BC Strains of Yesteryear

Wondering if anyone wanted to have a discussion post to discuss or shed light on some of the BC strains of yesteryear. As someone from another part of Canada, part of my youth was spent spending alot of money on “BC Bud”, and I remember with great fondness getting bags of Mighty Mite and BC Purple Kush.

In my adult years, I have more resources, and the internet has provided a great amount of info around some of the genetics that people were working with in the 80s and 90s. I just really wanted to get some discussion going or relive some memories of things that may or may not be around as much anymore.

I recently grew some ISS which has that wonderful skunky citrus smell, that creates alot of nostalgia. Wondering if anyone had their top three strains from around BC (or Canada) for that matter, so that I could start to fixate on them haha and seek them out.

Pics of said ISS.


You’re in the right place bud!! I know lots of fellow :canada: OGs here that could point you in the right direction! GL!


I’m fortunate enough to be born and raised on Vancouver island. Most of my childhood smelled like texada timewarp and UBC chemo.


Super fortunate!
Have not had the opportunity to try out the timewarp, but its on my list. I also heard a tiny bit about pinewarp, which seems just as interesting.


You NEED Texada Timewarp if you’re looking for heirloom BC strains!

Spidey at shitseeds.com (or @ShitSeeds here) has the most reasonably priced example I’ve seen.


Maybe I’ll try that out too! I have never even heard of it!!


Jordan of the Island sells some Timewarp seeds that are pretty close to the clone only. I grew a few this year, big plants that love the outdoors. Also on the topic of joti you can’t forget about God Bud she’s a classic around here


I feel like to do it justice it will have to be outdoor, trying to plan out my spring plans for a nice outdoor run, and will include it in the running. I realistically am very drawn to heirloom bc strains, as they always seemed to be the pinnacle and had really unique terps and flavour profiles. Trying to figure out if what I got back in the day was actually some of those strains.


Another one you want if you are collecting is Port Alberni Pine Bud a.k.a. Romulan. Also Friezeland (alternate spelling Freezeland). I know it was available in BC but I associate it more with Quebec.



Thanks @Gpaw

Wondering if you knew where to get Romulan, I have seen the strain around alot, but always the discussion about whether it is legit Romulan. Also, never heard it refered to as Port Alberni Pine Bud before, which is really interesting.

In terms of Friezeland, I used to always get that in Ontario, but it was of dubious quality, and has always left me wondering when cared for and grown without profit in mind, would it be much better than the commercial representations, same with M39. It always was headache weed, but wonder if it could be done justice.


Also wondering if anyone has heard about or tried fraser valley blueberry hashplant. I have a notepad where I make note of any interesting Canadian heirloom strains I hear mention of online.

If you have a peak at our thread, we just posted some bud shots. I believe it was 16 inches. I’m processing it this weekend. Bubble hash time.

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Well, there are offerings out there from places like Crop King etc. but I wouldn’t trust them.
I checked with Dr. Greenthumb - no joy, they used to have it
(some interesting genetics there also $$$ prices) they have been in business ‘since the ark landed’.
Maybe Old School Breeders Association?? They have a good rep.


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I was gifted a cutting of Timewarp and I don’t think it’s the one Joti did I was hoping it was the real deal.Did yours from back in the day look anything like this?She grows dinosaur leaves outside emerald dark green kind of larfy buds with open bud structure.Bugs won’t touch it and it only gets WPM twords the very end of the grow cycle if it’s real wet and Rainey getting cold flowers like warp speed fast .Indoors small leaves more closed chunky bud structure lemony Spicy citrus indoor my out door was a champagne grapes and Spicey citrus slight grassy.This has to be one of my all time favorite bud to smoke like ever In 25 years.I could smoke this all day if it didn’t keep me up all night this stuff has almost no ceiling.The outdoor bud leaves a shiny greasy covering of oil on your fingers that gets tacky.


Just had a look at your thread, the bud is crazy! @ShitSeeds

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You have me flashing back to Mark’s beat up black desk at HempBC back in the mid 90s. I know we picked up some Mighty Mites from him back then. I know there are some in a box in my house that I have been trying to find (not trying very hard) for the last year or so.


texada timewarp x oaxaca cross in San Diego

I have some Mighty Mite seeds that were part of my pic of the month winnings back in January, from @Mongobongo
Says 2009 on the package


Oh wow! let me know if you pop them, would love to see some in action, and also some cared for, the mite I had was very commercial and of dubious quality.


Oh to be at HempBC in the mid 90s. Hard to tell if I am overly romanticizing the genetics of that era, but I feel like there was so much diversity and interesting history to the development of those genetics.

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