Transplant before or after the flip

I am fairly new to og and i love all the cool info and generous people around, couldnt speak highly enough of it… ive been growing for a good part of my life but am looking for some advice. I have a bunch of seed plants that are ready to flower but only a few have pre flowers that in 100% on. Do you guys think i should cut the lights back, sex them and then transplant into final containers or transplant before i switch the lights and then cull males. Im just worried about stressing them with a transplant during flower but itd save me a lot of work and pots. What do you all think?


Transplant 1 - 2 weeks b4 flip so the roots can fill the new shoes. Bigger roots bigger fruits.


It depends on what your end goal is IMO. For instance if you’re vegging in 1 gallons and flowering in 5 gallons and you need to keep the plants shorter, transplant into bigger pots a week or two into flower. If you want them to just about fill the pot by the end of flower transplant and flip.

The only time I ever transplant while in flower is when I need to keep them small.



I was planning 4 plants in 3 gallon pots but ended up with only 3 plants. I moved them up to 5 gallons at ~2 weeks into flower.

No issues, just be gentle.


I have done them like that and have just started the 12/12 and removed the males then repot

to the final pot

give them some flower ferts and they should show their sex

after growing for many many years I have found if the plant is not prone to Hermies

you have to work at stressing them out

all the best and enjoy the day



Thank you @Foreigner @orange @orange @DavesNotHere for the responses. I will try the bud nutes thing and see if that encourages them along, the last feeding i actually gave them half veg half bloom so hopefully thatll help. I also cut their light to 16 8 from 18 6 so ill give em another week and transplant the girls that show and will just gently transplant any late bloomers… Usually i run clones and train them to fill the space, but ran my mothers and so this run is more for finding new moms and i also have strawberry milk x kashmir testers that im anxious to get flowering.


everyone has a little bit different way … up pot about 3 weeks before i put into flower but do not fill the pot to the top …i pull them out of pot and fill up the bottom and then the sides and a bit on top …the reason i do this is because i am using a potting soil that has nutes in it and i want to replenish some of them …also the plant takes a while to actually switch to flower so this gives it a bit of time to root into the new soil …not sure if this is best but it works for me :slight_smile:


Thank you, i appreciate your input… im hoping they will show sex before i flip them but is wishful thinking so i think ill transplant as many as i can prior to the flip and weed out males as i go… i like the idea of the roots having room to spread out during flower