TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

It truly is my passion, my love. I love reading about it, researching, experimenting, breeding, testing and of course smoking. There’s something special about taking a tiny seed so small and insignificant, throwing it in a splash of water then planting in some soil , nourishing, loving and caring for it until it in turn provides you with REAL LIFE medicine. To me it’s magical and even though at times things get monotonous and old, even frustrating it can be turned around and reinvigorated so easily and in turn it fuels newfound experiment and ideas which will further fuel more reinvigoration and drive for the hobby which we enjoy so much. It also makes me realize how much I truly enjoy this pastime/hobby or whatever you choose to label it as, sometimes we just need a reminder why we love what we love as much as we do as it lights a fire underneath us we’ve since let all but fizzle out.


Yeah. I see what you mean. All it took was a loop pedal that I bought (at a more than fair price) from my friend @Tejas on here and the coals were stoked and my guitar playing caught another gear. lol
The next step is an effects pedal.
Thanks again for that btw Tejas. I’m having a blast with the thing. lol


New toys will usually get me going again too. :sunglasses:

I have not had a chance to drop by your place in a while.
I figured I would use this opportunity to say hey @MoBilly
“Hey” :upside_down_face:


Hey man! I hope you are doing better than okay. :wink:


I am, thank you for askin’! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@MoBilly I will drop by your place when I get a bit of free time.


@MoBilly @shag yep new toys is a sure bet way to fire me :up:


Growing weed has actually got me interested in growing herbs, veggies and (thanks to my wife) even flowers. Obviously a lot of people *here *enjoy doing it, but it is a very enjoyable hobby.


Most definitely, I love gardening of all sorts @CanuckistanPete and just being in nature in general but give me a shovel, some water, seeds and some proper space and I’ll have a GM Damn utopia going before long I promise you that. It’s actually killing me to be in this new place and losing 3/4 of my gardening space and a garden I’ve established over 16+ years and countless dollars. It’s truly a hobby in which you can just become one with your surroundings , it even helps with anxiety, stress etc. and you can even grow your own food and stuff it’s just a great hobby pastime and a pretty cool job/business as well imho


Few shots after everything is sexed (almost) clones were taken of everything and each plant has been lollipopped and slightly defoliated/tucked etc.


And a little HST on this skyscraper.


Aerial view of a couple gorgeous Chem-D ladies looking absolutely perfect!


Very beautiful garden. Wish I had that much space for growing. I’m still trying to convince my wife that a 5x5 tent is a good investment.


Looking stellar as usual bro!


Honestly two 4 x 4 or 5 x 5 and a separate lil clone/seedling/breeding area is amazing, I did some exceptional work with two 4 bys and a small closet. Ideally if working with confined spaces/tents with a decent sized basement or whatever I’d have two 4 x 8’s and two 4 x 4 or 5 x 5’s and a small area for seedlings/clones etc. I could run a stellar pro craft perpetual setup with those and some good lights like you couldn’t believe. But I had consistent top shelf quality with relative ease running smaller setups, I always wonder at what point does upscaling become no longer pheasible in order to retain quality and consistency. I will definitely say that “A 5 x 5 is an exceptionally good investment for you and what you have going @BigMike55 “ most definitely.


Screenshot that one for the wife :point_up:t2: @BigMike55 lol and thanks gentleman @BigMike55 @MoBilly I always appreciate your kind words and encouragement :facepunch:t2: much respect



Dang! I’m thinking about taking a break and getting back on in 11 hours!

The sentiment goes both ways my friend.


Haha it’s a constant struggle …. Damn like count :man_facepalming:t2: gets ya EVERYTIME!

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It’s like when I took the phones away from the kids after an hour or so. I said “Get outside and do something useful or just fun but GET OUT SIDE!” . The site is telling me “Go interact with folks instead of just dropping likes all the time”.

I feel so micromanaged!


I found this funny as hell, but dam true… :rofl:


Exactly what I have right now. 2, 4x4’s and a 2x4. I want more. Hehe.