TrevorLahey's Trailer Park 2021

Tent is so packed, I’ve done two rounds of heavy defoliation, but it’s barely made a dent.

These (GRCD?) are absolute monsters. They started blooming 2 weeks after the rest which is unusual. I’m not even sure they’re GRCD, maybe I mixed them up with the Lemon Pie, as they’ve never grown like this for me, but they are labelled as GRCD. Been a struggle keeping them contained.

The rest are all pretty uniform. PRCD, LP, DS. And they get the other half of the tent lol.

I harvested the 4 plants in the other tent. Pretty disappointed in their results, very low yield and airy bud, nothing like when I’ve grown these strains in the past. Not to mention they ran 2 weeks longer than usual. Gonna blame it on feeding them Lucas Formula through most of their adult life.

Here they were pre-chop:

And some quick pics I snapped while chopping.



Beautiful fade colors man!! :+1::+1::+1::love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture:


So… I’m going to share an embarrassing story about my press…

For the last few days I’ve been pressing grams upon grams of sift with my press and getting basically nothing in return.

I didn’t know wtf was going on, my old hair straightener bench vice rig did way better than this…

I was kinda bummed, but thought maybe it was the quality of the input material, since I was using that double processed kief from earlier in the thread.

But something also didn’t feel right with the jack. It was way too easy when it got to “max” pressure. It looked like it gave way a little too with each pump. But again thought nothing of it and blamed shitty input material.

Then tonight getting ready to make another disappointing press with 4g of “shitty sift”, I noticed the release valve wasnt screwed in as far as it should be. It was stuck! I turned it extra hard and something gave way and allowed it to screw in all the way.

It was the pressure!! Or lack of it. Probably why my pucks werent squishing flat as I expected… lol

Unfortunately it took wasting ~15g of sift to figure this out. I tried to press it again with full pressure but just black tar and grossness.

So I said fuck it let’s do this 4g press at 180F with proper pressure…

Lol so yeah… I wasted a lot of sift in the name of learning, but I figured I’d share my failure here so we all can have a laugh and hopefully not make the same mistakes as me.

After being pretty bummed about making this investment of time and money, I love my press now!

I have some really fresh trim that’s going into the tumbler in the next day or two then we can have some real fun! Can’t wait!


That’s awesome man!! Glad you figured it out and it wasn’t a waste of too much time, material and money!! Happy dabbing :grin::grin::grin:


glad you sorted it out. Think about it, you lost very little to learn that.


I am glad you’re happy with it now, I thought you were going to say they didn’t put enough oil in it or there was air in the system.

I had to top up and bleed my floor jack when I changed my winter tires back at the beginning of April. It was a messy experience.


Yeah as great as hydraulic jacks are, they suck if you have to do any maintenance on them. I have 2 porta power systems here that give never been able to fix.

Subsequent squishes have been giving great results:

The tumbler complements the press perfectly. I’ve been keeping it running all the time with bags and bags of old trim and its always churning out new stuff to squish. Can’t wait to have some fresh product to squish in it, as I’ve read that gives the best quality and clarity. Luckily I have a bunch of trim from last weeks harvest that will be ready for the tumbler tomorrow.

Need to upgrade my consumption method though, this Yocan I have now is pretty damn good but lacks regulation for low temp hits and I have to clean the coils all the damn time which is annoying.


This jungle can’t be tamed!!

And started some more in the other tent

2x Cinderevil, 2x GRxCD, 2x PRxCD and… 1 Ghost Rose (GTxSBR)!! Going through my seed stash I found 3 of them that I didnt know I had. I miss this strain a lot can’t wait to grow it again.


That sounds like quite the line up!


I picked up a nice used scale but it doesn’t read lower than 8 grams What/where can I get one than is able to do these?


Amazon has lots of cheap scales


Mail Day!!

This rig was recommended to me by @Mr.Sparkle it’s a Divine Tribe v4, I’m digging it so far it’s a big upgrade from my Yocan rig.

It’s got a titanium crucible instead of putting your concentrates directly on the coil, which is nice for flavor and it’s much easier to clean.

Works like a banger, and can be modified with dozens of attachments to retrofit existing rigs.

I’m going to need some :fire: rosin to test this baby so my recent harvests trim is in the tumbler getting ready to be pressed tomorrow lol.

And a package from the legend @Sebring!!

Looks like a seed run is in store for the future?

Sp250 tent is… well… its packed, kinda hard to manage it at this point so just letting it do its thing I’ve defoliated a lot but it definitely doesn’t look it.

New seedlings are up in the Bridgelux tent, lost a GRCD so planted a Lemon Pie in it’s place.


Looks like a nice score in the mail! I need a nice hash rig for myself also.

Sometimes you pull a full bag of leaves in a defoliation and it still looks like you’ve done nothing.

I’ve had the TPBs stuck in my head all day “Poppa bear to dick and weed over.”


How does this water system work?


It’s a drain to waste system. There is a 7gal reservoir under the drain tray, with a pump on a timer that runs multiple times per day through an irrigation manifold to each plant.

The runoff drains from the drain tray (underbed storage container) into a catch bin (bottom right in the pic above) that gets emptied at the same time I refill my reservoir.


Went for a road trip along the northern shore of NS today and back through the mountains. Was a well needed break from a really shitty week. It wasn’t just a random trip, I had to stop along the way to get my covid vaccine but figured I’d keep going and make the most of the day.

But first I had to make some rosin before I left.

Tumbler with mostly-dried fresh trim produced 7.5g or really dank sift after running for a day.

There’s still plenty more trichs on the trim as it’s a big batch and stuff happens… slowly with the tumbler, every day there’s something to press, but each day quality degrades a little more.

But it doesn’t matter if you’re pressing it…

First I made up a nice 2x2 square with a 37 rosin bag, and tried my first attempt at a “directional fold” to make the rosin come out the front of the plates. Mostly for show, but also to get the product off the hot plates quicker.

Got the plates stable at 175F and stuck it between the plates to warm up for a minute.

After a minute I put some pressure on it until I started seeing some rosin come out of the parchment.

Then I slowly started to increase the pressure a bit at a time over the next 30 seconds.

Then I went full pressure for 2 minutes and let the rosin flow!!

Here’s a video because who doesn’t like some live action rosin porn.

First press yielded 3.2g

Did two more presses which yielded 1.1g for a total of 4.3g from 7.5g, that’s a 58% return, not bad at all

So armed with a fist full of joints and enough concentrates to put Willie Nelson in a coma I hit the road and travelled north west along the shore, stopping from time to time to smoke a joint and have a dab.

But on the way back home I decided to take the way through the mountains, and stopped at the local lookoff for another dab and joint.

Finally made it home just in time to enjoy the sunset.

So in short, today was a good day.



Man, I’m so happy for you that you can just squish anytime you want and you did it all diy style!!! Congrats man and enjoy the fruits of your labor!!


Ayy thanks man! Was definitely worth it. This batch came out amazing it smells so damn good and as it cured throughout the day it turned into a golden brown butter its as good or better than anything I’ve ever smoked before and that makes me really proud to have made it all myself from seedling to dab.

Reminds me it’s been a year and a half since I’ve bought any cannabis products. Despite all the other BS going on in my life I’m still very thankful to be in a situation where I’m not going broke buying my medication. I don’t even know what “other people’s weed” tastes like it’s just been my own shit for so long now lol.


That looked really great Trev, you did an excellent job of building as usual, the results speak for themselves.

Its geat being self sufficient, I am giving most of my weed away to neighbors and friends atm, I have so much and its just wasting away in storage.

Since I got a new vape, its efficiency is so good, plus this low carb, no alcohol and intermittent fasting diet has reduced the inflammation and pain in my body so much, I am only using a gram max a week.

Some days I am feeling so good I don’t even think about having a puff, and its not until the next day I realize I didn’t have anything the day before.