Trying to initiate plant sex for the first time

daddy kushmints (f2) above at about a week after flipping, and rabid hippies cut of kushmints f1 down below (edit; female is about 3 weeks into flower, I know this is a little backwards from the advice given but life has been sending challenges my way and this was easier than my original plan while still getting the IBL seed I was really after anyways… I think I still have enough time to form good beans as the female peaks at 11 weeks and from what I understand I could run a little past her prime harvest time for flower to ensure seed health… male looks like he’ll start to burst anytime but hopefully within 7 days leaving me 49 days for seed production + a little extra if I need to? Could be counting my eggs before they’re laid here, that is just assuming the male does what I want)


Hey @Terpfiend97 . That male has at least a week, probably 2, before it starts dumping pollen. Usually we start the male 7-10 days ahead of the female and try and go for pollination at 3 weeks on the females.
Just because your seeded herb is within the harvest window, doesn’t mean you have to cut it. It will be fine to flower until the seed is ripe, regardless of the ripeness of the bud. Seed takes 4-6 weeks to mature after pollination. Sample the seed from different spots and harvested when the seed is done. It should be fine. Best of luck on your pollinations! :grin::v::canada:

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Yeah I’m doing it a little backwards… I just had the female off to the side in a flower room 2 weeks prior to starting this little project, and I’ve been back and forth from a hospital everyday since I made the thread basically (I’m fine, just visiting) I didn’t want to overly neglect anything so I didn’t try to do a whole bunch of different cuts in smaller pots, so instead uppotted my male and the female when she was already about 10 days into flower (I know, multiple no, no’s all at the same time) so I wouldn’t have to spend too much time looking after it all… The clone from this male is rooted, so I’ll try again with my original plans and better practices my next go round

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We are officially dropping pollen, though I’m not getting clouds of yellow like I expected from this boy, havent noticed any browning of pistils on the female yet either