Treedawg's New Adventure

yes I am about 20miles from coast it still can get bad I will not have to water right now the plants or not big enough to get blown down by winds and expose roots.

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imeant 200miles from coast

maybe take some cuttings for clones in case they get wrecked!? (insurance)

i can’t think of sheeeiit that you could put put or have your gimp help with. dang.
:wind_blowing_face: :dash:

(or a tornado, for that matter, but i don’t understand why tornado-alley doesn’t have 100% masonry construction after watching “flying-trailer season” every year since i was a kid…wtf?)

:evergreen_tree: <— thinks earthquakes are fun

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will those screw in led bulbs on amazon work better than cfl bulbs to grow/flower our plant?


Hey buddy, Can you click on the link below. This is a pretty good overview of some of the lighting options available.


i’m always ready to share my 2 cents with you :slight_smile:

i tried CFLs early on. work? yes. not great, but better than nothing, no doubt.
there are large CFLs too (a buddy gave me a 95w biggie) but i think it had a bigger socket than a household bulb. they make a fair amount of heat, way more than LED, way less than MH/HP$.
i’m using the screw-in LEDs now & am way happy about the energy-use, using 8 15w(100w-equivalent) in a 4x6x8’h tent. i did burn by getting too close, and the covers ARE removed. you’ll need a helper to do that one for you. (i’m such an asshole i can’t joke about your struggle-- only you get to do that! :wink: ).



what should ph of water be when soaking seeds?

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At the request of the “creator of the thread” this will be closed and opened at a later time, when he needs us to.

We are happy to help, @treedawg. We hope it doesn’t mean you are leaving, give us another shot!

HppHrvst :robot:

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As per your request, thread was re-opened.


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is their a method to clean seed of insects or fungus virsus before sprouting mmj seeds?

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I believe some people use h2o2 but I am not sure of what strength or duration of soak.

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here’s what the :spy: :dark_sunglasses: show me:


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Make a 10% bleach solution, and swirl your seeds for thirty seconds.
Immediately rinse the seeds thoroughly for at least another thirty seconds, longer is even better.
Drain the seeds on a coffee filter and proceed as usual


best ways to re set grow rooms?

What do you mean, reset? Sanitizing in-between grows?

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yes make sure bugs and pm is dead and room is clean what products to use

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If you have had issues, I would clean with bleach and wipe everything down with isopropyl alcohol after. If it’s just to clean up, I like to use StarSan. It’s an acid based cleaner used in brewing beer and wine. It’s a no rinse, food safe, cleaner. It will sanitize, but I doubt it would effect bugs.

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when making my home made organic soil
if I want to make seedling soil mix what dry organic addmets do I need to add to soil and how much I know I need oyster shell flour how much earth worm casting per cf any other adments for seedling soil?