TrevorLahey's Trailer Park 2021

Hell yeah, I forgot about this hack. I think @argo945 turned me onto it a while ago.


Damn another 2 weeks.

I harvested the rest of the plants in the SP250 tent. Some really disappointing larfy plants this round. I overcrowded the tent badly and my training was a little slack.

The Lemon pies were the big producers, 80g on one and 65g on the other.

The plants in the Bridgelux tent were crowding each other out so I had to split them between the two tents. Lots of flopping, training and defoliating this last week.

Was running 60% strength nutrients, plants started showing some deficiencies so I upped the feed to 80%, but now I’ve noticed the EC has been spiking up to 2.2ec recently so I maybe I should increase my frequency and duration again? Idk. PH was dipping to 5.6 too but since I started to add pH up to 6.3 it seems pretty stable there.

Been loving my rosin press, still getting the hang of it but have made some really dank dabs recently


How is the smell on those Lemon Pies?? Are they strong smelling?


They have that classic peppery smell (and taste) that you find in a lot of sativas. I definitely don’t get any citrus out of it, just that aforementioned pepper profile which is strong when growing and after harvest. I really like it, reminds me a lot of the early 2000s and as for stone, its more heady than anything I’ve grown in a while.


When you press your flower what temp do you do it at and how long ive only been pressing for about a minute and half i saw you did one 165 or was that hash also how much flower did you use

Sorry for the bombard of questions have a nugsmasher and have been loving it but am trying to get better yield

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I’ve only pressed hash since I built the press. I do 165F for 3-5 minutes with hash, in a 37 micron bag, inside of another 90 or 120 micron bag.

For flower, what I’ve read is to use higher temps and shorter press times. So like 220F for 1 or 2 minutes.

If you’re using bags look into “bottle tech” folding method. Seems to be the best way to increase yield from flower pressing.


Yeah that’s what we do is then bottle Tec way going to try your trick with double bag and hash (was my favorite rosin ) but it might just be quality of our flower then best we get is like .7 back from an 1/8 th

Thank you very much


Thats pretty decent for pressing flower. Anything over 18% return. Other factors with flower is humidity of the flower itself, freshness, and some strains, despite being FIRE, just don’t yield well when pressed.


Thank you and read about that hoping to find one that is just meant for pressing irie genetics kinda breeds leaning that way


Had a really bad result on the rosin press yesterday. Didn’t take pics because of disappointment and anger, but I put in 11g of sift and got out less than 3g of really dark rosin.

I don’t know why, I set the plates at 165F which is what I’ve been doing with success lately. Only thing I did differently this time was put more in the bag than usual. Was it too much material, too low temp, bad directional fold, or maybe too much pressure, although I’ve been trying to go slow (hard to do with a bottle jack). Not sure, but I’d like to at least have an idea of what went wrong before I press the next batch.


Might be like cooking a turkey, the bigger it is the longer it needs :wink:


was it sift from the same plant as previous batches? How much time did you spend with it under pressure? 3 min,5min? Do you think the multiple micron sacks could have absorbed some of your yield? Final question… have you used a laser to measure the temps of your plates?
Over and Jesus’ place he was smashing 50 grams at a time. Yield like 30 grams out.

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Was a mix of same plant from previous and some other stuff.

Was a total of about 3.5m, and it seemed to take forever before it started to leave the bag, usually starts squishing out right away with barely any pressure needed.

Yes it did for sure, but not by the amount I expected I lost in this press.

Yes measured the plates with a BBQ thermometer and a laser with black tape, temps are within 2-5 degrees of accuracy.

Just didnt make sense when I did everything the same as before. I folded the bag up and pressed again, then again, and got a couple more grams out, but it was really bunk and dark looking.


I’m leaning towards it being the material yielding less and being not as good. Process and equipment seems to be working at nominal.


Nice haul! Nice plants.


Thought I’d post an update and show what’s going on in the grow.

So a few days ago I decided it was time to defoliate these plants, as the tent was getting too packed, lowers were too shaded, humidity was too high, etc.



This one here is the legendary Ghost Rose by @ReikoX. These are old stock that came from the #1 pheno of the Ghost Toof. This pheno, in particular, had a very high tendency to herm, and it did this time as well. Thing is, it’s a very manageable herm situation, as the sacs only grow inside the axils on the bottom ~6-8 inches of the plant. So I just pluck em all off, scar up those axils with my fingernail or a knife, and no more sacs grow from those sites anymore.

Looks like she’s going to be a doozy, these GTxSBR’s stack like crazy and this one is no different. My early training though allowed me to get a dozen or really nice colas forming.

Then came the Lemon Pie from @Mr.Sparkle, man I’m loving this strain. I harvested two last round and it’s just a joy to smoke. All 3 I’ve grown so far have been identical in shape and structure.

And the two Cinderevils to the left also by @Mr.Sparkle, some huge, fat buds on these, I can’t wait to harvest these in particular because they have a really unique fruity-floral aroma that is even overpowering some of the danker smelling stuff in the tent!

And here they are 4 days later I think they’re really appreciating the extra light and room to breathe. They’re about 65 days old but I reckon they could go another 15-20 so I’m letting em run for a bit.

Over in the other tent, the plants (from left: PRCD;PRCD;GRCD) are just finishing up. The one furthest left I swear was done at day 43 but I’ve just been letting it go trying to have them all finish together. I just started flushing this tent too so surely it needs more time, just don’t wanna overdo it when the other two still need at least another week.


Turns out the hermi trait came from Sugar Black Rose. I’ve abandoned that project unfortunately. I grew out another SBR from the same seed stock and it had 7-8 of those lower node flowers. I just culled it. :frowning:


I saw the news, do you think the desirable traits we see in the Ghost Rose (structure and stacking, vigor, distinct aroma) came from the Ghost Toof more than the SBR? If so, might be worth trying to get our hands on some more Ghost Toof if there’s any out there to be had!


I have a couple of Ghost Toof seeds left. I may play with them again and see.

Unfortunately, I do think the SBR is what led to the nice stacking and solvent type aroma though. I have seen similar structure and smell from the Dark Devil x SBR and the Red Poison x SBR.

I have yet to be able to smoke a pure SBR plant. :rofl:


Good point, I have a DDxSBR seed left here, waiting for that day when I have the right pollen to hit it with, as it was also a winner. Too bad eh.

Fun fact I have a bag of ~200 seeds here that came from when GTxSBR pollen hit my other 3 FAM plants (2xDDxSBR and RPxSBR iirc) but mostly from a DDxSBR. I just mixed em all together but left out the S1 seeds from the Ghost Rose. They’ve been grown out 3 times now and haven’t hermed yet and made some nice plants even for outdoor, but haven’t given them a shot in my own indoor grow. Thinking I might do just that for one in my next grow just to see what I get.