TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Mornin crew. It started raining 12 hours ahead of schedule. Gonna have to adjust my day on the fly!

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Good morning everyone


Smells like a strong bond fire outside for 2 days straight now and getting stronger, very hazy too. I can only imagine what it’s like where the fires rage.


cap junky s1 and some sbg roadkill f1s…some beautiful stock…I have family in Swanley…lolol…small world…its nice to see uk folk on here though…don’t feel as isolated now😊


Good afternoon here now bro. Slow one for me today. Although I have already had a spliff at nova beach

Ooh. If that Roadkill is anything like RKS from back in the day. you’re in for a treat. Is definitely a small world. And you’re absolutely not alone. If you ever need anything all you gotta do is shout up :100:


You must be close by that beach! I wish, that’s awesome. Love me a good fatty on the shore! Afternoon bruv! @MCR0161


That beach looks way more peaceful than our tourist trap beach. Would much rather be there than doing drywall. Haha. One day I’m gonna learn to pay people that enjoy doing this kind of work to do it.

I did install some super sweet pocket doors yesterday. Everythings gonna look super sweet by the end of the day tomorrow.


Nice one dude…you kinda look familiar…lolol.yeah I bought the missus in the room last night and asked her to put her nose in that roadkill pheno and breath deep…she instantly knocked her head back like a jolt action and got exact same thing…its some kind of actual ammonia is all I can describe it as…I’ve been offline a few yrs since covid started but I grew through covid period and ended Dec 2020…things have definitely changed is all I can say because this nuclear material I was trying to search out in the early 2000s has landed first hit like the lottery ticket showed in the mail…and its given my missus the hump because she’s on that same ticket of burnt nose and eyes…she just sniffed the goddam thing…lololol…its honestly naughty gear and I know I’m not around ppl who don’t what I’m talking about which is more easier explaining…I still haven’t had an answer from anywhere online as to why that instance of oil vapour on a plant can do that to a human being without touching it??..just strange ass shit…lolol


Very nice! I hate installing those doors though. Tbh I hate installing any doors! At least you are working brother. Looks like a nice clean, peaceful job too, just the way I like it👊🏻


The caravan to treadhurr bay is about 100 yards. Can pretty much see it from the decking. Took the kids to the arcades for a couple hours and now they’ve gone to the water park for a while. Just about to make me another fatty and just chill before I start prepping food :sunglasses:

The tide was right in on this one. And we’re in rhyl in wales. Probably the most touristy spot in the UK :joy: I still love it here though. The Manchester evening news posted an article a while back saying it used to be lovely but now it’s full of mancunian ex convicts and drug addicts :joy::joy::joy: I replied with a picture of me on the coast with a fat doob. Face tats. And stated I was also an ex con so they were right. Got a load of angry face super Karen’s on the comment but fuck em :100:
Those pocket doors do look good though bro. Similar kinda work we do and I do enjoy it. But not this week.

You probably seen me on crimewatch bro :joy::joy:
That’s awesome news on the actual RKS pheno if you got it you jammy blender :100: I know what you mean on the ammonia smell. Manchester cut stardawg literally smells like cat piss yet I love it :thinking: maybe it’s a defense mechanism? But only works on non stoners. The mrs can’t be mad. Not like you Dutch ovened her. She sniffed willingly :joy::joy::joy: might have to come visit your way to procure a 3.5 from you if it’s at that level of nostalgia smell and taste wise. Or any cuts available?


Yo. I hate to complain about having work… BUT!!! We kinda left out of our work radius to take on this job for an interior designer we like working with. We did too good of a job installing 5 other doors downstairs that they want us to redo the other 9 doors in the rest of their house. This job is an hour 20 from my front door lol. I told my wife if we take on the rest of this project we are adding in hotel cost and per diem for food.


Haha, Yezzir don’t let ‘em take advantage, but sometimes it’s worth it for the future business I’ve learned this all too well especially with the very wealthy. They tell EVERYONE when you do a killer job! Everyone, I got like a years work from doing a ladies entranceway wall 10x12 in bright red, she had every neighbour/friend calling me for everything and it eventually got me into the mansions which was clutch. Ugh why I ever stopped idk :man_shrugging:t2: whatever life is good! Enjoy brotha, don’t work too hard


My oldest son is flying to Kansas this morning so I’m tracking his flight anxiously


What’s in Kansas?


So him, his girlfriend and her dad are huge Chiefs fans ! Huge! And her absolute favourite musician is Luke Combs (country :face_vomiting:) and it’s also her birthday this Sat which happens to be the first time her favourite musician plays at her favourite stadium so he is flying them out, got a room for 5 days and they are going to see the concert on Saturday, great kid . Warms my heart. All out of pocket, he saved up for months and months.


That’s awesome man. What a great kid.

I just get these weird things in my head when I think of different states. Like Kansas… I think about tornado researchers and Tupperware conventions. :joy:


That is awesome. Says a lot. :100:


Haha tornado researchers I get…. Tupperware not so much Lmmfao! He is a great kid, both of my son’s constantly blow my mind at their levels of empathy, kindness, generosity and love in general. They constantly make me proud and it’s good to know I did something right during my life.


I actually sat him down yesterday morning and had a chat, I explained how proud I am of him , and how his character lately says soooo much about him. EVERYTIME I turn around he’s helping a friend/family member or working, he really has proven to me over and over that he is going to do big things in this world I truly do believe that.


Almost Forgot! My old man (Matt) says thank you VERY VERY much to all of you for the birthday wishes! You put a big smile on his face for hours, he even brought up how nice it was for strangers (to him) to take time out of their day to wish him a happy birthday! So thank you all for that. We had a nice dinner then went and shot some stick (pool) and had some wings and a beer or two as well. Great afternoon/evening with him I’ll cherish very much. Just one more example why I love OG and all of my friends/fam here SO VERY MUCH! Next up is mine in exactly 3 weeks from today……