TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

I got to get up and smoke a bowl.


Thank you @Hydro921


On a sad note, I have found that the Mountain Temple I had previously thought was 100% clear is not, probably 75-80%+ but with the ancient OG she is taking on some Mountain Temple esque bud formation and leaf shape sadly. My hopes and dreams dashed of finding THE ONE male who lets all females pass through untouched. Oh well, won’t stop me from continuing the hunt…. Sadly he will not hold any more space in our tents. His days are numbered.


RH seems to be a common problem with many, I run into it as well, trust me. Especially right now when highly critical I’m always anxious about RH swings and ALWAYS seem to get 1or 2 day/nights at least late in flower where it skyrockets as the fluctuations outdoor are so drastic it affects them heavily. Dehumidifiers are my best friend when this happens,



Some Chem-D gems added to the mix thanks to the homie @Qtip I/We have very high hopes for these and am praying for a heavy true to lineage Chem keeper.


I have had situations where the freebies turned out better than what I paid for. :money_mouth_face:


It’s actually golden. I get the mo at the po, but print the postage @ home using pirate ship. The mo is mailed as a first class package…and comes with tracking. If anything gets screwy, you are able to cancel the mo. Never had one issue with GLG, the Bad Dawg freebies are real, fast shipping and remarkable prices :slight_smile:


Yup. Super humid today. Swing seasons are the hardest.

I basically live in a greenhouse.


It really is the Holy grail isn’t it?! The potential of these is huge and I’m so happy they are in your capable hands. I get intimidated sometimes by the genetic potential but ultimately it’s just another weed! All credit to CSI Humboldt, I just selfishly sent you the seeds @TopShelfTrees1, in case we catch the true D :wink:


Wow wow wow. Are these growing in your RDWC?


Negative, sorry. These are in coco as I hadn’t set up my RDWC yet when moving and went to old tried and true for this run. The RDWC will be fully up and running shortly.

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Honestly, yes at least one of a few to me. It holds such a powerful seat in the lineage of most of the strains I’ve fallen in love with over the years and years. Sadly it’s also one of the ones I’ve never been able to obtain. Not true dank ass, old school Chem -D I’ve got very high hopes one of us will find that gem. I really do.


@shag isnt that crazy brother! Where else does that happen? Most freebies get tossed right in the give away or toss in the fridge to never see the light of day. Not my Bad Dawg stuff!


In here we have, 3 CSI Humboldt Chem-D S1 from @Qtip , 4 Pure Michigan f3’s from @TestOfOath and the 5 bigger ones further ahead are Goji x DLA5 from @Vagabond_Windy


A few real time pics of the ladies waking up. The dankness is VERY strong in here. Bubba is beginning to overpower everything! And that one MGXRAB is still straight cooked turkey :turkey: crazy unique, I am hoping it changes as I can’t imagine this being a terp that translates well into smoke…. But what do I know, may be the next HYPE TERP :man_shrugging:t2: Purples and magenta colours beginning to appear on many phenos , and I may have found an early bubba as well. I’m so excited to dive into these bubba and explore the subtle differences. I’m quite sure there will be a true pre-98 keeper in there. There’s two plants that have been almost identical to what I remember from the “Berger cut” and the smell is there for sure. I will be over the moon to have my bubba keeper back. Then if I can replace my 11wk pink Kush and a BLR, plus a killer Chem or find the super elusive Chem -Jones or even just Casey as a starting point I will truly be SET again. I just want my two staples back, the rest is only a bonus!


Damn fine looking garden, my friend.

I wanna be just like you, if/when I ever grow up. lol.


Thank you sir , I definitely pour my all into every grow/plant/seed etc. this is my passion, my love, my medicine and for the most part my life. Just love being able to share the experience with others. And although I stayed away from social media/forums for the most part for the many many previous grow years. I’m glad I re-joined a couple years back now and eventually found this place and all of you awesome people to share it with. For the most part no one but 2-3 people ever saw my many years of producing cannabis, hell we barely even took a pic, ever. But it’s nice to get a little praise from others once in a while I suppose. Thank you to EVERYONE for the kind words and encouragement. Truly


I never even talked about anything I was growing until just recently.
Hell, for the past 20 years, no one even knew I was a smoker. I kept a VERY low profile on both growing (guerilla style, outdoors) and smoking. Only on a few nights and mostly on weekends.


Haha us Undercover pot heads lol. My how the times have changed havent they brother?


Meat Breath was/is super popular, maybe you’re on to something with them Turkey terps…. :smile: