Tracker's garden

Look real healthy

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I should start collecting pollen by the end of the week on a few Males.
I am sure you will be able to find one or two on the list that works for ya! :call_me_hand:
DM incoming.


hello there neighbor i am at 44.1071° N, 69.7242° W

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Hope you’re able to keep him alive long enough to get a little pollen…

Have you thought about spraying the tip of one of your females with CS daily? Not sure if theres enough time, but you know they’re all females already. So maybe enough time to get some feminized pollen and make some female seeds.

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5 days since last update. It is 106f today. The next 14 days are forecast to be over 100f every day. This coming Tues is forecast 111f!

The male plant is totally dead, dried up into a brown twig.

The plants in the raised bed are still taking the heat. @luna the Power Cheese is having the fastest/tallest preflower stretch. I had to pinch the stem on the tallest top because it was almost getting high enough to see from the street. I might have to do that on more tops in the coming week.


Jezuz not even in the stretch yet :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


They are in the stretch now. There are pistils at every node.


How come you don’t prune them? Pruning equals better airflow and less larf. You can get the same yield by directing the energy to the top of the plant without the larf and gain bigger colas. Especially with them butted up against the fence. The whole back half of the plants won’t get any light to the branches or buds. Also zero air flow through there, greater chance of molds and rot. Just a tip.

Happy Growing! :green_heart:


I prune and defol every day little by little.


I don’t think a little of anything will do much there :wink:

Looking great! Did you wind up with some donor pollen?


Get the leaf blower out and fan em down…

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No one has confirmed sending pollen yet.

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I knew the Powercheese could handle some higher temps (high 80s) but shocked how great everything is looking at 106f… HOTDAMN! :laughing: She’s a 50/50 sat/ind so might stretch a little more than a pure indica.


I pinched the tallest top and leaned it over yesterday in the morning, it has since perked up with a bent stem. In the mean while, like overnight, all the other tops sprang up above that one! It kind if started slow I. The begining of veg, but it really took off about a month ago. Now it’s the most vigorous one in the stretch.


Super healthy looking plants Tracker. Lots of plant matter in there though, I’d start to clean those up, sucker branches and leaves. Maybe need another row of trellis soon.
I’m going to have to trellis my two plants way more or at least quit feeding them so much.



Nice looking bushes! What all have you got there?

I’ve been getting up under the canopy and thinning stuff out early in the morning, but I can only handle like 30 min before I’m drenched.

I think I’ll end up raising the upper trellis. I’ve got it ziptied on in a way that I can clip the ties and raise it without too much trouble.


Your plants are going to continue to grow a lot, they will start growing into each other, hopefully you will have good airflow when you start packing on the buds.
I’ve got two seedlings that I selected out of 30 fems that have the same parents but were different phenos in leaf and plant structure. Its an old Afghan heirloom that I have been working with for years and crossed I crossed it to Runtz in 2019 then did a large phenohunt and crossed that to Zkittlez in 2020. I’ve grown them out before, not the best bag appeal but the aroma and taste is amazing.


I just scrolled back at your 2021 garden, you had some huge plants and nice buds in the same situation before. Hey if it works, great. Hopefully you have a dry September and October, not sure where you are located.


I’m in OK US. I extended the raised bed lengthwise this season, so the plants have a little more space this year. I’m trying to be strategic about the way I prune, defol, and spread them out on the trellis.

Last year wasnt too wet during the fall. Hopefully we’ll be dry this fall, but ya never know with outdoor. I always end up with some losses to bugs and mold, but usually no more than 5%. I end up with plenty.