TrevorLahey's Trailer Park 2021

So I went to order the REX-C100 and they were on backorder with no ETA.

Impatient as I am, of course I caved and ordered the Inkbirds instead.

Luckily they have $8 coupon codes right now so that makes em a bit cheaper.

This is what all the guides out there use, and I’m sure I can lean on @ReikoX if I need help wiring these up.

Budget is climbing though, currently at $160CAD and that’s not including the press kit and other hardware.

Now I need a jack, not sure how many tons I read 6-12 tons for 3x5 plates but also saw people use less.

For the utility box, the boxes on amazon were either too small or too expensive. Perhaps just a wood box, I already have lots of that.

I’m also not spending $30 on glands and power outlets where you gotta buy packs of 10. I’m sure I can scrape up some materials that will work just as good.

So all said and done will likely be about $220cad for everything except the frame and hardware bits.

I could have bought a 3x5 DabPress and a jack for $320 so in the end I’m saving myself about $100, and getting the satisfaction of making it myself?

Well I needed a new project to work on, and I’ve been wanting to do this for a while, so I guess it’s worth it.


A few materials. The jack will need some sort of way to retract, as it requires a lot of force to push it down.

I picked up four 3" compression springs, perhaps I can build one of those cage things like in the fancy presses?

I assume I’ll need a 4x7 steel plate for top and bottom, 4 bolts and some nuts? I probably have most of that on hand already.

And, is that wood I’m seeing people use as insulation? Makes sense I guess, just seems like it would burn up.

I also picked up some pretty strong stretchy springs, in case I have to make something like this:

I don’t have the crossbar piece for my frame, though :frowning:

The PID and electrical components won’t be here for another 2 weeks, so I have some time to figure this stuff out.


You’ll be squishing and dabbing in no time man!!!


Spontaneous combustion happens at 300C for wood, if you are hitting those temps on the press it’s… not good :slight_smile: I pressed at 65-67C no chance of fire.

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Even some of the consumer units I’ve seen have wood pads, would probably help to put a few sheets of parchment or silicone baking mat between the wood and plate for added safety.

And hey I picked this up for an absolute song on FB marketplace today:

Now I need to source some cheap silk screen material, and build myself a kief tumbler!

Throwback to @99PerCent who planted the idea in my head a few years back with his ingenious creation.


Plants are doing well,

These 4 here are just passing day 60. They seem to still have another week or two to go, which is abnormal but not unexpected as autos of even the same strain can have varying finish times that are affected by a variety of factors.

The newest plants seem to be enjoying the switch to MC 321 (yeah that’s what I’m calling it now deal with it) using the 80% dosage of 3g/2g/1g per gallon which is still a little too much for my plants but I’m sticking with it. I tried 3.6/2.4/1.2 but it was way too hot and started burning up the plants almost overnight.

For training, I’ve just been doing basic tucking and spreading open of leaves to expose bud sites. I find when I do this every day I still get bushes that dont require supercropping/flopping or LST. Sometimes if the apical meristem gets a little too dominant I’ll flop it over at the height of the side branches but that’s about it.


@TrevorLahey how do you like this combo?
I’ve used the Orginal megacrop and always found it needed extra Calmag. Do you find this version to be better overall?


I ran it for two runs last year, looking back, I realized it gave my best results compared to some of the other stuff I’ve tested so I ordered ~40lbs of each lol

I’ve been using it for the last 2 weeks in my current grow and after playing around with the levels a bit, the plants seem to love it.

Currently using 3g/2g/1g which is 80% of the “full strength” 3.6/2.4/1.2


It’s a 3 part system? I thought it was just the 5-12-26 & the Calcium Nitrate…


The 3rd part is epsom salts.

Not 100% necessary, as the MegaCrop version of this formula includes some added magnesium in the 5-12-26 (part A), but it’s basically a clone of Jack’s 5-12-26 formula, which requires the epsom salts as the 3rd part, so that’s what I’ve been using.


Makes sense, so basically your doing
Megacrop 5-12-26 @3g per gal
Megacrop Part B @2g per gal
Epsom salt @1g per gal


Yep, the Part B being the CalNit

From past experiments, and from research, a bloom booster like monopotassium phosphate (MKP) can be beneficial for some strains and in some setups, when using a 5-12-26 like this, but also not required.

All in all it’s just a really robust nutrient system that works as-is but offers a little room to play around with ratios and additives if wanted. And of course hard to beat the price.


Is this still considered Organic Nutrients? :thinking:
Probably not though :confused:


Many of the components are organically derived, but wouldn’t be classified as organic by most definitions.

I really dig the term “synganic” as a blend of synthetic and organic both in reference to nutrients and in growing methods.


Not organic, I think they mentioned Vegan. Organic would be Gaia Green, Canna Bio, Earth Juice and lots of others but I’ve had almost no customers over the years that use organic liquid nutrients. Just never been popular in BC. GG and Welcome Harvest before GG was used by several growers that came to BC from Quebec.


This is why I moved from MegaCrop Orginal to Giga Green for my no till soil. :upside_down_face: however after seeing good results from “MegaCrop 321” @TrevorLahey I’m thinking of trying it on my vegetable garden. Kinda side by side comparison.


Training day!

Lots of tucking and weaving, and even a few meristem flops today. The tent should fill out nice. The Lemon Pies (2nd from right) are looking really promising now that I’ve flopped their mains over. They had a lot of nice undergrowth and should make for a bushy plant.


Defoliation Day!!



Filled half of a 5gal bucket with leaves but you can barely tell lol.

The plants in the bridgelux tent are taking their sweet time finishing.

Really can’t wait for the warm weather. These <20°C temps in the basement can be pretty discouraging when you can see your plants underperforming. I’ll have to find a solution for next winter.


Hps in winter

Led in summer


Looking great in the trailer park, Rickey would be proud :grin::grin::grin: