Tracker's garden

Those look great I’m down good luck :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


I’ve got 110F on my backyard thermometer today. They’re still reaching for the sun! :sun_with_face: :sun_with_face: :sun_with_face:


Perfect!!! :heart_eyes:


God Damn I said GOD DAMN!!! :metal:



Well…the upper trellis is in. It’s been so hot, I had to wait till after sunset to finish it.


Good God!!! Insane in the membrane!!! :metal: @noknees got faced lol :slight_smile:


Heya @Tracker beauties inna Di yard!!
will you do some defoliating and prunning?


Thanks for the compliment. Yes, I selectively defoliate and prune almost every day…little by little.


they have consistently looked great, esp considering the heat! so I must ask

care to share what you’ve been giving them? :slightly_smiling_face:


The soil is the same that i’ve been using for a long time. You can see a compost barrel to the left of the bed in some of the pics. I fill it up with kitchen scraps and yard waste (a lot of defol from the plants) throughout the year and turn it into the soil in the spring.

When I transplant babies into the bed, I apply Wallace Organic Wonder Myco granules.

Once the plants start looking like they could benefit from some nutrient supplementation, I add salt nutes…light mix at first, then heavier as they get bigger.

At this part in late veg, I’m feeding the heaviest veg mix.

I use my municipal tap water that comes out at about 200ppm and pH 8.4. I use ascorbic acid to pH down.

In a 5gal bucket I mix…

5tsp GH MaxiGro
1tsp BluePlanet EasyWeed
1tsp Wallace Organic Wonder soluble humic/fulvic
10mL Botanicare CalMag+

I mix up two 5gal buckets of feed. Then, I use a 2gal watering pail to distribute the feed mix around the raised bed. Then, I give it a good soaking with the water wand. I really need to work out a less labor intensive application method, but every year I end up procrastinating on that.

Sometimes I pick up other supplements when I find deep discounts. I have some CytoPlus on hand that I got on the cheap. Every 2nd feeding, I add 1tsp CytoPlus to the 5gal mix.

I also got some Fishshit in a raffle, so i’ve been mixing 5ml/gal into my feedings until it runs out.

Around here, bugs will shred your stuff if you don’t apply sprays. I apply weekly (weather permitting) preventative maintenance of the following…

I only apply sprays in the evening, after sunset, and only if it was dry on the day of application and forecast to be dry the following day.

Makes 4gal mix. It takes that much to fully cover my cannabis and other vegies and flowers. I could fully cover the cannabis with 2gal at the current size of garden.

In 4 gal water add…

Same nutrient mix as above, but only 1/4 to 1/2 strength

1tsp Dawn concentrated dish soap
2 oz Azamax
2 oz Monterey BT
2 oz Monterey Spinosad
2 oz Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide

I mix my feed and spray mixes with a high speed drill with a mixer attachment.

I apply the spray through the first two weeks of flower, when bud formation really starts to happen. Then I stop applying sprays and keep my fingers crossed until harvest. I always lose some to bugs and mold, but its usually less than 5% loss.

After the plants stop stretching, and they are going into true flower mode, I transition from MaxiGro to MaxiBloom.

Also, when I’m in a pinch because I didn’t resupply on the base nutes, i’ll use MiracleGro I have on hand for my flower garden.


Thanks for sharing your routine!

Do you add the ascorbic acid after mixing nutes to 6ish or before you mix nutes to neutralize the water? How much do you typically add?

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I haven’t measured the pH on my mix in a long while. I’m just used to the amount of ascorbic acid that it takes to get somewhere between 6 and 7 pH. The muni water consistently comes out around 200ppm and 8.4pH. For years, it’s been like that.

When I make the mix, I put the dry ingredients into the bottom of the bucket. I eyeball a scoop of ascorbic acid with a plastic disposable spoon (prob about 3/4 Tbsp), and I put it in the bucket. Then, I add water from the garden hose, and mix with the drill as its filling up. At about 1/2 full, I add liquid ingredients. Then, continue to fill and mix. I usually mix for about 30 sec longer after its full.


I am in need of pollen. If you have anything interesting that you’d be willing to share, I will be grateful to receive. Please DM me.

My selected male pollen donor has been destroyed by the heat. He’s not totally dead, but I don’t think he’ll make it. He was rootbound in a 1gal pot. I think the roots got too hot in the 100f+ temps with the sun hitting the pot.

Now, my females will be ready to start receiving pollen in about 3 weeks, and I don’t have a male.

I will happily share beans to the donor of whatever pollen I use.

Current state of females…


Don’t have pollen yet, but if your male is alive, you might save him. Take him inside, under flourescent if you have it. If not a sunny window will do. You can even cut about 6" to a foot off the top at a 45 degree angle, dip it in cloning jell or honey and put it in water with a little B1 to help the shock and maybe some “Garden Phos” to keep down any PM. After 10 to 11 hours in daylight, put it a closet or where it stays dark and cool. In a few days routine, if all goes well, you should get pollen. Fingers crossed and good luck!


Everyday Haze on the left, Humboldt Sout Diesel on the right. The HSD might be a sloppy cross* with last year’s Mowie Wowie.

Here’s a volunteer Durban Poison probably another sloppy cross with nother DP or an HSD or MW. (I got lazy) the plants in pots are strawberries. The cardboard was in over winter to keep weeds down. This one is the same lady with corn planted all around, but she’s still bushing out. I’d take her out cuz I want corn! I got pot. ButI love volunteers and she’sbeautiful so…


The reason I think my Humboldt Sour D might have sloppy crossed (accidental pollen) with my Mowie Wowie last year. This is a male I put in a separate greenhouse last night. branches like an OG (more vertically) but dig the male pods. Not on the bracts per usual, but on branch ends. Not seen this before. Can anybody elaborate?


That’s cuz cannabis is a determinate plant. Hope this helps.
Determinate vs indeterminate

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Hmmmmmm… I know determinate / indeterminate. (I grow several tomato plants every year) Not sure what they has to do with this weird male is doing. I can only guess it’s some Mowie Wowie genes at work because it also grows vertically. Humboldt Sour Diesel grows branches out. (Christmas tree like).

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Yeah…that must be it.