TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

2008 right after it all fell apart. :skull_and_crossbones:


It’s ok , you got us now big guy :100:


Put the gun down , we love you , :sunglasses:


All nostalgic n shit.


take it keep it , before you ever get into that space , call me @ColeLennon , what friends are 4


Had it since PHK. I spent 15 years with a cell buried in my ear. My S10 is pretty much a kickass camera that moon lights as text and call maker. :rofl: S10 is like vintage now. :rofl:

I’m lost
Please ‘splain

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I never use my phone. I blew my wad hard the years I was in high impact sales. Seriously, I think I have PTSD from hyper excessive marathon cell use. Yes “I just made that up” Top’s going to come back like :rofl: wtf

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Now I get it
You have no clue the grinder I worked in for 28 years .

Car salesman , veterans , lasted days . Went through 3700 sales people while I was there , never more than 30 of us at one time .

Metrics you couldn’t even understand , a ratio on EVERYTHING I sold .

Only thing , NO PHONE WORK, face to face only .

My phone thing is …….

I NEVER EVER EVER want to have to fake smile and say WELCOME to the store to Karen again .:sunglasses:

I woke up 3 nights a week in a sweat with knottd stomach , had been selling ALL NIGHT .


Oh I know. I hear ya bro. Been to the concert. Got the t shirt. Made the MTV video.

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I guarantee you I have cell phone PTSD but for different reasons.

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Its the only explanation for my complete lack of wanting to use it. Shit you don’t even need to type to do anything. :rofl:



Were you the one with the dickhead boss that just recently told him to fuck off and never went back.
I remember someone told that story not sure it was you.
The person was making good money too.


I keep my ringer off so I don’t jump when it rings. The only person who can easily contact me is Mrs Foreigner because she rigged my phone to allow it to ring just for her.

Everyone else will just have to wait.


That’s so she can track you while she banditos your sativa.


(It’s really her sativa I just grow it)


I retired because I was honestly , and I mean it , was only days away from hitting my boss over the head with a recliner .
I had one I could lift right by his desk where he stood . I went for it like 3 times the week I quit , and was stopped by friends who knew what I was gonna do .

I had been called stupid and yerk and genius for 28 years while he became a billionaire . He got loaded , we worked 75 hours a week for 100 to 120 grand a year .

Covid hit , best thing ever happened to our store . Sales tripled , was like shooting fish in a barrel , and I made 300k for 3 straight years , which set my ass up .

He is an asshole , but a real MAN , had I El Cabong’d his ass , and not killed him , he would have done nothing other than try to fight me , which he would of lost , ask Randall , lol , then fire me

I was gonna rack his ass , he had it coming


Everyone gotta vent now and then

Top won’t care , like the rest of us , he’s fucked in the head too :banana:.



Yeah I had the light denim levi jacket/members only. 501’s British Knight basketball shoes. Mullet rat tail. If you weren’t a teenager in 80s Ya missed out. :sunglasses: :metal:


Yup , paid everything off , he pissed me the duck off , the morning AFTER my first SS check hit my bank

Rest is history


Dam right, my look evolved as I grew too. That album was awesome.

parents as hairdressers