in 6gal.


An overview of the bubblehead hermie


Found in total over a dozen sacks all over the lower 2/3 of plants. Very top of colas were the only unaffected areas on this plant.

I grow for personal medicinal use and this really sets me back ALOT, Especially if I have to chop the 2nd bubblehead.


For what its worth my only regret as a grower so far is killing plants that threw some early balls. I decided to pick some off my last grow and see what happens and the plant turned out awesome.


This I can agree on, except every side branch and about every internode had balls. No saving her


Well its sad to say after closely examining the 2nd bubblehead this was found on main stem half way down plant.

I got 2 out of 2 hermaphrodite

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With this next Bubblehead I have left Iā€™ll try that technique of plucking early ones, but once it starts to get into the bud structures ill have to pull since it will be harder to spot and I dont want my now limited medicine full of herm seeds


Pine tar gush almost 30days in


pistils might still come out of that second one.
iā€™ve had plants, that were regs, put those preflowers out that were 100% female. the goji og iā€™m growing now did it, but sheā€™s not thrown any male looking parts since.
i know it sucks, but intersex is just a way of life for cannabis - especially chems and sours. you might be better off buying clones if youā€™re growing for yourself medically. that way youā€™re getting varieties that are known to be good and to be solid in sexual expression.


I know i should but tend to enjoy the phenohunting and seeing the seed reach its final form. Its like opening a pack of trading cards.

Iā€™ve had mites from bad clones so I prefer seeds. I had a GG4 clone that was solid but lost her clone last year. I thought id give some GG4 crosses a try and chose tony but was wary from reading the GG4ril. I thought maybe bubblehead being a Karma collab that it might haveā€¦ I dunno added some stability?


It sucks you got a herm man. I feel terrible. If there is anything I can do to make it up feel free to DM me.

Statistically it is insignificant but in your world it is tragic. I gave out about 800 packs of freebie Bubblehead last year. Thereā€™s been a few here and there. Mostly late on the 12 weekers but some full on early.

There is nobody that can guarantee you zero herms in a cannabis plant, if they do theyā€™re lying. Thatā€™s why I tell people always take clones and keep an eye out first time flowering any seed. I also try to help push statistics your way by making fat packs that arenā€™t 500 bucks.

If I could reach in and rip out that autosome full of male markers every cannabis plant has I would.


I appreciate the response, if it makes any difference these were not freebies. I purchased your 10pack for $75 thru DCSE, I was stoked too since it was one of the last packs and felt lucky to have grabbed it.
I dont really expect anything nor want anything well except maybe my 12 week investment of time and energy haha. Its really more of an emotional let down because I really felt like I had some winners here and now Iā€™ve got over half a seed pack that I know has well worked lines and has the pheno I want but its also a russian roulette after seeing 2 out of 10 pack herm

I was really stoked but as you can clearly see both plants arenā€™t stressed and they are healthy and vigorous as can be. I really felt like I had it locked down with these and then both show early intersex, one was just too much to even pluck off. I can understand the late flower herms and those arenā€™t much of an issues as theyā€™re getting pulled in a few weeks time and cant seed much.
But the amount and vigor on these early balls was just unexpected and honestly horrifying, I was really excited to try the Pine tar and NYCO crosses but now I cant justify doubling down my time and money.

So check it out. This is a great example.
There was 1 Gorilla Bubble Bx5 reversed on I think at least 5 Headbanger moms. It might be a few more but Iā€™ll look it up.
Now if the Gorilla Bubble mom was the herm inducer every bubblehead would have it.
If one or more of the headbanger moms was the herm inducer we would have like 1/5 or more reporting herms. Still a huge amount!
So it appears to be a little info on the autosome from them and maybe a little from me?? But still not in every recombination event or we would still see the 1/5 or whatever huge result?
It seems to me to lead to a smaller % so possibly a more rare event with 2 recessives on the autosome??
Then we might arrive in the % range weā€™re seeing?
It certainly isnā€™t one fully bad plant from the group or even half bad because if half of one didnā€™t like half pf the GB youā€™d still get that huge 1/5th number.
Idk train of thought, Iā€™m stoned and its been a long day ha.

Also didnā€™t mean to infer anything by how many freebies I gave out except the sheer number of these things that have been grown in the last year.
The dataset becomes even more complicated statistically because itā€™s not just 5% of 10k seeds or whatever. We also randomly create packs of 10 or 5 or whatever so itā€™s not even a straight shot statistically.
It can be 10% overall in the batch but some unlucky son of bitch gets 10 of 10 herms himself! Donate to a charity? Plant on the full moon? Be nicer to your wife? Go to church? If I can randomly pack a tube of all males why canā€™t I win the lottery? Iā€™m joking now ha.

Some of the things I do besides testing all my plants with stress and discarding those with intersex traits is use multiple approved selections (sex testing and all the other shit Iā€™m selecting for) for at least 1 group. either pistil or pollen donor. More often than not you may find an extra bean or two than you bargained for.

You might find some herms here or there in my gear but I never had a release where every pack grower after grower had 100% herms. I delve hard into the Chem and lately the sour lines so this makes it challenging and I feel like without skill you could easily fuck up and make an all herm Chem or sour line if you wanted lol.

That reminds me of Amos Otis who popped 3 seeds and got 3 males or a male and a herm I forget. He swore off the line that you see all these pictures from as garbage and went on a campaign to ridicule me.
I asked him How he selects once. He said what selection, he took a seed from a pack named one thing and crossed it to one he picked out something else. Lol. He sells seeds for like 40 or 60 a pack. Lol
That ainā€™t too far off mine price per bean lol. Maybe I done this all wrong lol.

Anyway Iā€™m tired and buzzing so this is all stream of thought. I feel bad about every herm not because itā€™s a herm but when it affects people. If you run short of medicine let me know where you are and maybe one of the crew can help you out local.You can put 27 seeds in there but somebody will still just pop 2. Shit! Ii got guys waiting on me now that had a little bad luck that I wanna help cuz theyā€™re cool dudes and ima kind head about it. This other guy has a couple split seeds in a freebie heā€™s worried about. No questions asked bro. Unlike the seedjunkiez and compounds Iā€™m here to answer everybody and try to have your back. What a prick 500 if you have customer service issues donā€™t bother asking. Some people like that alpha shit putting them in their place though or some like good stories lol.

So the herm shit is tough but I do my due diligence man. Ethos posted a pic of a hermie he breeds with and got like 3k likes lol. Tiki got 900 strains in like 2 years lol. Sold out baby! Iā€™m gonna crash, long day at the er and a nice shot of tramadol to send me one way lol.


Damn bro sorry to hear of the er trip. Get better fast. Ive learned the hard way that herms ARE a part of the game. And being transparent helps me to understand why. I appreciate that sir. Also, Iā€™m sitting g here twitching with my hand of the button. Feb 14th Iā€™m jamming on of the valentine day combos. Damn that black rose.


Dude I totally get that. I love the hunt too, and itā€™s just like any other hunting or gathering. sometimes you donā€™t get what you want. Iā€™ve sat in a deer stand all day and seen no bucks until sunset then missed the damn shot. or gone to my mushroom honey hole only to find someone best me to the fruits. thatā€™s how hunting is.
I do appreciate your input, but tbh making the picture showing intersex your profile picture makes me wonder what your true intentions are.


I just grew a plant that I discovered was covered in male flowers at harvest. So far I have found exactly 3 seeds, none viable, and some of the stoniest dank Iā€™ve smoked in a long time. I appreciate that itā€™s a bummer, but sometimes you just let it ride and the results are surprising.


Yeah my opinion is herms happen. Especially if playing with reversed plants. As Tony said here n there is nature. If it was a widespread thing and half the packs were doing it then it be a concern. One here n there cull it n move past it (is what I do). Iā€™ve got to say the only Tony green strain I got( so far) was the pine tar gush regulars in 20seed pack and I been pulling a few seeds out the pack here n there n had no issues. Couple males couple females very healthy plants once out the fragile baby stage. Iā€™m trying to find a real ptk leaner. I love pine.


Some old pictures of GG4 RIL 2020 :

Was near something that showed intersex traits but GG4 RIL did not throw any male flowers at all. This pheno was vigorous, frosty, stable, high odor, and very strong medicine. Great contribution to the community with this project TG, thanks!


I did that since I had to make a new account and until Lemonadejoe approved me I wanted to atleast get some sort of picture up. If you can see my several edits I added pictures to my original post once permission was grantedā€¦ so slow down there hunter and put that pitchfork away I ainā€™t your buck LOL

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Hey I have nothing but the upmost respect for your communication and transparency, Iā€™ve spent hours on this forums, z-labs, and others reading pretty much every post or grow journal I can find of yours and others. I know theres alot of instagram breeders tossing pollen to make pretty looking polyhybrid buzz weed. And I know you are above and beyond those breeders in work and in character; I respect your work and the effort you put in. I especially like the Pine tar work and I am still super interested in it immensely as I would like a ptk leaner.

I do have one odd ancedote that may not matter at all about the 2 seeds I did pop, I noticed they were the 2 farthest along seeds, and they were cracked open. Almost to the point i thought theyd be unvialble in my limited experience; as most breeders are greedy and seeds the bare minimum time and produce barely viable tiny seeds. Do you think that may have been an outling stresser that would possibly effect the hormones and genetics prior to popping it ?.I mean after all UV does mutate DNAā€¦ Thats my high idea anyhow haha.