TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

One of the best things you can do for your back is get in the pool. Deep water with a lite waist float belt. Do light stretching and hand buoy crunches.


Bob has studio and website

That pack has shells in it , deep in big bear country and they don’t play , not one damn bit . One attacked our float plane one morning though we were gonna have to shoot it but we did not , pilot revved engine and it got of the pontoon

That is also my waders turned down , pocket is inside top of waders normally


I flew out to Kodiak Island once with my dad. Know one walks around not strapped with a 45.


Oh ya it’s as wild as it gets out there for sure! Even in town the animals come right in and don’t F around whatsoever they’ll tear the door off of your car, pull you out like opening a can of sardines :man_facepalming:t2: most places have bear guides that stand guard all day when u go deep, crazy

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I fired 3 warning shots in the 2 weeks I was up there , one got close enough I could smell it


This is what I thought.

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I know, :rofl: I got you, you prick :rofl:

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Dumpster loading in 102 heat




and you picked a good day. 102 :rofl:

:weary: I bet, you solo too? Where’s Randall when u need him ?

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Randall would break the dumpster.

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Breakin shit lol


Yoga and Pilates for my back. Luckily never had any serious injuries or anything.

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Bahahahaha yes :joy:

Delivering pizzas I assume , even though he could bench my car he wouldn’t be much help too scatter brained .

I’m afraid to see him on Blue Dream he is gonna lose his dick

You can do both of these in deep water. It’s what’s up. :100: Form of them anyways.

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Quit talking about backs mine is killing me
The 60 gallon tank and huge 2 stage compressor on top of it near killed me getting into the dumpster

So many people don’t understand how good stuff like this is, I’ve recently tried it a few times (yoga) and man I felt great for a week after both times. Even when I had physiotherapy every other day I always felt better stretching and working out all the time, trying to get back into shape but I’m a lazy mofo now :man_facepalming:t2:
My number 1 trait is PROCRASTINATION


Don’t hurt yourself brother, for real


This had me lmfao :rofl:

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