TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

He took the lodge owners dog up a mountain with us , it jumped off

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Wtf? No way that’s messed up, poor thing?

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That is the rainbow river , can’t remember the name of it


What is that a groin purse? look like a dork.

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I’m fucking stunned. Fred was a commercial fisherman. Lived 5 houses away for 34 years. Crabber, salmon, halibut. I’ll take a picture of a Great White he put in the boat. About 15’. It’s on the roof of my buddy’s restaurant here in MB. Tourists think it’s fake. They shit when I tell them otherwise.
Fred Arnoldi was a true steward of the bay. A better guardian than some govt sanctuary. Old school. Woke up and went to sleep with a tooth pick in his mouth…


Rest in Paradise Fred, and I’m so sorry for your loss brother. Keep ya head up, good times ahead! Good times ahead :facepunch:t2:


if you’re discussing backs, what procedure is this?


I’m going to admit ignorance. Likely kinda disrespectful to admit too. Better than googling it. Saying I knew. But…What is Canada Day? What holiday does it correspond to for unknowing numbskulls like myself?


The joining of territories. Though I am also ignorant to this. I believe someone mentioned it earlier. Otherwise I wouldn’t have known either.

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Guess I’ll Google it anyways. Might learn something new. New knowledge is good, right @shag ?


It’s the signing of the constitution act, which also was the joining of territories so yes like @blowdout2269 said it’s the day Canada technically became Canada by the joining of different territories and a day I’m extremely proud of as I am a VERY proud Canadian :canada:


July 4th if you’re American.


Pristine rivers to fish in & a subsidized tv/film industry that brought us The Trailer Park Boys. I’m not even Canadian & I’m proud of Canada :laughing: Have a great one @TopShelfTrees1 !


A nerve block is basically what it is, to stop severe pain.
It can be done on any part of the body I would imagine.
RIP Fred. :pensive:
Sounds like a guy I would called friend.
Sorry to hear you going through another rough patch.
Your skin may be getting raw from all the thorns ect.


As you should be! That’s great, now I know.

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I’m outta likes (what else is new) but here’s a bunch for the above comments! Especially @Gonzo’s


Maybe that’s what I need to try. Because I’ve had three epidural injections this year, and I don’t think they are doing much. I kinda though that’s what this was. :thinking:

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:green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart: you guys are all awesome. Make my days much brighter much much respect for that :facepunch:t2:


For real though :weary:

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I had some relief from the one I tried but it didn’t last very long. The nerve burning by radio wave energy seemed to be a bit longer relief but the process was a little risky for me to get it done every couple months. I settled on heavy doses of green dragon tincture and it helps take the edge off. Hope you find some relief.