TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

@Jetdro if you are ever planning on tossing those, ANY . don’t as ill take them and look into restoring, they really are exceptional work I keep going back to look and have sent the pics to like 8 people already showing them off lol was also hoping to find out who? But no luck YET

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I spent every waking hour fishing. When I wasn’t in school. My dad was a fish buyer on the Oregon coast. Mouth of the Rouge. Port Orford. Charleston, Or. Homer AK. Fished the Kenia river when I was in the 7th grade. Tom Sawyer childhood.


Oh man I wish! My good friend and owner of Ber Float Reels Ben fished the Kenai maybe 10 years back and landed a 68 YES 68 lb king salmon/Chinook! Took him 1 hour and 20 minutes to net, it was pulling the boat all over the River apparently and was a sight to behold by many! Crazy part is that wasn’t the biggest that spring! I get a 30 I freak out! 70+ is absolutely nuts!


Sounds like an epic childhood @ColeLennon EPIC :raised_hands:t3:


Yeah, its no joke that in the narrow parts of the Kenia when the salmon are running if they froze in motion you could walk across them. The have game wardens out there in camo looking for people snaggin salmon. This was 1982


Definitely an epic experience I’m sure you’ll never forget, these moments get burned in our brain permanently don’t they. I have so many epic childhood fishing memories I can think back too and it’s like yesterday, meanwhile I can’t even remember long division, or algebra :laughing: but ask me about my first solo caught steelhead at 5 years old with my dad/gramps! I can even describe the weather and the colour of plastic minnow lol


I’m surprised I’m alive. I spent hours all day out on the jetty’s on the south Oregon coast all by myself. Sea Perch and black and red snapper. I think I caught everything a kid could catch off the Oregon coast. Snaggin smelt when they are bubbling the pacific. I would catch Dungeness crab at low tide by having them grab bull head I cut up and stuck on a triple hook. Reel them up before they let go. :rofl:


Awesome! Now that’s an education u cannot buy!


Nothing like it in the world. Best. Already out of likes.


Funny I just got the reminder myself…. Only a few likes left for the day! :man_facepalming:t2:

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I had to catch my own bait first. :rofl: What I remember most is how hungry I always was. I couldn’t pack enough sandwiches to make it through the day. I wasn’t going to stop fishing to hoof it out for grub. :rofl: I haven’t thought about that for years.


Happy Canada/Bobby Bonilla Day!


Haha AWESOME @PatHealy


Bob White is the artist
He was hired by the lodge to do art work for them . We hit it off , every night we took a boat out , got sledged ( I brought bud :sunglasses:) and fished till sunup , then he went to painting I went fishing again :sunglasses:

Would never throw them out , they were stunning . The one with the rod n fly is ok was still under glass . Other two are in bad shape


Awesome! Cherish those memories brotha


You look up that lodge?? Still there?? Was an island


Was Tickchick narrows?

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When have more time I’ll tell you story of the river of rainbow trout . Two of us caught 25 over 9 lbs in 2 hours . Till neither of us could hold our light rods anymore . 2.5 foot deep fast running creek over rocks was incredible I have pics somewhere

This was in Alaska , closet I ever got to shooting someone

Ambidextrous but shoot lefty


Epic! I love those tales of absolutely stellar days!

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Ya that pic looks scary! :unamused: but look at that background! Ahhhh paradise!