TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

@Jetdro yours are considerably bigger than mine that’s for sure. I’ll be sneaking a few in regardless! This I know, even if I gotta cram em


Does he have an old celebrity he really likes??? Got this thing where old celebs will call him and wish a happy birthday…maybe one of his fav’s is available, i could send him a gift ???

Know any of them…i talked with Hacksaw Jim Duggan on mine…LMAO!!!


after running all these different plants, i KNOW im sneaking in WC on EVERY run somewhere…

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Literally nobody but Carole baskin has use for a cat bro :joy:

This thread gets peppered too @TopShelfTrees1 but quality content right through from many members here :100::sunglasses:

I am still slowly catching up but I need to get back to prepping the meat for this bbq today. The guy in the caravan next door. (We met the first time we came here. And I ran out of bud. He passed me an 8th oz to get me by. Managed to get my cousins fella to drop me an oz after that so hooked him up. We speak most days now even when were not here) is his birthday so got him a cake, candles and card. Absolutely made his day as his family are all back over Manchester way. (The real reason we got on initially was the accent) :joy:

Hope everyone here is having the best day.


That’s awesome! You are way too generous brother, I know he loves Tom Petty, Rusty Wallace , Neil Young. Hacksaw huh? I met him in a local bar here in Niagara once, only said hi, and loved your work. As he was surrounded by people but it was cool, he can drink!


Was suppose to be a 5 minute call, we talked an hour! He was so cool, being 69 i had seen ALL his match’s , we talked about them, and his wife. Would love to meet him


That’s awesome of you! Real friend right there👊🏻 I love stuff like this, absolutely love it. Gonna make his day/month for sure. Thank you bro, glad to have you. I definitely agree there’s some amazing people here and I love all you guys more than you know.


I loved wrestling as a youth too, until it turned weird . But the old school guys were awesome! I wanted to chat with him but I waited and the crowd only got bigger. That’s really cool, I was watching a documentary on old wrestlers the other day, was really informative but man those guys had it tough , not like the celebrities nowadays.


It’s all about treating people how you would like to be treated bro :100: he even rang his mum and told her it made his day. Its literally cost a few quid and a bit of time. For me time is the most valuable gift anyone can give cos you never know how much of it you got. There is definitely some amazing people here. And for the size of the community a minimum amount of not so amazing people. This time round I’m actively ignoring any negativity. Not getting caught up in unnecessary drama cos were all here to grow fire smoke and catch some joke :blue_heart:


My dad says “Thank you ALL SO MUCH! Already got more happy birthdays then I have in the last 5 years, thank you again🙏🏻”


Your dad has another happy birthday now. Didn’t see that post as you know yet lol. If he was closer he could have come for a bbq too :100:

Well if you want it as I would say in my manc dialect “all the best big felloh (fella) 'ope you have the best day. And don’t do owt (anything) I wouldn’t do” :joy:

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Amen, that’s the way to do it, I’ve only recently learned this as I used to fly off the handle and wanna straighten it out myself, now I just let them stew in their own self pity lol, also I agree there are very few here, at least in the open, I’m sure there’s lurkers just waiting to jump on stuff but the majority are just awesome, genuine, cannabis enthusiasts. And I could not agree more about treating others as you would like to be treated yourself if only I realized this 20 years ago. :man_facepalming:t2:


This made me smile, and I’m sure will make him as well. Thank you :pray:t2:


I’ve met several people here I am sure I’ll have lifelong friendships with, many that genuinely care , are generous, selfless people just wanting to do good, be a friend and help in any way possible. Idk if it’s me not going out like I used to or whatever but in the last few years on here alone I’ve met more people I like, truly like inside and out than in the previous 10-15 years in real life, easily. And for me age has never been a thing, some of my best friends have 20 years+ on me. I have friends much younger and many much older but age is just a number and I’m glad to have all of you in my corner. My heart has been touched more times than I can count and I strive to be better because of all of you. Thank you all truly and sincerely :pray:t2::facepunch:t2:


I was 30 years old when I realised the same. Im 31 now :roll_eyes::joy:Dont worry about it. Least you’re bettering yourself or trying brother. Same here.

Theres a mute button for anything we dont wanna hear. (Wish my GF had one sometimes) :joy:

Glad it made you smile :grin: I spoke to an american member on the phone. And without written words he couldn’t understand a single thing I said.

Keep being you brother :100:


Haha I have a ton of Scots/Irish in my other half and I have a cousin who’s a great friend who comes up from Glasgow often, I get on pretty well understanding them, I’ve also did deep dives into my heritage/culture and tried to understand the language more so that may also be why, same with Jamaicans, I have a ton of Jamaican /Trini friends and those guys are hard to understand but over the years it’s second nature, I can even speak it so you would think I was a white Rasta or something it’s funny when we get going sometimes. Perhaps I’m just good with languages idk . Thanks again brother, much much respect @MCR0161


We should all do an iPhone conference type call lol give ourselves a good laugh at our accents


Haha that would be an epic shit show @ifish i love it!


We could all sing happy birthday to your dad


@Jetdro told me I definitely sound Canadian :laughing: and I definitely got his Texas twang but it wasn’t like I expected at all, it would definitely be interesting to say the least. I just don’t say eh every other word, rarely ever actually, and my igloo melted this year already so I’m simmering in a straw hut with my moose’s and beavers.