Tracker's garden

Merry Christmas Brother! :christmas_tree: :santa: :call_me_hand:


Happy new year everyone! :grin::herb::v:t3::dove:

Dream6 @ day 70.
Plant a and b seems like its almost there while plant c looks like she wants to ride on longer.




Thank you @tracker :green_heart::herb::pray:t3:


Happy New Year! Your plants look wonderful!!


Thank you bro @Jpaul :pray:t3:


Mmm mmm…i can smell it through the screen!


Happy New Year @Tracker


Happy New Year BigMike and to all OG’s


I had to scroll back up going… Plz be Dream6… Plz be Dream 6…and BOOM!
Beautiful plants growchacho. :seedling:
These will be nice to run. :+1:
Happy new year everyone


Happy new year and brother and thank you for the postive vibes…:green_heart::dove:

The one thing I forgot to mention as well was…
“Grow these out if you have them!” :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


Canopy is filled out. Begging to be flowered. I need to trim some back and preserve the cuts I want to keep, but I’ve been super busy. I plan to flip it by this coming weekend.

Still can’t decide for sure if I’m going to reverse the Blue Dream, or if I want to gamble on something else.


Awesome garden again, Bruddah
You kinda look like you know a little about this growing thing. Great work.


This Ice Pie plant was an extra that I didn’t need, but I just couldn’t bring myself to put it in the compost. I left it sitting on the porch where it gets very little light, and the temps have been below freezing every night as low as 27f since it’s been outside, over a week now. I’m surprised it’s looking so good. Hasn’t grown any. No pistils have popped out, but it looks healthy.

These are the volunteers under Big Girl that I posted pocs of a while back when I first noticed them popping up. They’ve been through many freezing nights as low as 25f. I haven’t watered them, but it has rained a couole of times this winter.


A true testament to the resilience of the Cannabis plant. Ain’t they awesome???


Have you grown out your train wreck cut before? If it was decent then maybe reverse that cut for something different? OR just go with the tried and true Blue Dream… Yup, tough choice! lol


I haven’t grown the Train Wreck before. It was included in the batch of cuts my friend gave me a month ago. They are still small. I don’t think I can get them transplanted and ready to flower in the timeline I want to happen. I want to flip to 12/12 this weekend. I might put them in there to catch some pollen and make a few seeds on them though.

The ones in there now are…

Ice Cream Cake
Super Buff Cherry #26
Ice Pie
Slurricane #7#3
Blue Dream


Have you grown out any of the top five strains before? If you have and there’s one you really like, I’d reverse that one (though I did hear MAC1 was hard to reverse). If you haven’t I’d reverse the Blue Dream…Lots to be said for a known A+ strain!

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I’ve only finished the MAC1 and Blue Dream. The MAC1 didn’t accept pollen well when I finished outdoors this past summer. I’m reluctant to do it with MAC1 and end up with few to no seeds.

@Maddawg shared the Ice Pie cut to me, but the original source is a friend and neighbor of mine. I shared it around, and thankfully, it found its way back to me. I never finished it, but I’ve seen it in my neighbor friend’s garden and had the finished flower from him. It’s a good candidate, very nice frosty flower, nice structure. Has some good characteristics to pass on.

Super Buff Cherry #26 originally came through another close friend of mine. I shared it to the more recent source, and he gave it back to me with the batch of cuts. It is also frosty, aromatic, has a bigger structure with longer spacing than the IP. Good vigour. Nice frosty fat medium-high density flower. Some purple spots in the flower.

Ice Cream Cake I’ve never grown nor have I seen the flower.

Slurricane #7#3 was pheno hunted by my neighbor friend. It has excellent flower. Very frosty and aromatic. I followed along with pictures of his grow. Having it in veg, i can say it is the fastest to root cuts ave the most vigorous one in there with nice structure.

Back to Blue Dream… I was excited to run this since getting the cut from a friend in summer 2022. I held the cut, made fem seeds, and passed it around until I got to properly flower it outdoor in 2023. I already knew I would be happy with the flower because the cut came with samples from the source’s garden, and they were spot on.

But what makes me like it even more after running it is that it didn’t get mold like the Genie and Kristi, dense flower plants, in my outdoor garden. We had late season precip and high humidity, which is normal in my area. The dense flower plants are always prone to mold. The BD has medium density flower on a slightly longer internodal frame, and it had only a few mold spots that popped up where there was bug damage. Since I like outdoor gardens, that battle is always on my mind.

The characteristic was confirmed in my friend’s 2023 outdoor garden with Dream6, Power Nap, and Dream Genie all finished in a garden 20 miles inland on the East Coast, with relatively high humidity and late season precip. Only very little bit of mold popped up, so Genie, which is prone to mold due to high density flower, did not have the problem in the cross with BD. His grow is recorded in this thread.

Along with being frosty with good vigour, I hope the BD passes on this characteristic for outdoor growers to enjoy.

And it does pretty well indoor too, as demonstrated in a couple of Dream6 indoor grows posted by other OG’s.

The other 5 varieties in the grow all have denser flowers and structure than the BD, and I fear that they will be more prone to mold outdoor.


Ah yes, mold susceptibility… something I didn’t consider. Not as much of an issue for indoor growers usually (as long as humidity is kept down and ventilation is good) but is vitally important for outdoor grows.

I’ve seen a friends outdoor grow in the NE have mold issues before and strain selection is very important outdoors. Some of the strains that got hit hard were Great white shark, Sweet Tooth #3 and Bubblegum, which would make sense as Kristi has a lot of bubblegum in her too.

Those three strains had ginormous and super dense buds. The one strain that was pretty immune as I remember was Cindy99, which had longer and less dense buds but still turned out excellent w/very little mold. Guess you can tell by the strains, this grow happened long ago…lol

I think Blue Dream is an excellent choice! (though haven’t tried YET) The pictures of your finished BD crosses are outstanding and also got a lot great reviews. PLUS its good for both indoors and out and is very mold/pest resistant.


Changed light from 24/0 to 14.5/9.5. I’ll step it to 12/12 by next weekend. Applied CS to BD(JD6). I applied CS to all the tops on the plant, so hopefully I’ll get a lot more pollen production and more seeds this time. Fingers crossed.

It’s going to be very cold next weekend. I need to run by HD and pick up more insulating board to help the heater keep it warm enough in there.


Learning a shit load here Tracker :+1:
Keep up the awesome work.
CS is pet safe, correct?
Edit… Or is rodelization?