TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Kinda creepy @MoBilly


Nice @MoBilly ! The Soylent green PEOPLE HUMPER haha!

@MonsterDrank im glad I can bring awareness to some of these overlooked strains in @JAWS catalogue or any for that matter as I feel he is a great breeder and one helluva guy who simply “KEEPS IT REAL, ALWAYS” I’ve had 6 people , now you make 7 that have messaged me regarding buying some of his gear via my posts in the last couple of weeks and that makes me proud. I know you are gonna like those bad boys! They have been a pleasure to grow so far and I cannot wait to see/taste/smell the finished product! Next up I have FPOG and Legion OG which excite the hell out of me as well. And I REALLY want some Chem 4 x Lemon Larry, some chronic, DMT and alien tech. And of course the Durban project and deep chunk…. Soooo many goodies, I need a warehouse :man_facepalming:t2:


You got that right! I edited it just for you. lol


He has a strange motion about him… :thinking:
Well, happy hump day back at you fine sir! :rofl:


Now that you mention that…
Ewwww! lol


Hump is right :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: hey even creepy monsters have needs guys!


I can vouch for this.


:rofl: :laughing: :grin: :smile: :sweat_smile:


That is what @MoBilly tells his wife anyhow…
Much love Mobilly! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@TopShelfTrees1 I am @MonsterDrank not @MonasticDank. This happens alot. :laughing:

I knew about these for a long time however. I’ve been hunting Starfighter and related Starfighter crosses all year. I was glad you decided to run them however because I haven’t seen anyone else do them. I was holding off purchasing due to the price being $100 at Seedbanks… but for $25 it was a no brainer. I think I’ve now got over 30 seed packs that are either Starfighter crosses or have Starfighter in it’s lineage… plus Starfighter F2s themselves. I have been trying to replace my old Starfighter cut that I lost… and this seems like it could be a good way to do it. I had a Starfighter made with the F2s that Exotic created from the F1s he bought from Alien at auction a decade or so ago. Unfortunately I had a real bad experience with Mike (Exotic) this past year… and can’t see myself ever supporting that guy again… but that Starfighter from way back when… was excellent. Very unique and one of my all time favs.


After 41 years… she knows. lol


I’ve had a bad experience too, asked me to send him a cut on my dime with nothing in return and “if” it was that real deal Oakland PK he’d send me testers or something…. Ya no bueno. Had a badass starfighter for a few years from a bagseed , one which popped and turned out stellar, long gone. Now I’d love to have her. This is part of the reason I emptied my stable and am starting from scratch again this spring, I’m looking to obtain the cuts I’ve had/lost and loved and often reminisce about, the ELITES I’ve always wanted but could never obtain , and the stand outs from some pheno hunts I have planned as well as some repros. And everything is being backed up and backed up again, especially because some of these I’ve been trying to acquire for 15/16/17 years easily! But Canada although always having killer flower really wasn’t about much sharing back in the day, and guys were asking silly prices thinking everyone who grows was cash cropping thousands and thousands every couple months , so it would be “CHEM-D sure, got a bunch rooted now, I can cut you a deal if you take 5 …. Let’s say 1900$ ? That’s 600$ off for you bro” :man_facepalming:t2: “oh ya let me go see what I can come up with gimme a couple days” (and I was never seen again by him) or the guy asking 1800 for the cut of green sherbet. As well as the guy who wanted 1500$ for HAOG! :weary: makes me sick , still looking for HAOG too, ten years later


Apologies on the mistag bro @MonsterDrank


That is insane. Sorry, but no cutting is worth that kind of scratch. Even if you just “gotta have it” for a breeding program or something. It would have to be so potent that you get high just walking past the plant to be worth that much.
That’s just my cheap ass opinion though.


I agree, for the cash croppers it’s easily obtainable and why most of them have ridiculous stables. Hell even I blew tons of money for the decade or so I was. Now, not a chance, not that I’d buy em anyway as I hate the entire principle. I don’t want stuff free but those prices are just ludicrous


Think you meant my brother from another mother @MonsterDrank …. Sounds dank however!


Ya my bad :disappointed: @MonasticDank , even after he told me I forgot to change it to. :man_facepalming:t2:

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I’ll get into my story but its long and boring. Be prepared… essentially this is what happened… I wanted Starfighter type genetics and always had a sense of responsibility and enjoyed supporting breeders that have been good to me. It’s true that in 2011-ish… I was a co-moderator of a online forum/seedbank and we welcomed Exotic, Red Eyed Genetics, Lemonhoko, Kaya, a bunch of West Coasters all around the same time to our forum with open arms… Mike sent me the Starfighter F2s after we chatted one night and bonded over similar appreciation of the same type of strains. I grew those Starfighter F2s and wanted to get something similar all these years later… so I made a few orders. a $500 order with Luscious Genetics for the Exotic Power Sherb box and a couple of orders just over $200 with Exotic directly. Years have passed and Mike completely forgot me. I am just a nobody to him now… and this story will go on to show how insignificant I really am to him…

…anyway… after placing 2 orders directly with EG… Exotic’s team… whoever ships out his stuff… sent my order to a different address than what was on the order. Different address, different Zip code even, The only thing I was able to piece together through all of this, is the shipping company he uses… Endica I think it was… they didn’t have my address correctly in their shipping database for some reason. When the person who does the orders at EG imported my correct address into their shipping software… their software changed the address to something else completely. I wasn’t aware of this at the time… all I knew is that Exotic supplied a tracking number that said my order was delivered to a different zip code… and I had another package/order coming from him the very next day.

So… he has this Discord support system where you go in there and make a ticket and a rep from his comes in to chat… the rep realized what happened after I had to explain it a couple of times… they apologized, said they’d reship… I was like okay great… then Mike enters the chat… he says, No… we are not going to do that… instead lets wait and see what happens… the tracking can’t be right… there’s no possible way you would have received this by now anyway, etc… but he said he’d help me if I waited a little while longer. I said very politely, okay great. Now If I would have just closed the chat and said goodbye, maybe that might have happened… but instead, me being kinda OCD, I added to that chat that I also had bought the $500 Power Sherb box from a retailer and was nervous and had to check with them too… but I think that shipping information on their end is okay, despite having similar looking website software, and I also let him know that I contacted my Post Office and read the tracking number to the Postal Clerk and the Clerk assured me that the package from EG did in fact get delivered already at an incorrect address… but I was okay with still waiting I said.

IDK what about these statements made him mad… but to me I was just trying to provide all necessary correct information and facts and put them out there… but he all of a sudden through a mini temper tantrum, he called me a DICK. Said he was done with me, didn’t want my business. I was like Whoah!.. I wasn’t being rude at all, I said… I don’t understand what I said that is making you upset… but he just kept going off… saying shit like… I am done, I’ll just send you your money. Then I got a notification on my phone saying a new tracking number was created from EG… and it looked like they were preparing to send me something. I was then left in the chat with his reps, he left… I said to the other guy… I don’t understand what I said wrong… the guy, I think his name was Steve, backed Mike up and said… “You came at us sideways” I have since had multiple people read this transcript of the chat and none of them agree I did a single thing wrong. All I did was support a guy who treated me like dirt when I had a problem… I was polite and gave them all the facts that I had… I even later apologized and said, I was working and trying to type all of this info in a rush while on the clock… but after reading it back, I don’t get why Mike was so mad. I apologized anyway nonetheless.

… a short while later that tracking number I had received the notification from said it was canceled. I thought wow… if he acts like this, and calls me names and truly is this way… maybe he’s gonna screw me afterall. It didn’t matter to him one bit that I was gonna spend $700 to $800 or possibly even over $1000 on his genetics that week… and I was. He just didn’t value my business whatsoever. So I did a little detective work. I got the address from the post office, found out where he sent it… it was to the ghetto part of the city I live in… across town. By googling the address, I found the woman ran a small African Hair business out of her home. I called her, we made an arrangement to meet. With traffic, taking the highway I was there a 25 min drive later… I tracked down the house… found the package sitting on the steps. The homeowner left it there… I immediately took a photo of the box on her porch… and sent it to Exotic’s “Team.” I was like… it was not only possible to have arrived by now. One of these 2 packages is in my hand. I sent them the photo. Since there was 2 packages, I had to go back and do it all over again the very next day. After I posted the information in the support chat on Discord, one of Mike’s team members said “Great, glad they were received.” and then they just closed the chat. Mike didn’t once apologize for how he treated me, or thank me for doing the detective work or all that driving to recover the two boxes that he mailed to the wrong place. Unbeknownst to him I had a separate order into Luscious Genetics for a 2nd Power Sherb box at another $499… and really was planning on spending over $1K on his genetics that week… but after the poor experience dealing with him… I cancelled that order for the second Power Sherb box with Luscious. I am now sitting on a small mountain sized pile of his seeds that I was excited about running… and now… not so much.

So that was my first and only time ordering from Exotic Genetics directly. I’ve shared this story with a few others… but I didn’t go out of my way to post all over the internet how rotten he was to me. Part of me wanted to… but I am a grown man… revenge just wasn’t something I was looking for. But since you had a poor experience I thought I’d share mine. He can’t say it went down any differently either… since I still have the screenshots of the chat transcript and the photos. What I am saying, I attest to be 100% truthful without any missing facts.

Wow that took forever to type. Feels good to vent. Even though it is months later.


Wow! Ya that REALLY sucks, I’m the worst when it comes to that stuff so trust me I feel you 100% I don’t play when it comes to stuff I’ve ordered and paid for . And if that was the case I would have been losing my ish . Ya I’m not about calling people out like that either, just not worth the drama or headache but best believe if you didn’t do what you did and retrieved the packages yourself and it was me I would have been losing my mind, for real ESPECIALLY at their prices never mind the prices you paid for those orders. Man, I was actually really looking hard for a few strains of theirs before this. My experience was on IG, and after all the drama there and then shutting me down TWICE! I just haven’t been back in months . I gave up. Glad you got all your stuff, really sucks not wanting to throw it down now though. Especially if there’s king sherb in that box :man_facepalming:t2:


Well that’s definitely something.

I have money. You have seeds. What’s the problem?

I don’t get it.