TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Good news, all three Chem-Jones are out of the medium and looking good.


Here’s the evolution thus far, as well as the newest additions still being helped along by a heat mat underneath. The Time Bandits were topped 2 days ago, everything is just thriving below the surface atm. However there is one TB (#1)that seems to never be impressed with ANYTHING. Super finicky, hope it’s just an early growth thing, going to keep a close eye on that one for the time being .


Weekly update: things are moving along nicely, one male has been removed from the time bandits, there may be one other but I’m pretty positive we have four females from TB, Jelly Ranchers are growing exceptionally, stacking like crazy, when topped they did not skip a beat, just hardy, healthy, vibrant cannabis plants, the TB are much much more finicky! The last two weeks I was convinced they hated me, especially one, everything I did , they looked pissed! Yesterday and today they seem to be happier. The only difference was I added some Nirvana at 1/2ml per. But I’ll take it, they still don’t look the happiest but much better and seem to be taking off again.


Chem-Jones seem to be doing decent, one is showing a mutation, single curled leaf after it’s first true leaves, weird, I’ll keep my eye on it, and the one that had me worried during germ is behind and not looking as healthy tbh. All I can do atm is wait and see what happens. I have such high hopes for these and depending what occurs I will be doing some kind of preservation run.


Your temps are low (75) , especially at lowest ( 66 )
Are you vegging under led ? if so that can compound the temp issue even more Due to lack of radiant heat : )


Ya, we had a wicked temp drop last night , hit zero I believe and woke up to my house at 64 because I didn’t have my heat on. It’s normally 80 bang on in this tent for lights on (give or take a degree either way) there are also 2 heat mats below, perhaps the reason they have been pissed at me the last 3 days though, good call as I was just talking about this in fact. And yes LED


I run my veg room at 80f also , but I am t5ho , should it be higher again for led ?

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I’ve always been good around 80 personally, those crazy swings though I know for a fact are not good, I’m actually using a mismatch of several things atm snd just utilizing this 4 by 4 for everything so they are actually sitting on my RDWC Veg unit but I normally flower at 82-90 max . And Veg around 80, I’m definitely no led pro as I’ve only been using LED’s for a few years.

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Did you notice any difference changing to led in veg ?


In stacking and being able to control height/growth better . Definitely. And when dialed right in with the RDWC it’s mind blowing the pace at which they just EXPLODE! it’s a fine line though and I’ve always ran some form of co2 in Veg as well which now I am not either. (Probably good the last 3-4 days though lol)
And being able to dial up and down the intensity is amazing too for getting it just right. These time bandits have seemed finicky from day 1 though where as the JR just move along like nothing phases them ever .


I do VERY MUCH appreciate your help and advice though my friend, honestly. These things have been stressing me out somewhat tbh

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They’re looking good to me TopShelf!!

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I’m BAAAACK! Sorry for my hiatus but I have moved to a new home and am in the process of getting everything up and running again. Tomorrow I will begin building my new setup and should be rocking again within the next week or so. I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and a very happy holidays !


little nug of some OG Kush Breath I pulled out of long term cure to get me going today. This stuff is unreal and will dank up an entire home with the smallest of nugs, true top shelf DANK!


Wow that’s cool to see OGKB as it stands by itself. Seems like lots of breeders like to use it as a tool but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it pure. You got any shots of the plant it came from? I’ve heard all the talk about how it’s a slow vegger and it grows with mutated leaves etc. but never seen the real thing before. That nugget looks pretty damned appetizing to me


No pics of the plant as it came from our off-site operation. But I plan on growing some out in the summer 100% so we can make some beans. Was the first time it’s been grown out and finished by us since we received her last July. She gets leaf scrunch but no serious mutated leaves etc. And she’s slow but I’ve seen much much slower. The terps, the smell throughout are just heavenly and the dankness lingers behind everything and is very prominent when smoked (at least in a joint) The nugs may stick to the wall when tossed at it, this pheno was hunted by a friend in the Toronto area who obtained the beans from a Manitoba legend and IMO is one of the best breeders I know of . Yield is definitely nothing to write home about but for me and most of my crew it’s quality over quantity hands down and I believe she’ll make an exceptional tool.


She’s definitely a seriously tasty girl with a serious buzz that lingers for hours. When I make some beans you have some coming 100% if you would like.


Hell yea! Don’t threaten me with a good time! :grin::call_me_hand:t2:


Glad to see you again TST1!


Thank you @MoBilly hope your holidays went well? Actually working on this new setup as we speak, have to go and drop some beans in the bath tonight as well. Miss my baby and cannot wait to get everything fired up again. My OCD is not helping me speed up the process one bit though . :man_facepalming:t2:

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