TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Haha I looked actually I’d love one but flush is not the word I’d use for my cash flow atm…. More like strapped/non existent or this emoji works too :cry:. Nice to hear from you brother, was thinking about you yesterday hope all is well :facepunch:t2:


I’ll start looking, maybe I’ll get one as a Christmas present? I love French press coffee but that size held me back, I did just realize though that 2 may be a good idea, As I could just do them simultaneously and then not worry and mine and my wife’s would be golden neither of my sons drink coffee at all, but they are both health/gym obsessed for the last few years and it makes me proud regardless


My wife and I both like a big mug of coffee. Not as big as those Yetis, but pretty big. It makes 2 cups perfectly, which would fill my Yeti easy.


Missed this, thanks bro. Definitely used to it now but last night I could barely walk, feels a bit better now. The muscle spasms are bad right now too, it’s the combination that kills me, and cramps! Oh boy it’s like death it hurts so bad! Those accidents really did a number on me but it’s crazy how long some stuff takes to truly come to light. That’s the part that gets me all the residual shit from injuries, it absolutely sucks!


All the stuff from our youth comes around again as we age :joy::flushed:
Take it slow and easy


Nice! That would definitely work, I like your colour too! I have two silver, one black and my wife has a couple too in pink and one a super light green. That’s the next one I’m getting if I ever get another. I also have the handles but I dislike them anytime but winter when holding that thing SUUUCKS! lol

Oh hell yes it does , I was always worried about my okay hard youth coming back to haunt me…. Here we go, now it’s like there’s always something and tbh I’m not that old yet ffs!

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If I’d known, when I was young, how much I’d be hurting now… Aww hell… I’d have still played just as hard. You only ride this life cycle once. Ride the dang wheels off that b!%(#.
Milk it for all it’s worth!
Just learn to grow the best ganja possible. You’ll need it when the tires are flat but you still gotta get to the finish line.

Just the ramblings of an old hillbilly.


I hear you , I truly do gotta live/laugh/love/risk or life just isn’t any fun. Tbh I’m amazed I’m still here I thought I would never see 30-35 so ILL TAKE IT!


Does a new thread come with more likes? How’d I blow my allowance on the coffee part? Lol. I miss coffee for real. Maybe I just need to cut back. Maybe I’ve already cut back.

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This is the one I use and looks like you can get a couple extra cups out of it than what you are used to.

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what is that … a cup for ants??? sorry i always have to toss a zoolander quote into anything that gives me a chance.

feels weird not having jets thread to sift thru along with this one usually wake up to 50-100 posts on each lol.

now i want coffee …


We have one with 1,2l
Not sure how much a Yeti Cup hold, but i can’t imagine that is bigger than this…
Ahh wait you’re from the US ,right? :wink:
It’s from germany and cost about 70 Euro :facepunch:t3:

my bad…checked it online and its only 50.

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lol now i have to post mine for context to my joke


Morning everybody. Gonna be hot today.


Good morning :coffee: :sunglasses:

:joy: That French press only makes my first cup.


I’ve seen the Flintstones cartoon but never the movie Zoolander. :+1:


@InTheWoods my 1st cup is usually what’s left over. If I think I’ll drink 5 or 6 cups in the afternoon, I make 10 so I’m ready at 4:07, or whatever stupid time I wake up. Ready to microwave if I wake before it autobrews.


Coffee left overs? What is that. :joy:

Its a great day when coffee is ready before you wake up.