TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Luke’s Force, Mic Drop and frosted cobra all caught my eye big time, but I noticed he has @Guitarzan stuff now, anything from him will be excellent as well I’m sure. He’s a legend around here


@JohnnyPotseed is very well respected here. Anything in his arsenal is probably gonna be fire. Be sure to grab Frankenstein. And prices and service is top shelf.


I sent @JohnnyPotseed 's Frankie fems to a guy out west this season. He grew them outdoors & they were pest/mold resistant easy to grow. He’s harvesting now.

I’m running HolyAngels SSDD F2 BX1 & they were great for indoor. I’m a newb that makes lots of mistakes & they survived/thrived. Those seeds are also available right now with @Johnnypotseed :+1:

You will still be able to get seeds even if that bill passes, just not through the mail legally. People will bypass that by forming local co-ops that give them away free in person. Also most people on OG do not give AF & will still send em :laughing:


Its not going to stop me from sending seeds to my fellow community members as MD is now legal and I am too old to give a fuck! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good Canadian late mornin buddy!


The seeds have been flying for a long time. The legality is a recent development, so not much is really going to change.


Not like I’ve EVER let them know it was beans anyway :laughing:


Oh hell no!


Willie’s Bait and Tackle has handled my mail for 20 years. Even to Canada. Description. Samples of fishing stuff.
Hard to fish without weed.


I went with similar actually. :wink: I have only ever had one issue and I’ve been shipping stuff about 14 years I’d guess. (You should see what we used to ship to Buff almost daily :wink:) and that was recently cuz they closed my local po (literally down the street) now it’s a 15 minute car ride :man_facepalming:t2: but they neglected to empty the boxes outside and at the end of my street after closing. For like a month or more! Until I lost my shit, crazy part is he said “oh don’t worry now that we know they will all make it soon” 14 packages…… one has showed up! One and it was like 45 days later ripped and all . but the beans were still good! Three of those letters I can’t possibly replace as they were one offs or rarities! Now I’m left waiting…. And waiting did I mention I’m waiting? STILL FFS!


Damn… that’s so F’d up it’s almost funny! Did I mention ‘almost’?

@TopShelfTrees1 hopefully, your packages all get to you, cuz! Sooner rather than later!


Hey @Gonzo , I’ve been following your progress in your grow journal, homie. :wave:

Nice save! :+1:


@Guitarzan has done a lot with the Maui Mango line. He must have been very happy with it, since he has crossed it with quite a few strains. I chose the Maui Mango Haze from “the Vault” in my win from the 7th Anniversary party. :star_struck:

Back in the day, Maui Wowie was the most exotic stuff to reach my small town.


Just checked, package has left Chicago.


I know a guy totally unphased by these restrictions. I’m not going to tell you who though.


@MrGreenJeans Hey thanks buddy! :100:
Wasn’t my save though, I asked the group & followed their tips. All credit to the OG community.

@Foreigner I think I know that dude :laughing: I for one will follow all laws & show our institutions their proper respect. In fact, so in love with the rules & institutions I am, If I traveled back in time, pretty sure I’d have to be a crown loyalist. I’d have called the local horse mounted authorities on Paul Revere. Cuz If you see something say something :+1:


Not even in DM? I gotta know who now!


@MrGreenJeans you can’t really go wrong wrong with @JohnnyPotseed gear. As our other members have stated the Frankenstein fems are really the total package. Tough bitch resistant to bugs and disease and have only heard and seen the best things about the smoke. She grows big really big and the buds really pack on. The pheno I got had that flavor that was just associated with good dank weed in the early 90’s. There is a lot of members who have or are currently growing this strain. Good luck bud.
@TopShelfTrees1 how’s the Jenny doing?


also, @MrGreenJeans you can go check out the feedback on me, and how folks feel about their dealings with me.


Not saying this is the case here. Not at all. Sometimes it seems with more verification involved, there’s an opportunity for disappointment. Doesn’t matter at all what’s said or shown. “The picture looked like this, and t he yield wasnt good” Those seeds leave yours,or anyone elses hands and no telling what went on. “For an organic grower, you have a really nice collection of well used jugs of everything.”

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