TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

We all live similar lives, I have been pulling weeds and nursing my sore back, thinking how can I make growing easier when I start back up in the fall.


Man I’m itching to put the new bags and washer to use! And it’s like the one time ever I have zero viable plant matter on hand . :persevere:


That figures… :weary:


Awesome for weeds in pavers:


Haha see you are starting to understand my life completely now and why “story of my life” is my go to line lol, I gave it all away 40 days or so ago as I felt horrible not being able to make Susan’s RSO, so I gave her ALL the plant matter to get someone to make it herself and promised I’d give her an absolute abundance sometime in June before my birthday. Lol and I bet a whole bunch went to waste :man_facepalming:t2: @shag

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I didn’t know that was a thing, my God I wish I saw this years ago, my last home had a huge stone inlay section and the walkway around was all brick/custom. Between the stupid crab grass and those stones I’d spend weeks out there hunched over with my stupid little weed tool!


It’s not going to help you in your garden bed but on your patio it’s a lifesaver. In my experience it needs to be redone every third year but it beats the shit out of weeding.


Ok I’ve got all of my recently acquired cuts uppotted and all but one look stellar, they have been in quarantine appx 13 days now with no signs of anything , but before even bringing them to the floor my cultivation takes place I want to ensure they are golden. What should I use to ensure these are clean and good to go so I can start turning them into moms and get working on the new mom area. (Borg)


Get a black piece/ sheet of glass or similar like a mirror

Tap/ shake plant vigorously but not hard enough to cause damage over glass
Maybe like ruffling a nefews hair

Then scope what’s on glass to see : )

I use black glass I got from ikea , nice tool to have


Gracias :pray:t2: @ifish

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Then ask jonnypotseed for a sample of his one and done , I think that’s wher @Jetdro got his maybe if you see anything

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When they hit the black glass they easy to spot

The shock of them hitting the glass stuns them for a few seconds so wait a couple of secs and see if specks run lol

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Haha now you got me scratching lol

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Lol damn bugs ! I wish I still had my ladybug supplier down the street I’d lock em up in there for a few days those guys will clear em up quick especially if there’s two gens in there.


Heavy, glossy black paper if you can’t find glass. Dollar store. Lots of grow hack stuff there.


A boring fact but they say a drop of Coca Cola on a ladybugs back stops wings from opening ( sticky ) and then stops them flying to the lights to die


Good call cuz I’m like where TF am I gonna get black glass, I was thinking plexi , but Bristol board should work , the glossy one ? No

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Release the Kraken.


I heard that as well long ago but never tried it, was always so sad cleaning up after flower, bodies everywhere! I had a couple that lingered and lived an entire cycle once, I’d see them pop up here and there and be like “still there huh, nice” and when I was going to chop and found them I let them go in my front yard, figured they earned it 10x over


Get a sprayer and mix Coca Cola and water 1:1 and spray the lady bugs. Put them at the base of the plants. This absolutely stops them from flying for a period of time.
Orange eggs on the bottom of the leaves is baby ladybug eggs followed by black and orange alligator looking things