True Origins of strains and misconceptions.....

I wanted to comment on the Lambs Breath…when I was smoking this it was called that, Lambs Breath. Back in the day we used to have sheep, now I was friendly with them and often had the chance to smell their breath when they would come up to me. Indeed the Lambs Breath I was smoking truly smelled like a lambs Breath, so I assumed thats where the name came from. Smelled just like lambs Breath, kinda grassy with a sweet milkish smell. Btw, a sheep’s breath doesn’t smell bad…just sweet grass smelling, :wink::grin:.



Indeed, it was originally known in Boston as Lambs Breath when it was circulating through the area. It wasn’t until the last days of this Unicorns life that people started calling it Lambsbread. I will always refer to it as Lambs Breath but fully recognize the Cannabis Cannon as referring to it as Lambs Bread.

One thing is for sure, it was certainly cultivated in Jamaica and brought on boat to the shores of Massachusetts.

It just goes to show that these unicorns can still be had but usually occurs by chance other than deliberate breeding…at least by chance during this era.


Not sure if these are what your looking for.
Hope it helps.


Hola, @GoatCanna

Jamaican LB has been my grail since I smoked some at my cousin’s wedding.
They owned a moving company in Westchester NY and employed Jamaicans. They treated their employees so well that they were given a multi-gram joint smuggled back from Jamaica as their wedding present. My cousin could only a couple puffs so she put it out and gave it to me.
I smoked it with my other cousin.
We got the happiest high ive ever been. Like i was my highest/enlightened self for several hours. I was cracking jokes and feeling like everything in life was Perfect.

So I did a shit ton of research the past umpteen years.
The original line grown on the island was brought over from southern west Africa, namely Angolese. This was also spread through the rest of Caribbean, Central America, and NE South America.

Skunk made it to the Island in the early/mid 80s.
Thats when the elders started holding tightly the sativa Jamaican, allowing the Skunk to become the export.
Fast-forward to the first hightimes cup in jamaica and Jamaican Pineapple Skunk won the Cup. White Buffalo Seeds got the cut and bred with it.
I grew out JPS x Willie Nelson and bred it to Snowhigh’s High Voltage. Amazing, really. But not LB. However, very much more Irie than the common Skunk going around.

We at OG can better track down what you were smoking if you can describe the appearance and smells of the bud. In the commercial export game, name means nothing as hundreds of different lines have been given the name LB since Peter Tosh got the authentic lime from the elders.

I did get the authentic Peter Tosh line last year, but lost it in the fire that burned down my home.
True LB is 20+ week flowering. Same as what JGL reproed and is posted above by Mithridate

If anyone has the Peter Tosh LB, it will take priority in my breeding/preservation projects.


Hello Slammedsonoma420, thanks for sharing! They look interesting for sure. I will certainly run some Landsbreath / Lambsbread again at some point.

I’m hoping to find some folks that were closer to the source of the strain that was briefly around the Boston area in the late 80’s. Unfortunately I was never close enough to the actual source to know anymore than the very basics, such as, it was certainly grown in Jamaica, certainly a cross, and certainly called Lambsbreath (at the time).

I would love for someone closer to the source to chime in. I could get my hands on just about anything during this timeframe, but this was snapped up before it ever reached the “general” channels of distribution.

The logistics chain is where we can creep closer to the true story. I’m the least common denominator in this, just a very fortunate person that had/has connections. I was able to secure about 4 ounces over a 1+ year hustle of 1/8 at a time…and $35 an 1/8 which was unheard of during this time. The best people to chime in would be the ones that got a qp to sling, even better would would be the ones that were getting pounds, and best of all would be the group that received the shipment. Of course on the Jamaican side of things would be to know everything. The onion layers of this story are out there and it’s certainly worth telling.

This is sort of out of place in this message but I should have mentioned that this strain was one of the most intense creeper crops of all time, in fact I’ve never tried anything that even comes close.

Thank you very much for the bean resource and your interest in this lore.


I saw a Lambs Breath strain a handful of times in the early 00’s in Charlotte NC and it rivaled everything else that was really good at the time. I hunted for it specifically for years afterwards but could never find it again. This stuff didn’t look like a stringy jamaican/equatorial sativa. The flowers looked like good kind bud, dense and frosty. Unique flavor.