Tripl3fastaction grows Pure Michigan and I96

Would the pure michigan and I96 be from OnTopOfTheWorld? Love the setup


Absolutely yes, from On Top of The World Genetics.

Available exclusively at :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Tripl3fastaction - very nice. They look like some healthy plants you got going on. That setup, :ok_hand:

I will admit, I’m envious of it a bit. That’s the kind of setup I had in mind to work up too. I made it to autoPots, I’m comfortable here… I still want to up it a bit. Its just so damn expensive, that tray alone is what, $100+


Yeah, shipping costs have made drain trays pretty unaffordable, but they are kind of important if you want to grow like this.

My setup is pretty overkill for a tent in the basement, but I’m retired, and it was either this or golf. I convinced my wife this was cheaper :grinning:


Im terrible at golf, so add lessons in there and I might be able to convince my wife the same. :crazy_face:

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D24F. Stretch is over. I had to supercrop most of the branches on one of the I96’s, but the rest of them behaved decently. I started pushing the P & K a bit with some MC Bud Explosion.

Here’s a typical I96 flower structure. The one PM I have is lankier than this.



Jacks 321 @ around 2.5ec. 81f/72f. Mostly around 55-60% RH. Migrow Spectrum + at 450 watts, shooting for 12” off canopy which would be 900-1000ppfd.
Growlink feeding between 9am and 6pm, about 15-20x per day.
Getting some edge “burn” on some, but they are generally doing okay. Not seeing any intersex issues.


D40 12/12.

Not much to report, they are bulking up. I have some major taco-ing going on, likely due to me putting my fans overhead and pointing them straight down. The high light intensity surely isn’t helping either …
Regardless, I’m just gonna keep doing what I’m doing, not much point chasing shit at this stage of the game.


Looking awesome bro!

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D47. They are showing my abuse, and couple that with moving to the 0 nitrogen Jacks part A, I don’t expect to win any pretty plant awards. Still testing my “theory” that more light + high EC + high temps is a winning combo, plants be damned. Buds look pretty nice though, still a long ways to go.


D58F - (week 9, day 2)

Tent is a bit of a mess again, but plants are doing well. Here’s an I96 flower structure:


It’s been awhile. D76 since flip. I think most would’ve pulled by now, but I’m not seeing amber and I’ll be shutting down for a bit after this so I can let them run longer if I want.

Been using the Jacks 0 nitrogen Part A for about 3 weeks now and the fan leaves are getting used up and plants look pretty ugly. The Pure Michigan is trying to self fertilize a bit which tells me it’s about time. The tent smells like cannabis. Wish I could do a better job at that description.

Only 1 Pure Michigan, it’s the one with the taco leaves. It did not appreciate my light level.


These ladies are going the distance!

Are you running this until harvest?

The buds have some nice color :+1:

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Still looks like great flower. :beers:

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That’s actually the “replacement” formula to try to emulate the 5-12-26 Part A, since I ran out of that and had a big bag of the 0-12-26. It increases the B and the epsom to offset the 0 nitrogen in the A.

For the actual “finishing” part, I’m running it at the ratio of 3.79a/2.52b/.99epsom., which is the normal ratio I run. And yes, I always feed til the day I chop, albeit I do reduce strength some, but I’m still probably at about 1.5EC. The EC in my blocks rose as high as 13 (!) overnight towards the end. If I were to put plain water in the blocks the roots would not be happy and I’m guessing the whole plant would just shut down.

(Interesting side note that my new Grodan rockwool specifically states to condition the blocks to 3.0EC prior to use. That’s a very specific number compared to what they said in the past. Maybe there is something to the higher EC’s …)

Thanks. I can actually keep leaves green to the end, just trying something different to keep it interesting. The true test is a month down the road :grinning:. Appreciate the comment!


Finally got the energy to chop a few. D79.
My pics suck, sorry.

Pure Michigan



Close this out after a 14 day hang dry. I’m actually hard pressed to tell the difference in the plants, but I only had 1 PM so I can’t make any judgements there. Overall, the PM had tighter, smaller buds. If yield is your thing, the PM did 6ozs, the I96’s between 3 and 7oz each. So no problems there. Nose? I can’t tell. Effect? Still early but seems solid. Haven’t checked all the plants but I haven’t had a “wow” moment yet. Nice and purple, good sized buds, no complaints. Seeds were produced by @TestOfOath and are available for a very reasonable price from

That’s a wrap, thanks for looking!


Happy to see these came out decent for you and mostly to your liking brother, you did a fantastic job growing them it looks like. Unfortunate that they didn’t wow you, they looked like they had a lot of personality growing! Have you had any more experience with em after curing and stuff for a bit? Were the flavors satisfying enough? Did you notice any pain relief from the PM? I’d heard from some folks it was supposed to be good for that but haven’t been able to verify for myself yet.

I got new fems out now, I’ll be dropping them soon and been kinda working on hyping em up for the drop on social media and stuff, you’re more than welcome to some if you’d like.


Thanks. I think they turned out great, I have no complaints, other than I only got 1 PM female out of the bunch :grinning:. After about 45 days, it’s all turned out real nice. I honestly can’t tell much difference between the I96 and the PM, but again I only had the one PM. I’m never a good test for potency because I’ve got so much damn tolerance, but it definitely works.

Thanks for offering up more, very generous. I’m just not sure when I’d ever get to them. Hope all is going well, good to see you post.


Did a great job my friend, two great strains no question.