Tracker's garden

gonna smell that from a mile away :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


If anyone wants seeds from my 2021 garden see the following post…


They keep stretching. More pistils are popping out. The HK is in full flower mode. Temps dropped below 100f for a few days, but they’re back up to the mid 100’s. I backed up cuts of everything in the outdoor.


That sum bitch is gonna cola over the house :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


I’m with @ColeLennon , you aren’t going to be able to prevent them from taking over the house. May as well start anchoring to the gutters :smile:

Looking great!


Ok. Got caught up with your thread. Frickin’ spectacular work.
I am only like 40 miles away from you and my outside plants are no where near a good looking as your trees.
Also, yours are starting to early flower. Mine are just now starting to show bud sites.
Nice thread brother. Mind if I set to Watching?


I will be honored to have you watching my grow!

There are a couple that have already started flowering. One of them has not thrown any pistils yet, and the rest are showing a pistil at each node.

I’ve had varieties in the past that were full on flower in mid-July, and others that don’t stop stretching till mi August.

The beans of (SKxLK)x(Z3x(WCxBM)) that you have came off of a female (SKxLK) that was flowering in July and finished in first week October.


One week since last update. The plants have pretty much finished stretching. All but one have started budding. That one isn’t even showing any pistils at all. It tested female in lab testing, and it isn’t showing male parts, so I guess it’s just a late bloomer.

We’ve dipped into the upper 90’sF for temps. We’ll have a few days until we bump up over 100f again. Hopefully, we’ll get through those low 100’s and then the trends will start dropping off through the rest of the season.

A little visitor


Insane in the membrane. What a beautiful site that is. :metal: :metal: :metal:

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How many plants is that?

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Seven…its a little crowded.

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For what it’s worth, they’re quite impressive for there being seven of them. They look happy.


Well…i try.

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Here’s a volunteer from my Durban Poison which I had crossed with Humboldt Sour D. I’m pretty sure this one’s a HSD male X D.P. Female, (Both are very stable) because the HSD grows tall like a christmas tree and the D.P grows medium like a bush which is odd for what’s supposed to be a Sativa. Together made for a big bush, topped twice. The green leaves sticking around the base are corn. Thought there would be room when i first started. HA! She just starting to show first pistles.

Began with compost, Ocean Forest potting soil and worm casting laid out January, February to let it inigrate with natural soil. Later added a little Cal Mag, A/E, and a little organic 374. Pollinated one bud (fingers crossed) with Everyday Haze which seemsed a little wierd. The male EH went full flower over a onth ago while the fems hadn’t even begun to show any signs of budding.


Nice @EpiKatz ! What part of the world is this?


On the Eel River, about midway between North and South Humboldt, Co. California. Summer starts around late June, early July through Sept., sometimes into Oct. Temps in the upper 60’s upper 70’s. A few days in the 80’s I start seeds in early to mid April indoors under flourescents, put in the greenhouse late April, to mid May. In bigger pots or in the ground with 3rd , 4th set.
Humboldt is the nearly perfect place to grow in the Emerald Triangle. well, Mendocino folks would argue that but they get too hot requiring a lot more water. Drought is a big deal now and growing. I’ll have 650 gallons of water storage once I get my 250 gal. tank set up. Many of the big grows will have ponds dug and lined.


@EpiKatz Humboldt is beautiful country. The most beautiful nature I’ve seen is the forest up there. I felt like an insignificant little nothing next to those trees. It’s a special place for sure.


The entire Pacific Northwest is like that. I’ve been to N. California and lived in Oregon and Alaska. Absolutely amazing region.


Amazing plants and thread! Mind if I tune in this late in the season? I have a little grow going but I cant wait to read through and see all the experience you share here, in fact, I think I had seen your monster outdoor trellis(its alittle hard to miss) a month back and now my little lady has one too, so already you have helped me, Thank you and may your harvest be grand :blush:


I’ll be honored of you follow along.

I’m just a small time hobby guy with a passion for the garden.