TrevorLahey's Trailer Park 2021

I would give them a go… if you know the issue exists, its not too hard to curb it.


Should have thrown my hat in those Mr.Sparkle’s Saturday Cinderevils giveaways :sweat_smile:, looking beautiful all of them … :kissing_heart:


Coming along, think I’ll chop the 3 smaller ones tomorrow.


Chopped the 3 smaller ones and a Lemon Pie that got cooked by heat.

The remaining 3 plants are monsters.

The cinderevils have buds as big and long as my forearm!

And the Ghost Rose, well let’s just say she is amazing as always.


The cinderevils look crazy! So many buds!


They are insane! Definitely starting some more for next round, maybe even do a whole tent with only them.

And the smells are superb, fruity and floral, citrus and peppermint! Can’t wait to chop em. They only need a few more days/ a week.


I’ve must say !! :exploding_head::raised_hands:

There’s no one that grows these beast of girls like you do !!

Except these two fine people :point_down:

Cudos to @Mr.Sparkle and @ReikoX who makes all these amazing crosses for us to enjoy

And for @TrevorLahey to rock the shit out of them


Thanks for the kind words there @Swe-can!! Some good nutes, good light, good environment and these plants practically grow themselves.

Every time I grow one of these huge quarter pound+ autos I can’t help but think back not that many years ago with people thinking autos are just tiny, half ounce plants with low thc.

I hope I’m doing my part to break the stigma lol


So another 17d gone, lots has happened these last couple weeks.

Chopped the two Cinderevils, they were for sure heavy yielders. Buds were pretty airy but nice aromas and colours on these.

Remaining is this Ghost Rose. Shes at 91 days and still throwing pistils. Sucks because I cut her feed with the rest of the plants 2 weeks ago while she was still growing. Not sure how long I can keep pushing her before the decaying leaves start to cause fungal issues in the big dense buds.

I started more seeds in the other tent, I’m going to run 4 plants per 2x4 tent this round to see if I can still get decent yields. When the Ghost Rose finishes up I’ll love 4 of these into the other tent. The largest ones are 11 days old and the small ones are 4 days.

This run is Cinderevil, Ghost Rose x Cookie Devil F2, (Red Poison x Cookie Devil) x Dark Spark, Ghost Rose, Lemon Pie, Poison Rose x Cookie Devil


Wow Trev they look great :+1:


So I realize it’s been a while since I updated the journal. Pretty much since early October life has just been one crazy rollercoaster. I got sick, and during this same period I started getting really bad flooding in my basement. By the time I got a handle on it (new sump pits and multiple replaced pumps) it had taken so much out of me both mentally and physically. I figured why not fulfill a lifelong dream and make a photography trip around the Cabot Trail. Don’t get me wrong the trip was nice and all, but instead of having a therapeutic effect it made me realize even more how miserable and depressed I have been for so long. I guess it didn’t help that someone I had feelings for came back into my life only to see how much of a loser I’ve become and do a complete 180 and run away.

My plants were growing ok though. I wasn’t even taking pictures of them at the time, just filling up their reservoir and plucking leaves, going back to bed and feeling miserable. By the time harvest rolled around, I was excited to finally have something positive to look forward to. Plants looked great.

Started picking away the buds from a few of my prize plants annnnnnnd mold. Yep, another disappointment. Almost every plant had a bit of mold on the buds. Both tents. I lost probably half the garden, and had to process much of what I saved into dabs. Guess it made sense considering all the flooding that was going on around the tents at the time.

This of course, is all during the holiday portrait season. As a portrait photographer it’s my biggest time of year and the income helps get us through the not-so-busy winter and early spring months. Well this year, between Covid, my depression leading to lack of motivation to get out there and sell my product, and the fact my competition started charging half of my rates, my business really took a hit. So only doing a handful of shoots meant basically no holiday income this year and it just compounded depression further.

But I couldn’t let my grow go without plants in it so I cleaned and sanitized, and started some more plants a couple weeks before Christmas.

They started burning up in their margins around Christmas. My EC pen was saying nearly 2.0EC which was way higher than the 1.0EC input so I thought maybe I’m overfeeding them so flushed with pH adjusted water then started feeding with 0.8EC nutrients.

And the plants kept getting worse.

Then my runoff EC was only 0.6EC.

So back to about 1.1EC and the plants kept getting worse, and the runoff was still way lower (0.7EC) than the input.

So I’m thinking they must be deficient? That high runoff EC reading I got around Christmas was most likely a false reading from sediment or algae in my catch tank or a malfunction with my meter? They even look clearly stunted.

Tonight I switched them to full strength nutrients which total about 1.35EC. I’m hoping they come around but they are all starting to flower and unfortunately are runts. I think my best course of action is to cram them all into one tent and start new plants in the other.

I really appreciate all the people who messaged to check in on me over these last few months. Besides a little bit of Discord chat, I haven’t really been social at all, with anyone, even online friends.

I’d like to start posting my adventures again, but I can’t guarantee I’ll be super active as I’m still in the pits of the worst kind of soul crushing depression and honestly I came here thinking maybe I’d vent a little about my plant struggles to at least get that monkey partially off my back. Maybe I’ll start a 2022 journal if things finally get straightened out.


Good to see ya back, ‘bud’ :+1:



Good to hear from you buddy, sorry life is crap for you atm, I hope you start feeling better soon.

Get some mushrooms, they keep the depression and anxiety at bay for me. One small dose a week is all I need.

I have been worried about my basement as well with all the heavy rain and snow thawing. I haven’t had any leaks, so I think my preventative measures are working atm. 2 years I think since the last leak now.

Take care man, if you want someone to vent to just pm me bud.


Looks impressive, sorry that didn’t help you, an immersive journey in nature usually gives peace of mind. Hope taking care of your new batch and its routines will help, glad to see you back … beer3|nullxnull


Been a real rough start for these. Getting some more pots filled and seeds started then going to cram all these plants into one tent and start anew.

Not even sure what the problem is now. They’re getting full strength nutes at 1.7EC many times a day and their runoff is 1.6EC so I don’t think they’re being overfed or having salt buildup issues. The yellowing of the tops had me thinking light stress (I had lowered my lights recently) so I raised my lights to about 30 inches above the plants but the yellowing is progressing so I’m stumped I guess.

Hoping to get some new seeds planted tonight or tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll have some success with this next batch, I could really use a pick-me-up right about now.


I would check the ph it could be low micro nutrient absorption, like iron, due to ph shift.


Have you checked they are not root bound also :thinking:


pH going in is usually 6.1-6.3 after mixing nutrients and adding ~1ml of pH down to a 5gal mixing container, which has worked great in the past. Funny though, my pen died last week so I have no way of verifying if it’s been out of sorts recently.

@Shadey Well they are “rootbound” in the traditional sense as I always grow in 3L containers but with the auto irrigation it’s never been an issue and no different than running 6" cubes and flood tables. Could there be a rootzone issue? Sure, but I’m not smelling any pythium or seeing rotten looking roots or surface mold.


That may be your issue. Got some drops, the never go bad. :wink:


I gave my drops away to another grower friend a while back, not smart lol.

Got one of the soil test kits though so I just used the reservoir water instead of soil and it looks somewhere between 6 and 6.5 as I expected.