Treedawg's New Adventure

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is their a method to clean seed of insects or fungus virsus before sprouting mmj seeds?

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I believe some people use h2o2 but I am not sure of what strength or duration of soak.

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here’s what the :spy: :dark_sunglasses: show me:


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Make a 10% bleach solution, and swirl your seeds for thirty seconds.
Immediately rinse the seeds thoroughly for at least another thirty seconds, longer is even better.
Drain the seeds on a coffee filter and proceed as usual


best ways to re set grow rooms?

What do you mean, reset? Sanitizing in-between grows?

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yes make sure bugs and pm is dead and room is clean what products to use

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If you have had issues, I would clean with bleach and wipe everything down with isopropyl alcohol after. If it’s just to clean up, I like to use StarSan. It’s an acid based cleaner used in brewing beer and wine. It’s a no rinse, food safe, cleaner. It will sanitize, but I doubt it would effect bugs.

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when making my home made organic soil
if I want to make seedling soil mix what dry organic addmets do I need to add to soil and how much I know I need oyster shell flour how much earth worm casting per cf any other adments for seedling soil?

i don’t have a recipe handy but i’d say use a sifter of some kind, make sure it drains well(i.e sand or perlite) and isn’t mucky, seedlings don’t need “nutes”, so 10% worm shit maybe(max)?..

try making some test batches of different abounts, then plant some lettuce or tomato seds in them & see what works best…

just a thought.


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Brings me back to my homebrewing days ! Still have some of the shit around the house somewhere very good no-rinse sanitizer! I’ll post a name of a good cleaner in a bit but still in bed as of now! Lol

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Good starting point for worm casting or maybe even less the stuff is very dense I went probably a tad to heavy on my last batch of seedling mix a a couple seeds didn’t make it through !

Yep, I use a lot of stuff from the homebrewing store, they are right around the corner. Rice hills for aeration, malted barley for enzymes, citric acid for pH up (rarely use anymore), growlers and airlocks for ferments, funnels, brushes, and paddles to fill stir and clean my sprayer…

Unless you’re making a hot “super soil”, seedlings will do just fine in a normal mix. I use the basic “coots” recipe. You could just use the base soil mix, but I find seedlings to be pretty resilient.

Base soil mix
1 part sphagnum peat moss
1 part compost
1 part castings

Per cubic foot of base soil mix
1/2 cup neem meal
1/2 cup kelp meal
1/2 cup shrimp or crab meal
1 cup oyster shell flour
1 cup gypsum
1 cup basalt rock dust
1 cup glacial rock dust

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Hey @ReikoX I just remembered that name of that awesome cleaner! PBW! ( powdered brewers wash) awesome stuff a little pricey IMHO but takes burnt on stuff in baking pans cleans out coffee stains on pots and stainless steel items like nobody’s business!


Yeah, that’s some good shot too. A little too strong for day to day cleaning, but sure gets those kegs and kettles nice and shiny.


it their a way to kill fungus gants and pathagens in home made organic soil?


Nematodes will take care of fungus gnats quick. Mites work too. Basically you outcompete the bad microbes with good miceobes.

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