TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Some bud progression pics from day 14F, stretch should be slowing and bring on the frost! There is an MGxRAB in the back corner that is on light speed in bud formation, girth and frost! It’s like 7-10 days ahead of all others from what I can see. Gotta defoliate and I’ll get some pics of her tomorrow when I move things around.


Looking good brother! I think we’re on the same day of flower.


I’m actually on day 17 but snapped these on 14 to document and wasn’t around the last couple days. That’s dope though, wish we were growing the same strains brother, that would be epic for sure!


I would like to give a HUGE HUGE shoutout to Jake from @RomulanGenetics . Brother , although I’ve only known you maybe a year and a half or so from our previous talks and emails to the many messages and chats we’ve shared since you came to OG I’ve gotten to know you well and have shared lots. You have gone out of your way to help me and your kindness and generosity knows no bounds. I’ve also watched you pass on some of the best customer service I’ve seen. And help many along the way. I know we’ve called each other brother for a while now and both know what that word truly means. I just want to publicly thank you for everything you’ve done and everything you do. And as you know I have your back. Do not hesitate to purchase anything from Romulan Genetics or the many crosses he’s done with many talented and respected breeders as you can have full confidence in the products given. Much love and respect to you brother :facepunch:t2:


Some bud progression pics f19 they are now entering the frost zone and we have forecasted A HEAVY DUSTING OF SNOWFALL! Bring on the trichs let’s get this party started. The smells in here are absolutely intoxicating a heavy HEAVY skunk, with this Chemmy, astringent background mixed with that real old school hash freshly pressed smell :drooling_face: stem rub intensified it 20x at least enough to make my face/nose crinkle every single time lol. The one AOG has a super unique smell I can’t put my finger on. Really hoping this stretch is over now so I don’t have to take drastic measures :man_facepalming:t2:


These are the kind that pique my interest.
The AOG is know for being an outdoor monster.
Is that your findings indoors?
Nice frost level too. :drooling_face:


Definitely a monster if I let them go . I’ve seen two outside left to do their thing and they bushed as much as they shot up, true hedge plants ! Only downfall is the amount of leaf but a small price to pay for such great, healing medicine.The fans are absolutely unreal and something I’ve hunted forever as I find the bigger the leaves the more indica/body healing power they seem to obtain. Just my findings. AOG is a very very special plant IMO .


Couple shots of these absolutely dank gentlemen before the pollen really begins to fly!


Very happy plants : )


The Boys are Back in Town…

Cleanup in isle #3 :pinching_hand:



If you want more Gary Moore, check out his final album before he passed away.
Gary Moore Live in London. Incredible guitar work. One of my top five guitar players EVER. Right behind David Gilmour of Pink Floyd.


Looking just stunning @TopShelfTrees1, never grown out a male myself and I love to see them. Are you collecting pollen for future projects?


Don’t mind me, I’ll be over here taking notes. Looking great!


Yezzir I am . This AOG is just exceptional in every way. I’ve gotta preserve it and get it into everyone’s hands! Thank you brother! @THRESH thats definitely a great compliment coming from you. Much respect


Hey I’ve been meaning to ask you since you are the sour go to guy! What’s your opinion on the best sour? I’ve been trying to obtain karmas forever! And missed out on the top Dawg as well but would kill to get PROPER sour back in my life especially for some projects I’ve had planned for years. Thanks in advance bro…. @THRESH


@FattyRoots FATTTTYYYY ! Comes back in style just gave me a grip of badges brother, I missed ya. Hope all is well over there for you and the fam, much love and respect 🫡


Jah Bless Mi Lyon :jamaica: :green_heart: :seedling:


I have not tried it yet, but I hear it is the most sought after version out there.
You say it is hard to get too?


@TopShelfTrees1 Sorry for the late reply, Brother. been back in the mtns prepping beds. No signal at my house so back in the bush it’s sat phone or wait till I get back in front of a computer.

I’ve personally not had what I remember as sour in many, many years. My experience it was always more speedy than couchlock, so that’s why we called it “ridge runner” haha.I know several with real cuts but it’s changed form what I remember, not sure if that’s due to the cut changing/growing methods/just my tastes changing over the years.

I’m about to run some auto’s made by @repins12 that have some NYC diesel crossed with white widow that I’m hoping to find that old school speediness in. Everything rep has made that I’ve ran has been outstanding to say the least. so fingers crossed haha

I’ll ask around though and see if any of my buddies up in NYC have it still, I know it’s around just finding the right person is the hard part.

Hope this helps and sorry again about taking so long.


@THRESH I have gotten some new gear that is sativa dominant. As soon as this bud run is done, probably another 4-6 weeks. Gonna start another big feminized auto, seed run. Picked up some interesting auto strains