Tripl3fastaction - Spring '23 BOG OG seeds + more

Well chunkied.

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D59 flower.

Getting closer. This grow was an equipment test grow, and I just wanna get it over! I hate seeing all these holes in the canopy. Growlink doing fine, readings will get wonky during periods of extreme overnight dryback. Looking forward to next run with proper substrate volumes.

Sour Strawberry Kush glamour bud shot


Woah that IS a nice budshot! How close is she?

I like the wooden dowel aesthetic :call_me_hand:

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Still not much cloudy on the SSK’s. Maybe 5-7 days? I’m not sure how fast she’ll turn on me.

Wooden dowels- yeah who would ever guess that pre-cut 48” wooden rods are actually significantly cheaper to purchase than a like amount of pvc?

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It’s covered in trichs, you saved cuttings?

Need to place a “live laugh grow” sign to complete the vibe :joy:

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I do have a clone going. All of the sour strawberry plants are super frosty, I’m just not sure what is going to remain once I get all the leaves off it. Seems like it would be a good candidate for pressing or hash


Gonna stick to rockwool?

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Yeah, I’ll still do rockwool, just a bigger size. Old dog, you know.

I’m aware of the environmental issues surrounding the use of rockwool, but I think once you decide to grow inside (and use electricity to grow plants), you’ve kind of decided you aren’t going to be “green” anymore.

Sorry, off my rant, I know that wasn’t the point of your question :slightly_smiling_face:.

It’s clean, they deliver it to my door, no bugs, wife doesn’t bitch about me lugging bags of “dirt” in the house. So it just works for me for a variety of reasons, I respect those that feel otherwise. Just wish it was cheaper.

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No, no problem. I agree, same reasons I liked it. It’s inert, sterile, light weight (when dry), doesn’t come with bugs, AND bugs don’t actually like it much (gnats at least). It’s become even more expensive than it already was, though.

Have you tried the mini cubes? They’re about a 1/4" cube. Fill nursery pots with them, or whatever. You can get a bulk box of them, It’s 5cu/ft, or 150L total, I think. I’ve gotten it a few times.

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I’ve not used the cubes in bulk. Honestly I haven’t really priced them out because I knew then I’d have to get pots, etc. but I’m sure they’d work good.

A starter cube into a 4” block then onto a unislab - which is my normal protocol - ends up costing me about $8 per plant for the rockwool. That’s why I like to get them sexed before I put on slabs since you can’t reuse anything really.

Any idea how that compares to a coco or soil grow?

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D64F, or Week 10 day 1 if you prefer…

The SSK’s are pretty much ready at any time, Frankie still a few days away. Bogbubble not giving me much encouragement about finishing. I have a new light coming next week so I’ll be anxious to finish this run. It would be nice to pull them all at once but doesn’t seem likely now.

Gratuitous SSK pic


I have some bogbubbles from a pack I got from a friend who purchased them from seedsherenow. Mine are on day 62 and they also don’t look even close to finishing. Very weird and not expected from bog bubble


You got to know when to fold them. Actually I’m still not sure they were “done”, but I have a tendency to ride them into the ground so pulling early was somewhat intentional. Plus, I discovered that one of the SSK’s had a bit of a self love session, so I felt it best to move on. Most of the harvest seems okay seed wise, but I haven’t dug deep, but I think the tent is 90% sensi.

Learned a lot, already setting up for the next go around.

I knew growing in 4” cubes would be tough, and wanted to see how Growlink would react. It pretty much did what I asked, which was to keep the plants from drying out. Unfortunately, in a 4” block, they dry out fast. Which means you need to water frequently. Which means your plants are perpetually in a “vegetative” state, which means you are growing lots of leaves, which is evident in my grow. So I’m looking forward to next time, using my traditional UniSlabs. It’ll be so much easier with the higher moisture reserve.

Finally, shout out to @Mithridate , @GrouchyOldMan and @Cyr_grow for gifting me the genetics for this is much appreciated, and I look forward to growing out some more of the generous supply of seeds you each provided.

Bud pics and medicinal report to follow in a month or so (and Best In Show award) but now the Miss Congeniality award goes to this Bogbubble, courtesy of @Cyr_grow . Completely untrained and crammed during veg, but she’s dense AF, stinky, and purple. 28” tall in a 4x4x4 rockwool cube, probably 150g+ dried. hard to visualize, but the main cola is larger and longer than my forearm.

If you’ve read any of this, I salute and thank you.


@GrouchyOldMan, here’s a final pic of your Frankie S1. She didn’t get as leafy as the others, maybe b3cause she was the only plant topped , was bigger, didn’t have a probe, and was watering off of the needs of a smaller plant. Learning moment there… Easy grow, thanks much.

@Mithridate, didn’t get a pic of the SSK’s prior to harvest, , but one trait they all shared was they were super frosty, even on the fan leaves. 2 were real squat (24”), 2 had dominant cola that sho5 up above the rest of plant. Leaves curled up, no matter the ppfd. 3 were bright green at harvest, and 1 was purple with structure similar to the BB posted above.

That’s what I got, thanks.


Hey man. Nice finish to your grow.

I think a case of the RW cubes would now cost about $190 cad. That’s 150L I think.
A Canna coco brick is about $25-30 cad. They’re 40L when expanded.

Coco appears significantly cheaper.
The only thing I still wonder about, though, is how much of each type of media is actually required for a plant of a given size. My understanding was that less RW is needed for a plant of equal size than other media (Peat, Coco, for eg.).


It was a fun grow to watch, you did good :+1:

Interesting observation on the tacoing, usually a sign the room is running hot but with led its unlikely…

Good to hear the frost was there. Part of the objective when selecting was to bring it closer to a hashplant.

Sucks about the hermie though… I ran the female cuts 3 times and males once in, once out before making the final call. All were clean so it’ll be interesting to see what happens when I throw 100++ outdoors



I water stressed the heck out of these plants at various times, changed from hps to led mid flower, pounded them with nutes, crammed them together early, etc. it’s a miracle only one of them got randy on me, I blame grower related stress :slightly_smiling_face:.

The leaves always taco’d,probably didn’t like my airflow I’m guessing. Leaf temp was always mid 70’s.


Congrats on a successful grow and thanks for sharing your rockwool drain to waste technique. That hike up the steep learning curve with the new Growlink gear was impressive and now you’ve got it dialed!

Your final pics of Frankie are gorgeous and I know you’ll enjoy the unique high those buds deliver. If you care to cross post those pics to the “Daughters” thread I’m sure they’d be appreciated.

Well Done Brother,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Yeah, smaller plants+ hydro can be fast paced and tougher to nail, still you completed the run and learned some so it’s a win.

Curious if the ssk had the strawberry smell for you ?


Just general overall fruity smells at this point, I can’t pin down anything obvious yet. I’ll follow up on everything one they get some cure time. Thanks again to all!