TrevorLahey's Trailer Park 2021

Yeah I add a 600w HPS to my 2 LEDs in the flower room in winter to keep the heat up.


I was thinking more of adding a 400 or 600w heater in each tent and using my sonoffs to trigger them based on variables. You can get pretty granular, like only have the heaters turn on when the temp is _____ and humidity is ______ and if exhaust is _____ while lights are _____. That should save some $$$ on the electricity bill instead of having an HPS or heater run all the time.

Only need a few extra degrees from January-April or so that should get the job done.

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My heater only comes on when the temp drops to 70f and goes off again at 72f. I figure its better to have the benefit of more light while you are increasing temps. More bang for my $ to than just a warmer tent, but if you have enough light already, it may not be prudent to increase it.

I need another 400w minimum of constant heat in my workshop during winter, just to keep it around 80f


Yeah, my plants are pretty much maxed out on DLI.

Last year I put my drivers inside of my intake ducts and that actually worked really good but was just messy and ugly so I stopped doing that.

I have all summer and fall to figure out a plan for next year, but my HPS days are far behind me, besides I sold all my old gear anyways hehe.


This is my ebay press, 187$


Please tell us about your user experience with this. I like the price!

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Needs to be bolted down for best pressing, heats fast, usually within about 2-3 mins. Can press pretty tightly with it. I’ve only crushed an 8th with it and got a little under a gram of rosin.

I’m sure I can rig a jack to this somehow too.


Yeah those screw type units can be had for a pretty reasonable price, glad to know you vouch for them, for those that don’t have the ability to DIY or just want an inexpensive pre-built unit those seem like a good option.

For small amounts, there should be enough platen pressure in those units to be efficient without any loss, so a jack wouldnt really benefit any. How big are the plates on that particular unit?

Also, plants.


4 3/4 x 2 1/2


Then there should be plenty enough platen pressure, even if maxing out the plates, to not warrant getting a jack. Looks like a solid unit for personal squishes.


Looks like price went up


Looks like the shipping is pretty brutal on that listing. I’ve seen ones like this on Ali and Wish too, for those interested.

The DabPress units also look to be a great option, and can be found on Amazon. Can get a full 3x5 kit for under $500CAD(~410usd) and I know enough about them that I have no problem recommending them as well.

Have seen these pop up on Amazon as well, with coupon codes up to $100 off. Can’t speak for quality, though, but looks like an affordable option under $250CAD.


wow an arbor press type! Never seen one before!


Flopped a bunch of the tops over in these two shrubby plants. Opened things up a lot. Should help ripen up the lowers.




Prototyping a cage setup for these plates.

I didn’t have any 3/8" steel flat bar around, and I’ll be damned if I’m spending $60 for two stainless plates. I have a 3/8" aluminum plate, but I fear that would probably bend under pressure.

So… all hardwood?

I think hardwood will be fine, I put it in the press and went full pressure with it, worried it would compress the plates into the wood, but when I released the pressure there was barely a line in the wood

Not even sure I need to make another one. I’m not happy with the slight curve in the hardwood, but I have no other adequate pieces of hardwood here, and it probably doesn’t matter anyway. Of course I want everything to look nice when it’s all built, the wood kinda looks ugly but could be painted maybe?

Don’t mind my redneck musing…


You have the wood crowning in the right directions so it should straighten out once the pressure increases.


Just clued in I had a bamboo cutting board here. Very flat, it’s a ply, but I worry the heat from the plates would melt the glue in between the layers.

Might give it a shot because I’m not 100% satisfied with the prototype and would like the whole rig to be about an inch wider anyway.

Still have a week or two before the PIDs and other electronic components start rolling in, so I’m just trying to figure out what I can do now so there’s less to do when everything gets here.

The mesh for the tumbler should be here around the same time, so I have a couple of builds to keep me busy this week.

Oh and plants,


Is this every watering or every 2nd watering?

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I feed every watering. My indoor grow is all coco, but even in my soil mixes for cannabis and veggies I still fertilize every watering.

I used to only fertilize once a week with my soil and potting mix grows, but I noticed they grew so much better when I was hammering them with nutrition every day.


Cool. Thanks