TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

No worries brother, and i appreciate it very much. Been trying to find some of that SOURRR I remember from way back for a long time. Nothing close yet. Have fun out in the hills, gotta admit I’m jealous as no OD for me this year. Here’s hoping that goodness from @repins12 gives you that speediness you desire. I too have found many of my coveted strains being altered over the years. Some so much I actually dislike them now. And am also unsure of exactly why. So many variables tbh.


A few shots of the pre-98 bubba ladies during their final big defoliation !


Freaking awesome, must be getting hyped up with those beauties flowering and your logo for em dropping! Looking good! :+1: :+1:


And a few shots inside after rearranging everything somewhat ! The smells in here are intoxicating some delicious, fruity yet wicked dank aromas from the Ma Gooey cross! And straight dank from the bubba. The one MGxRAB however NO JOKE smells like a roasted turkey on the stem rub and if you even brush past her or touch a trichome. Very odd, yet cool! This is day 30F


yooo, how old are your lights? mines are not as bright or warm as they used to be after 3 runs, i emailed 'em about fixing 'em, no response. also the plastic “dial box” melted

EDIT: Not true, i made a mistake, those lights did not loose power, i was comparing 'em to some other model


No kidding? Wtf? Brother @supershitfuck I had an issue with a driver but they sent a new one, just took like 3 weeks ffs. I got mine in 2019 I wanna say, like a week after they released the dimming knob setup in Canada. Keep on them, if they don’t respond and do something let me/us know and we’ll get their attention I assure you of that :wink:. I haven’t noticed a brightness loss myself. This would be 6th, 7th run but I used them for Veg the last 2 , however I just popped one in the flower room to increase the spectrum a bit, plus my bubbas are wicked low so I can drop it down tho their midget status Lmmfao!


Hell yes I am! Stoked to have it back and to be able to get it out to the people as well. Thank you for the kind words @SensiBowl


I want some of those seeds.
I’m now on the hunt for a pheno that smells like dressing!
Cranberry …
You know where I’m heading. Thanksgiving dinner! We sit down at the table at 4:20! Don’t be late!


Haha yes! Smokin on that turkey! Haha I was amazed and am every time I pop the tent, I’ve verified this with two others now as well, unmistakable turkey :turkey: fresh cooked! I may just have to preserve this, only issue is I popped my only 5 beans . Gonna see if I can find another pack or two (5packs) and explore it a little further. I do have clones of the three fems I ended up with .


If you do preserve this put me on the short list for some. lol
I’d run them in a New York minute! lol


Imagine, smokin’ a turkey leg on thanksgiving that actually tastes like turkey…
Why not they did it to beer.

Last year I smoked weed that smelled just like pizza spins…WTF???


Strip looks great, everything looks great really! :fire:


That’s not right…
You should be finally dropping to 80% full output by 50,000 Hrs. Assuming the engineering is OK (and this is easy stuff)

What is the temperature of the top side of the aluminum plate (heatsink)? That will give a clue. :mag:



Haha turkey leg that tastes like turkey! Epic!
@estab87 thank you brother!


@MoBilly you got it !

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Thanksgiving will be a total BLAST! :slight_smile: LOL
Thanks TST1!


the drivers used to be too hot to touch, not it’s not, that’s all i know! i got 3 older versions and 1 of the newer version, the newer one is way brighter, i’m going to call spider farmer and maybe there’s like a part, the driver for example, i can replace and have 'em back to 100%


Ya they shouldn’t be too hot to touch either imo . Warm maybe a little hot but not too hot to touch, they better hook you up or im boycotting them too. Especially with 4. That’s big bucks! Definitely e-mail them please keep me posted as I’ll help also if they don’t respond @supershitfuck


I sent 'em this, last time i sent that email address a message, they didn’t answer. Kinda cool that they are located near me tho, i could go there an woop their ass :joy: they have a phone number but i haaateee speaking on the phone, i never hear shit over the phone


Haha I DESPISE speaking on the phone too! Hell yes I’d be over there throwing a tantrum if they don’t respond. You should be a high value customer to them imo , and with the advertisement good or bad they should realize it’s going to cost them so I would want this taken care of asap if it was me. If no response by tomorrow, send me a message or whatever and I’ll jump on board and help push it along .