Trichome Microscopy 🔬 Harvest Timing Science

New scope


Nice shots.
Is there anything special about the cultivar in the pics?
The reason I ask is…
There seems to be what is refered to as early amber trichomes.
Some say these cultivars are special.

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Mac1 in pic was just checking trichomes

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mac 1 is pretty special…Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just cross linking a post I made about cheap microscopy options for casual users:


I just finished growing a plant that had trichome caps so small I couldn’t make any hash. It was crazy! 45-100 microns, trash level. I figure the cut off is at 100 microns. If you are at 150-100 microns cap size, that should be safe.


I just read how a plant that has a virus will not produce as many trichome heads and the heads will also be deflated a bit.
I wonder if the 2 are related?


If you are talking hops latent it kills the metabolism of the plant so the synthesis of thc and so on fails.



Reminds me. If you purchase one of those microscope slides that has graduations on it, then you can start measuring the dimensions of objects in the image. What you do is:
Take a digital photo of the slide, which has 10 micron and millimeter marks on it. Draw a line between the 10 micron marks and see how many pixels that is.
There’s your basic measurement! 34 pixels per 10 microns/micrometers = 3.4 pixels per micron. ← that’s just an example, it’ll be different for your camera setup.

That’s what it looks like.


Apollo XX



Nice one brother! :wink:


:exploding_head: holy shit I can see the three weed plants reflection off the tric it looks like! Anyone else see that?

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I want that as a poster :joy:

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Same trichome, different lighting:



I’m not sure who I told yet, but one of the integral steps to getting buds that are really stinky after they are dried is letting the plant bloom until it’s done. That’s when stink reaches peak levels, and smell is one of the harvest indicators I use. If you have a plant that peaks stink levels at day 69, and you cut it down on day 45, it’s ruined. It’ll wind up with more of a hay smell instead of something you want.


Exactly, in my view you’re letting the resin pop from the glands and leak, which happens at maturity. The longer (and dryer) the last few weeks, the more resin exudes out and coats the buds. Edit: for clarification I now think this leaking is a good thing and I look for it, along with 🫧 bubbles inside the caps.

A hard dry/cure in a commercial unit or better yet, in my V2 drybot will have the buds almost scentless after a few days … until of course you grind it and get slapped right in the face with the stink!!!


why is that a good thing? I see a lot of people say this about cannatrol. it seems like a huge drawback. that only happens to me when i don’t cure right, aka dry too fast. a jar of good bud is smelly usually.


My air-dried nuggs are stickier, stankier, and tastier than my Cannatrol-dried buds. My cannatrol-dried buds all smell and taste the same… green, like they were dried too quickly :joy: “I just need to dial it in better” :roll_eyes:

:sweat_smile::raised_hands: My cats don’t even like catnip that has been dried in the Cannatrol

It’s a cool toy though.


thinking I dodged a bullet. those things are expensive. now to just figure out how to get my microscope to not look at leaves. the pics in this thread are wild.