TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Ok… an American werewolf in London

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Boooooooom you win lol

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Did u know that’s a real pub supposedly @ifish

Didn’t know that , might have to look into that , be very cool to visit

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not so much anxious from the movie just lack of sleep maybe 4 hours in bits. but man you know that shit really does exist on the dark web and stories you see on the news time from time. and the stuff they hide. corrupt someone in power and you can control them with black mail. jeffrey epstien was a master at it. some ppl have no conscious

but i would bet the over on that producer being a pedo or sadist lol

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I loved that film , scared the shit out of me haha but in a nice way , not like horror now

Lame for you guys

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how about people under the stairs lol. that one was a cool concept movie imo

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Most definitely…. Just to make it u gotta be a sadist, or just a sick f&$@ , I get that , I always wake up so much at night it’s ridiculous. Don’t know when it started I went from insomnia , to sleeping but never more than 1-2 hour stretches! :persevere:

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I can’t sing that song if it’s dark out and on my own ( blue moon )
Used to have to sprint it home lol


I loved that movie too! Absolutely loved it! That changeover scene was so far ahead of its time! Back then I was buying the horror movie collector cards , I still remember getting the werewolf in London I was as happy as getting Freddy/Jason. That movie literally changed an entire genre. Movie gold


Yes, that was a killer movie I haven’t thought of in years, so many that impacted me so much as a kid!


Ironically it conjures up some fear in me too, still to this day , like Jaws ruined the ocean, many horror movies ruined many things for me including songs lol


Yes jaws did it for me too

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like that feeling as a kid when you go up the stairs after watching a scary movie and you feel like something is chasing you lol


Oh hell yes! Run jump in bed, covers over your head, peeking out a hole to see if/what followed you. My dad was a paramedic and when it was just me and him I spent many nights alone until 7am at 11-12-13 yo man I was scared of so many things especially after a good scary movie lol


No way could your feet touch the floor while sitting on sofa or head near the back


looooool or in bed…


Bahahaha you guys know! Glad I wasn’t just a pussy


Top dressing the veg tent plants right now about 2/3rds done. Then yard work and a supply run to try n store some cuttings.


im a pussy in many ways speed heights dying crowds… ghosts … but ill fight anyone win or lose or put my life on the line for a loved one. guess we just have to decide where the line is haha